
Name: John Cooper

Date of Birth: 4.7.75

Instrument: Bass

Hometown: Memphis, TN

Height: 5'11"

Marital Status/Kids?: Married with 1 Daughter, Alexandria Christine (born Oct 23, 2002).

Band(s) before Skillet: Funky Dynamo

Current / Previous Job other than Musician: Previously janitor at my church

Sports / Activities in High School: Basketball, student gov't, marching band.

Top 3 Bands of all-time: Yes, King's X, Innocence Mission

Guilty Pleasure: Prince

Favorite Food: Fajitas

Favorite Movie: Braveheart

Something God has taught you in the last year: Most of the Christians that I know that are really living "in the world" are also compromised. I believe that God wants to give us power and release power in His people. This year I prayed that God would give me power in my life to see people healed and demons cast out and people to get saved from it. Jesus saw this every day, and we barely ever see it. I felt that God was saying to me, "to really see Me move in power in people's lives, you have to be in the world! But if you've not been trained in the Word and prepared to know Him radically, then you are not going to make it." This year I want to be in the world and be a radical voice for Jesus in my generation.

Gear: Trace Elliot head & speakers
GMP Bass Guitars
GHS Strings
Mesa V-twin Pre-Amp
Crybaby Wah
Electro-Harmonix Bass Micro Synth
DOD Grunge Pedal

[Bios Courtesy of Panheads.org]