
Name: Korey Cooper

Date of Birth: 7.21.72

Instrument: Keyboards

Hometown: Kenosha, WI

Height: 5'2"

Marital Status/Kids?: Yes, married to John Cooper. 1 Daughter, Alexandria Christine born Oct. 23, 2002.

Band(s) Before Skillet: Alkeme

Current / Previous Job other than Musician: No

Sports / Activities in High School: Basketball, Soccer, Choir, Madrigals, Jazz Choir

Top 3 Bands of all-time: U2, Police, Peter Gabriel

Favorite Food: Cereal - Cap'n Crunch, Cocoa Puffs

Favorite Movie: Braveheart

Something God has taught you in the last year: God has been teaching me about always walking, living, and serving in His strength; and is drawing me deeper into dependence upon Him. I've been looking at Jacob, Martha & Mary, and Caleb. Jacob because he wrestled with God -- ie. he walked in his own strength until God, in His grace, put his hip out of joint. What a release of freedom he felt as God conquered him. Martha & Mary because Mary sat at Jesus' feet, while Martha was busy doing. It's so easy to "do" for God in our own strength without first waiting on Him and being in a place of rest in Him at all times. Caleb, because he was a man who could look beyond his own strengths, and see the mighty hand of God. He was a man who lived in the rest that only God brings and relied fully on Him.

Gear: Korg Trinity Pro V-3
Korg Prophecy
Korg O1W fd
Korg Delta Roland MC 505
EMU ESI-4000

[Bios Courtesy of Panheads.org]