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Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rock:
A rock made from the consolidation of solid fragments, as of other rocks or organic remains, or by precipitation of minerals from solution.


Conglomerate from out side Kerrville, TX, note the very small pebbles molded together. This rock is similar to breccia except that the fragments are rounded indicating water erosion.
Chert from the Edwards Plateau near Kerrville, TX.
Ironstone from Cedar Hill, TX
Low grade Coal from western Louisiana
High grade lignite Coal from Colorado
Gary unweathered Shale from Cedar Hill, TX. Note the yellow stains on the shale is sulfur.
As with the formation of iron-rich nodules, other minerals can become segregated during diagnesis and may form distinct rounded masses. Here a calcareous concretion has developed in pelitic sediment and shrinkage cracks have been filled with white calcite. Sample is from Cedar Hill, TX
Red and Gray Marl Red Marl from Cedar Hill, TX and Gray Marl from Ft. Worth, TX
sandy, clay, limestone. Sandy, clay, limestone from Cedar Hill, TX.
Chalk from Cedar Hill, TX





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