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All The U2 News Good Enough To Print
So you know that Bono and Ali are celebrating their anniversary at St. Tropaz (spelling?) down in France...and Edge came along, and Prince Albert of Monaco for some reason (grin), and...they're wearing their Pop-album-outfits! I felt the need to tell you this, despite the incoherency. It's cuute!
Weekend Update: U2 will not be playing the NFL opening in New York (duh..) and the new single, Electric Storm, will be out soon. And in a few days, you will be able to buy The Lord Of The Rings on DVD. Heh.
This morning (July 17th), the IRA (Irish Republican Army...a terrorist group) issued an apology to its victims and their families, the first act of this kind to come from the IRA in about thirty years, if I'm keeping track correctly. This could mean peace, or it could mean a one day period of uncertainty, but it is a step in the right direction for Ireland, and those of you who keep track of the boys' home..country.. like I do.. will be glad that perhaps something will finally be done to solve "the troubles."
16 September 2002: new U2 single released to radio
21 October 2002: new U2 single - commercial release
11 November 2002: new U2 'Best Of' compilation released as double CD set. The first CD will include 17 tracks, including the brandnew U2 single as well as another new track. The bonus disc will feature rarities and b-sides from the 90's
18 November 2002: new U2 'Best Of' compilation released as standard single-disc edition.
early December 2002: new U2 "Best Of 1990 - 2000" DVD release. This DVD will include the video clips to all tracks from the CD as well as special features.
U2 may be contributing to an ABBA tribute concert/cd in the near future. I know, this isn't really solid news of any sort, but it leads up to the question I want to ask, which is, are these men going to have any time in the next few months to record new songs, or even have time to themselves? They're doing absolutely everything offered them, and of course various humanitarian efforts as well. Bono showed up at a trial for the drummer of REM, as a character witness (good quote: "You're also known as Bono?" "Yes, for my sins."), and Ali's doing some Sellafield campaigning that Bono's helping with...so when do they settle down, and maybe think about a rest? I don't really mind the new album being put off: Since ATYCLB was such a hit, they're still winning awards for it, and it wouldn't be seemly to have a new album to promote as you're winning awards for the old one. Still, they need some time off.
According to a recent news article about Bono and his political campaigning, Edge begged him not to talk with the conservatives, saying "you're not going to have a picture with George Bush, are you?" Ahh. One more reason to love Edge. And Bono...step away from the Antichrist, dear. That picture of you with Bush is horrid.
Edge and Morleigh are getting married this June! (Finally!) I'm happy for them, but if they get married on my birthday (the 22nd), and I'm not invited...
Paul McGuiness has told us a news snippet: U2 will have their new album out (maybe maybe maybe) by the end of this year. Actually, we believe a Swiss news site that said there will be a U2 single by the end of this year, along with the new Best Of album.
In another news-that-isn't-quite-news bit, Morpheus, the file-downloading system, has a LOT of U2 files, and because Morpheus is cool, it's not just audio...there're pictures, too! Scurry. Scurry now.
For those of you who like to connect U2 to everything you're doing (those of you who eat lemons, buy the same guitar brand as Edge and pay extra to watch television show from the UK in the hope that Bono is watching the same programme as you), read Bret Easton Ellis' books. Not only because they mention U2 sort of frequently; they're also really good. Glamorama and American Psycho are his best, but any you can find will be good.
Ali wants us to know that she and Bono aren't going to be having any more kids, they're "overrun as it is". Okaaay, then.
Oh. My. God. The halftime show. Yes, for those of you living underneath a rock U2 played the Superbowl halftime show, and they verily kicked ass. They played Beautiful Day, MLK, and Where The Streets Have No Name. (I know! MLK! Have they ever played that live? I doubt it.) The audience completely loved them, as did the spokespeople. (And Paul McCartney, who had the ultimate nerve to imply that he and Bono are singlehandedly representing the UK...excuse me but U2 alone are singlehandedly representing the UK. Still, you've gotta love the ex-Beatle(s). Including Paul. Though why'd he have to go and get married...) About half an hour after that, there was an excerpt from a taped interview with Bono and Bill Gates on ABC. Bono & Gates mainly talked about saving children from dying unnecessarily, and dropping the debt. (Of course). Basically: Success! Everyone once again loves U2. (And Bono, no one went home crying, even Rams fans. You made it alll better. Even if you didn't mean to.)I'm sure the game is ALL you'll be hearing about for a few days, so I won't even mention it. (Just, um. NEW ENGLAND!! I love.)
Ok. So this isn't exactly news, but I'm sick and I don't feel like doing an actual update yet. So I guess that as long as this page is under construction, it's okay if it's under for a bit more. But see, while google's image search is a beautiful, beautiful thing, it's amazing what some people will save on their webpage under "bono". I mean, I understand Sunny Bono & Family. Also, if the page is in a foreign language, that's ok, because we can assume 'bono' could actually be a word in their language. Still, a stuffed purple duck? A random segment of a legal document? Could you possibly save that with the correct name? So that I'm not staring at a fugly duck while I'm sick and searching for lovely pics? Thank you. ;o) Okay, maybe later I'll put up the lyrics for Joshua Tree.
The America: A Tribute to Heroes DVD is out. Of course, U2 are on it; performing Walk On. I'd recommend it just for U2 being there, but there's also Dave Matthews and Bon Jovi, making it better.
Well, U2 are up for some NME Carling "Brat" Awards, and while you know I dearly love U2 and want them to win every good award on the face of the planet (because they deserve them, of course ;o) I don't know if they even want these awards. When you go to vote for them, they ask you, along with "Who was the best dance DJ" and other worthless items, "When did you start to drink" and "what's your favorite drug". I mean, sure I have answers to those questions, but the people who would *like* questions like that shouldn't be giving out awards. The award itself is in the shape of a hand flicking you off. Now, I'd actually really like one of those hands, (heh. heh.) but even in technical aspects, it's wrong. In the UK, and Ireland, the appropriate way to flick someone off is with a backwards peace sign.
Newest from U2.com is that...we don't know what U2 will be playing during the Superbowl halftime show. Oh, and in case you haven't heard, U2 are playing in the superbowl halftime show. I don't know if this was news or not.
Supposedly, Aveda has a new perfume called "Joshua Tree". Maybe, but I couldn't find it on their website. Heard of it too? Email me. (Bottom of the screen.)
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