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The Town of
Torbay, Newfoundland


The Presentation Convent
(of Torbay)

I walked the road quite often
Sat near the Convent square
And watched the sisters silently
As they circled there in prayer.
When their prayer was ended,
They'd come and give a smile
No stronger friendship could one have
From the sisters all the while.

They came from different places
To the Convent in Torbay,
I'm sure they loved each minute,
Each hour of every day.
There was a smile for everyone
And everyone a prayer,
I never thought I'd walk that road
And not see the convent there.

A building near a century old,
I think it quite a shame,
The sisters all have bid farewell
To a Convent filled with fame.
The stones, although have formed a cross
On the sight that was so dear,
The convent will be sadly issed
There'll be many a silent tear.

I attended that dear Convent too,
Though many were there before,
Taught by the highest quality
From the finest of sisters I'm sure.
It brings ack fondest memories
And I will miss it so
The Presentation Convent,
I was sad to see it go.

Cyril Eustace

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Shelley O'Brien
28 Doyle's & Quigley's Lane
Torbay, NL
A1K 1A7