About The Webmistress


Name: Hayley
Age: almost 14
Birthdate: 08.07.89
Lives: Manitoba, Canada
Faith: Christian and proud!
Since?:First gave my life to God summer of '98 I think.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, listening to music and building websites
What do you do in your spare time?: Read, write (I have four novels in progress, and I'm thinking about trying out fantasy, so...), create RP characters I rarely if ever use, listen to Skillet, sometimes listen to the radio, draw, write in my journal, build websites, or talk to my friends.
What do you want to do with your life?: I'm thinking about writing. I love to write. I just writer's block a lot...hey it's gettin' better!
Pet peeves?: Dirty fingernails and when peoples tags stick out of their shirt.

Colour: Blue
Food: Pizza
Movie: Lord of the Rings, then The Matrix
Tv show: 2030 CE
Band: Do I really need to answer that one?
Non-Skillet band: Linkin Park and 38th Parallel (tie)
Non-Skillet song: Hmm...can't be Skillet....I'd say a tie between Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park and Horizon by 38th Parallel.
Book: the Belgariad/Mallorean fantasy series by David Eddings
Actor:Curtis Harison and Elijah Wood
Animal: Tiger

Concerning Skillet:
Fave song: AHHH that's a though one...I guess today it's Locked in a Cage. It's changes often. I love 'em all! Especially Take, Locked In A Cage, I Can, Kill me Heal Me, I Trust You, You're Powerful, The Fire Breathes, Eating Me Away, Vapor, Rippin Me Off, Best Kept Secret...I'll stop now.
Fave CD: OHHH I love 'em all!! I'll say...Alien Youth.
Fave Member: Dude I'm not answering that!! They all rock! I guess maybe I'd say John 'cause, you know he is the lead singer and chief songwriter and the vocals and lyrics are what drew me to Skillet...but I like Korey cuz she's so energetic..oh I love them all the most!! :)
What do you like most about Skillet?: Oh even thougher than all the others...Everything! I love the vocals, John has one of those amazing and unique voices that no matter what you can never get him confused with another band's lead singer (as least I can't). I also love the lyrics, oh the lyrics. My friend thinks the lyrics are so twisted (she like slower, more 'normal' stuff) and she can't understand what any of the songs are talking about (except You Are My Hope), I just love the lyrics. Lol especially when it's something like 'Break my bones' or something. But that's not all I love. I love the message, I love the guitars, I love the bass, I love the drums, I love the keyboards, I LOVE EVERYTHING! (have I made myself clear yet?)
How has Skillet impacted your life?: I've never told anyone....and I think I'll keep it that way. Let's just say they drew me closer to God (trust me, there's more to it thnen that).


So, there's some useless information about me, that I'm sure you really didn't care about. Who cares, I love surveys about me! :D