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3/22/03- and another one bites the dust

NEWS! Show last nite rocked, thanx to everyone for comin out. Special thanx to the McDonalds and all the other bands. Hope to see you soon.


2/8/03- Well shit!

We didn't make battle of the bands... who'da thunk it? Its alright alotta people were pretty pissed for us, along with everyone in the band, we can't believe it.

BUT! in true Escort Fashion we've already been spotted for another gig. Feb 15, you should all come.

And "ide-a-pooloza" may actually happen, we're lookin at March 15 (hence the "ide")


1/29/03- Auditions and a show

Auditions start at 4.... So hell we'll play a 30 min set before auditions, good idea right? no brillant. We end up with a huge fan base of people at our show who stay for our audition and i'm sure that helps us with the judges.

We performed brillantly, the music coulda been better, well maybe the vocals coulda been better, but seriosuly it went well and most people said we outperformed Useless Space by a clear margin, like yeah. anyways thamx for checkin.

1/25/03- Another party

Hi, Richie here,
Just getting home from our show tonite and I thought I'd let you people's who weren't there for the action know how it went.
It went well, the crowd got really into it and i was pretty happy with the end result and we're very excited about the upcoming shows. So major technical difficulties, but we're learning from these, and getting better with our equpiment, goin from small shows to bigger shows like this is hard to do.
Wednesday, January 29, we audition for Turpin's Show, and it'd be awesome if we could get a group of fans to show up for that, it's help us get in I think.
Tuesday, January 28, we have a rehearsal!
Friday, January 31, Beau and myself (Richie), will be heading to Cleveland just for the hell of it! well actually for quiz team, but hey! We'll return and get back to business I promise.

OH! Soon we'll have more media available, YIPEE!

1/19/03- Welcome to a new year!

After a long absence since our last show The Escorts are back with some familiar faces, and some new ones as well. We recently have added Mr.Beau Craig to the band, and he will be performing as our lead singer.

A new set list has been structured which we hope to air at our next show (Sat Jan 25).

Practice has become a regular task again, and we're enjoying our new found enthusiasm, come support us at any of our upcoming events.