Past Updates

I know it's been about a month since I've updated. I've been meaning to get pictures up, but with school and other things I've been a bit busy. This update is just to let everyone know that I haven't forgotten about my site. oh, and listen for Skillet's new single, Savior, which has officially been released to rock radio! I don't know if your local station plays it, but I do know that is playing it.^_^

Click here for an article about Collide.
Apparently Skillet's new album Collide is scheduled for a release date of November 18th! I slightly changed the scrollbar (as if you really cared to hear that...) and I am working on getting the bio page fixed...soon! I'll also get a few more pictures up sometime this weekend. I don't have time to today.
Added some pictures from Creation West today. ^_^
Put a few more pictures up from the Savior Video Shoot, kinda evened it out a bit, so it didn't look so spaced out, the thumbnails are very small. The Pictures pages are going under minor renovations, nothing noticeable, just to help me get it a bit more organized. If some of the pictures aren't showing up properly, that's why. I promise you I'll get everything done within a couple days and it'll all work properly.^_^ I'll be putting up some newer pictures soon, they'll probably be up before the weekend starts. ^_^
Put up some pictures from Aquire The Fire. For the sake of something to do, I also added two more pictures from when Skillet was in the studio. And I got the pictures ordered in chronological order, at least as well as I could, and I seperated them into two pages, 8 galleries (sections-such as 'Hopefest' and 'Alien Youth Tour') per page (that sounds like a lot...but there's only an average of 3-9 pictures per gallery). I found it was taking to long to load.
I fixed the Ardent Worship lyrics, when I bought it I noticed that my site had some errors. I'm also doing some little changes, like I changed the arrows on the scrollbar to a brighter green so you can actually see them, I'm in the process of changing the Bios page a bit. So if you notice somethings not working right that's why. I will get around to putting the pictures in order, as son as I figure out what order they're all supposed to be in.
I got the X2003 DVD, and I figured I'd just let y'all know that The Kill Me Heal Me video on it isn't as new as I was led to believe by the sticker on the cover. It's the Unplugged Invasion version. Just thought I'd tell ya!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Yeah, the webmistress of Forever Skillet is now fourteen. Yay! Okay now on to a real update. Well, I have a monitor now (our old one died on friday and I've been computerless since) so I'm planning on putting the pictures in chronological order, at least by year. It won't be done right away now that I get to open my gifts right away, but I thought I'd tell you that while I wished myself a happy birthday :) Oh, and I just noriced that the text was a bit big (okay, more like ten times too big) in the July updates section, so I made it smaller.
I have a confirmation on the new Skillet CD. It will be called Collide, and though there is no set release date, they're aiming for mid-November. I didn't think of actually checking with the official website before...*rolls eyes* Yeah I'm smart. Lori updated on July 14th about it at

I got some pictures from the Savior video shoot up! I didn't get all of them up, since there are 32, but I have nine. And there was a picture from the Memphis In-Store that wasn't showing up, fixed that.

Well, I believe I'm finally settled in here at angelfire! If you noticed I've missed anything, don't hesitate to let me know! I'm also archiving my older updates. This means I'll only have one months updates here at a time. Links to past updates an be found at the bottom.

I didn't get the chance to get everything over to my new host, so I'll be working on that and between today and tomorrow I hope to have it done. Please do not take my word for it as some of my sources could be inaccurate, but I found out that Skillet's new CD is supposed to be called Collide, and should be coming out on November 18th, I believe. I don't have any confirmation either way about this, but since I've heard in two places now that it'll be called Collide, and I've heard two different November dates (the other was 'on or about Nevember 4') I don't have any doubts, myself. I do know for sure that Skillet recently shot a video called Savior. I'll be getting the pictures up on my site once I'm all settled in over at Angelfire, but for now for now you can view them over at

As you may know, Skillet was featured on the X 2003 cd with Kill Me Heal Me. Well, last night, I was browsing through the bookstore at my church, and I noticed X 2003 is on DVD, with 14 music videos, including Kill Me, Heal Me! Yes, that's right. Skillet has a new music video! You can check out the X 2003 website here. And yes, I am working on getting my pages over to Angelfire. It's just that I don't think there's a way to transfer them, so I have to work with copy and paste. If I don't get it done today, hopefully I will Saturday. ^_^

I'm transferring my files to a new host,, right now. Unlike geocities, angelfire allows you to use the extension .php, so I can make a layout and easily update everything :) When I've got everything transferred, I'll get rid of these pages, and redirect it to my new url.

I finally figured out why the font was stuck on bold, and I fixed it!! Yay!^_^ And I am working on making a real layout for Forever Skillet, just a simple one, I have neither the experience nor the resources to do anything fancy. Hopefully I'll get something up eventually.

Woohoo! I got Hey You, I Love Your Soul today^_^ So I fixed the lyrics, since my source wasn't very accurate. And I'm finished the main page of By the Fans! That means I am now basically finished Forever Skillet! *congratulations Hayley!* Please send me your fanart, cd reviews and opinions of Skillet! Once I have something, I'll be able to make those pages. You know where to email me!

Got the links page up!

I finally signed up for a guestbook today! So please leave your comments, praise, constructive critisism and all, I really appreciate feedback! And Guess what else I did? *drumroll please...* I got the Pics finished! See, I told you I was working on it! ^_^

Alright, I found the scrollbar a bit too bright, so I changed it. Now it's just outlined. ^_^ I know, I haven't finished a page in a while, I've been busy and geocities hasn't been working properly. Soon! And I forgot to put up the link for About Me last week, sorry! So I did that. And I changed the style of the links! Yay I'm getting better with HTML/CSS coding! I'm pretty sure soon I'll start working on a real layout for Forever Skillet, sometime after I get the original site all finished. ^_^

I'm finished About Me! Yeah, Again I was supposed to finish Pics but I decided to do About Me, just cuz I love surveys! Don't worry, I am gonna get it finished!!

I have the Contact page up and running! ^_^ I know, I said I'd be working on Pics, but my computer's being slow for me today and the pictures and taking to long to load. I'm about half done them though. I also added the cd cover to each title in Discography. Now it's not so plain. ^_^

Well, you learn something new everyday! And today, well a couple days ago, I learned how to make tables in HTML! Now what does this have to do with Forever Skillet, you ask? Well, I added a picture to everyone's bio, using a table! If you're wondering when I'm gonna get a new page done, I'm working on Pictures, which, as you should be able to tell, is next on the list! I've got a few pictures, but not nearly enough!! Just be patient, it'll be finished eventually...

I know, it's not that big of a deal, but I changed the colours of the scrollbar! I hope you're not getting sick of all the green! And I decided to make a By the Fans page. You can send me your fanart or whatever, anything you did that has to do with Skillet! I don't care if it's handmade or done on the computer. If you don't want to wait until the page is up and running, you can email me [] your stuff now. I'll also be putting polls and stuff on there, and whatever I think of that has to do with fans.

I'm finished the Downloads page. I have audio clips of most of the songs and some music videos. I would have put a link to download the Planet Kosmos font, but geocities is picky about the files you're allowed to upload. I don't know how many of the music videos are going to work. I know the Best Kept Secret and Alien Youth videos work, I've watched them. However, the first four my computer won't let me load, I don't know if they'll work for you or not. The rest of the videos (Day 7) I've watched often. You don't actually need to download them, it's just a link to a website that allows you to watch it. I put them on Downloads becuase that was the only place they really fit in.

I finished the About Skillet and Bios sections today. I also forgot to put up the link for Discography before so i did that!

I have finally successfully completed Lyrics and Discography. Yay! ^_^

I think I'm pretty much satisfied with the homepage for now, but once I get more experience I'll probably redesign it. I am taking a special internet course next year which a friend, who's dad teaches the course, said would teach us html. I always learn better if I don't teach myself, so I'm sure the site'll look a lot better by then. I've decided that once I get a page completely finished, I'll put up the link and let you see it, otherwise you won't see anything for a while.

Well, I am now officially on holidays, so I'll be able to do tons more work on Forever Skillet. Woohoo! I do have a couple more pages done, but I probably won't officially get them up here until I'm perfectly satisfied with touch-ups and things like that. I'm doing a lot of experimenting with html, so it'll be a little while.

I'm rebuilding Forever Skillet using html. I'm new to it so please bear with me! Hopefully I'll learn more over holidays and get this finished.