<HTML> <TITLE>Episode Summary</TITLE> <BODY BG COLOR="191970" TEXT="FFFF00" BACKGROUND="dddf136.jpg"> <CENTER><FONT SIZE="+4"><B>Episode Summary</B></FONT></CENTER><P> <CENTER><TT><B>Season 1:<P> 1. Death Has a Shadow<BR> When Peter mistakenly receives a Welfare check for $150,000, he attempts to<BR> return the money to taxpayers from a blimp at the Super Bowl<P> 2. I Never Met the Dead Man<BR> After Peter topples the local cable tv satelite by crashing his car into it,<BR> he then drives the family nuts by spending more time with them.<P> 3. Chitty Chitty Death Bang<BR> Meg infuriates Lois by going to a party instead of celebrating Stewie's<BR> birthday, and to make matters worse,the party turns out to be a cult meeting.<P> 4. Mind over Murder<BR> After punching a women he thought was a man at a soccer game,Peter is put<BR> under house arrest and turns his basement in a bar where lois becomes a<BR> acclaimed lounge singer.<P> 5. A Hero Sits Next Door<BR> Peter gets extremely annoyed when a wheelchair-bound neighbor one-ups him with<BR> his winning attitude and slick maneuvers at a company baseball game.<P> 6. The Son Also Draws<BR> Peter takes a wrong turn on his way to NYC and winds up at a Native American<BR> casino where Lois becomes a slot machine addict.<P> 7. Brian: Portrait of a Dog<BR> Brain's misbehavior at a dog show temporarily lands him on death row at the<BR> pound.<P> Season 2<P> 8. Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater<BR> The solution to making good on a ten millon dollar bid Peter makes at a<BR> charity auction seems to be donating a mansion Lois just inherited from an<BR> aunt- until the building, formerly a whorehouse, is deemed worthless.<P> 9. Holy Crap<BR> When Peter's dad is forced to retire, he is hired on at Peter's factory, but<BR> the old man quickly creates misery with his autocratic stye. Peter's idea for<BR> getting him fired again- convince him to kidnap the Pope.<P> 10. DaBoom<BR> When world wide disaters usher in the new mellennium, the Griffens relocate to<BR> a new town where Peter becomes the weapon-championing leader of the citizens<BR> of this new world, who eventually runs the family out of town.<P> 11. Brian in Love<BR> A therapist tells Brain his carpet-wetting is the result of his repressed<BR> feelings for lois.<P> 12. Love Thy Trophy<BR> When Stewie is placed in a foster home because Meg falsely claims he's a crack<BR> baby in order to get bigger tips as a waitress,the neighborhood puts aside<BR> differences to get him back.<P> 13. Death Is a Bitch<BR> In an attempt to aviod a hospital bill, Peter pretends he's dead, thereby<BR> attracting, then trying to outrun death. When Peter injures Death in a<BR> scuffle,he must temporarily takes over Death's unpopular duties.<P> 14. The King Is Dead<BR> Peter wrestles control away from Lois during Quahog Players theatre group<BR> production of "The King and I",making the play into a cyborg battle,complete<BR> with bikini-clad dancing girls.<P> 15. I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar<BR> Peter's sexiest remarks at work land him face-to-face with a feminest attorney<BR> Gloria Ironbachs, who sends him to a sensitvity training class that makes him<BR> to sensitive.<P> 16. If I'm Dyin' I'm Lyin'<BR> Peter gets a reputation for being a healer when he "miraculously" cures a<BR> made-up disease Chris uses as part of a scam on the "Grant-A-Dream"<BR> Foundation.<P> 17. Running Mates<BR> Peter and Lois face off in a bitter run for the school board<BR> president,culminating in Peter spreading lies and sexy pictures of Lois around<BR> town.<P> 18. A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Bucks<BR> When Chris's painting is championed by a snobby New York gallery owner who<BR> alienates Peter, Peter decides to exploit Meg's bird whistling talents.<P> 19. Fifteen Minutes of Shame<BR> The Griffens star in a reality television show, but Meg quits, prompting the<BR> producers to replace her with a scantily vixen Meg while the real girl becomes<BR> a nanny for the Von Trapp children.<P> 20. Road to Rhode Island<BR> Brain goes to California to escort Stewie home from his visit with his<BR> grandparents,but the dog's drinking binge results in the two travelers losing<BR> their luggage and tickets, prompting them to jump trains and trucks all the<BR> way back to road island.<P> 21. Let's Go to the Hop<BR> When a craze involving frog-licking hits the high school, Peter goes under<BR> cover to stop the euphoria-causing trend and winds up as an icon of cool.<P> 22. Dammit Janet<BR> Stewie falls in love with a toddler at day-care named Janet,while Lois, now a<BR> stewardess, and Peter, taking advantages of free trips, board a plane that is<BR> hijacked to cuba.<P> 23. There's Something About Paulie<BR> After the Mob helps Peter get his car repaired, he and Lois keep trying to<BR> aviod repaying the favor. In the process, Lois offends the nephew of the Don<BR> and a contract is taken out on her life.<P> 24. He's Too Sexy for His Fat<BR> Although Chris rejects the idea of liposuction in his efforts to lose wheight,<BR> Peter becomes addicted to plastic surgery.<P> 25. E. Peterbus Unum<BR> A technicality allows the Griffen home to secede from the U.S. as an<BR> independent country; but Peter's abrasive behavior towards his neighbors<BR> prompts sanctions against "Petoria" by the federal government.<P> 26. The Story on Page 1<BR> Meg writes an unflattering newspaper article on Mayor Adam West, which Peter<BR> discovers before press time and replaces with an article claiming that actor<BR> Luke Perry is gay; Peter then tries to seduce Perry to prove the validity of<BR> his article.<P> 27. Wasted Talent<BR> An over-zealous Lois loses a young piano student she chloroforms in order to<BR> force-train the girl to win the State Piano Competiton, but then discovers<BR> that Peter, when inebriated, us a piano-playing genius.<P> 28. Fore, Father<BR> Peter unsuccessfully teaches Chris to be responsible on a camping trip and<BR> then on the golf course. Meanwhile, Brain successfully convinces Stewie that<BR> booster shots he just received are part of an attempt to control his mind.<P> Season 3<P> 29. The Thin White Line (1)<BR> After becoming addicted to cocaine while working as a drug-sniffing police<BR> dog, Brain goes to rehab only to find Peter, faking an addiction, is his<BR> roommate.<P> 30. Brian Does Hollywood (2)<BR> Brain moves to Los Angeles to write screenplays but only finds work directing<BR> pornos, while Stewie's twisted rants on "Kids Say The Darndest Things" are<BR> thwarted by host Bill Cosby.<P> 31. Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington<BR> When Happy-Go-Lucky Toys is bought out by a tobacco conglomerate, Peter is<BR> made president aqnd sent to Wahington to lobby on behalf of the cigarette<BR> peddlers.<P> 32. One If By Clam, Two If By Sea<BR> Peter and his friends are arrested for allegedy burning down their favorite<BR> bar after it transformed into a british pub; meanwhile Stewie tries to remove<BR> the neighbor baby's Cockney accent.<p> 33. And the Wiener is...<BR> Peter becomes competitive with Chris when he discovers that his son has a<BR> bigger penis, as Meg unsuccessfully tries to fit in with the cool crowd at<BR> school and is pelted with rancid meat.<P> 34. Death Lives<BR> After being struck by lightning while playing golf on his wedding anmiversary,<BR> Peter pleads with death to give him another chance to make it up to Lois, with<BR> a little help from Peter Frampton.<P> 35. Lethal Weapons<BR> Although her newly discovered Tae-Jitsu abilities are handy in dealing with<BR> obnoxious New York tourist. Lois fears her own rage and enters the family into<BR> anger management therapy, which angers everyone.<P> 36. The Kiss Seen Around the World<BR> Meg leaps at an opportunity to intern at the local news station in order to be<BR> closer to her crush, news anchor Tom Tucker, only to discover that Neil, who<BR> has a crush on her, will also intern there.<P> 37. Mr. Saturday Knight<BR> After Peter's boss chokes to death at the Griffen home, the toy factory is<BR> sold and Peter is forced to take a job jousting at the local Renaissance Fair.<P> 38. A Fish Out of Water<BR> Peter puts his family's house in jeopardy with a $50,000 loan for a fishing<BR> boat. Meanwhile Lois teaches Meg how to behave like a tramp during spring<BR> break.<P> 39. Emission Impossible<BR> When Lois and Peter decide to have another baby, Stewie hops aboard a<BR> microscopic spacecraft and enters Peter's body in attempt to terminate his<BR> sperm.<P> 40. To Live and Die in Dixie<BR> After Chris identifes an armed robber who's now bent on revenge, the Griffens<BR> enter into a witness protection program in a small southern town, where Peter<BR> becomes sheriff.<P> 41. Screwed The Pooch<BR> While visiting Peter's in-laws, Brain falls in love with Sea Breeze, the<BR> family greyhound, prompting an ugly custody battle when the bitch becomes<BR> pregnant.<P> 42. Peter Griffin: Husband, Father...Brother?<BR> Discovering he has black ancestry , Peter tries to connect with his<BR> alter-ethnicity, while Stewie becomes obsessed with learning the mind control<BR> secrets ofcheerleaders.<P> 43. Ready, Willing, and Disabled<BR> Unable to stop a car wash theif, Joe is humilated until Peter encourages him<BR> to enter the "Special People's Games" and go for the gold.<P> 44. A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas<BR> Christmastime stress causes temporary insanity for Lois, but Stewie's faith in<BR> Santa is renewed when he receives the plutonium he has put on his wish list.<P> 45. Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows<BR> As part of his sentance for drunk driving , Brain must care for a mean old hag<BR> , Meanwhile, Peter houses an extreme;y rare bird in his new beard.<P> 46. From Method to Madness<BR> Meg and a young nudiest boy hit it of until she brings him home and the<BR> Griffens get naked to greet him, as Stewie fails in his quest to become a<BR> local acting star.<P> 47. Stuck Together, Torn Apart<BR> Peter's jealously lands him a separation form Lois and a date with Gwyneth<BR> Paltrow, whom he thoroughly disgusts, while Brain and Stewie get glued<BR> together for an entire week.<P> 48. European Road Show<BR> Hoping to join a wholesome TV show family he thinks is real, Stewie hot air<BR> ballons to England, while Peter is proud to learn that Lois was once a groupie<BR> known as "Loose Lois" to the legendary rock group KISS.<P> 49. Family Guy Viewer Mail #1<BR> Viewer mail inspires three irreverent tales in which Peter becomes a<BR> gelantinous blob, the Griffens develop superhuman abilities and young Peter<BR> and Lois live in a warped "Little Rascals"-type alternate reality.<P> 50. When You Wish Upon a Weinstein<BR> In this controversial unaired episode, an impressive jewish friend of Peter's,<BR> Mr.Weinstein prompts Peter to encourage Chris to become Jewish so he'll become<BR> successful, too.</B></TT></CENTER> <HTML>