G: "Is there something between the four of you that people are missing because it is an unbelievable surprise."
*camera shows Adam breaking out in a big smile, then laughing as Bono responds...
B: *deadpan* "We're all gay."
*Adam and Larry are laughing, Edge is smiling.*
G: "I've been reporting that for three months."
B: "You got a problem with that?"
G: "I think it's awesome and good for you. Why do you think we call it U2 does Much?"
"Bono walks out in the parking lot where he is delighted to see his long lost friend, The Edge. "Reg!" he cries in a loud, goofy voice as kids on the corner do triple takes. "Where have you been?" ~U2 at the End of the World
" 'You see, Larry,' Adam says, "You let an outsider taste your food for you. I'm not jealous, but if you need someone to eat off your plate, you should always go to your bass player." "
"[Larry:] "...there's a great book to be written about the early days of U2!" Edge looks at [Bill Flanagan] and says, "Oh, no, there isn't." "
"When U2 plays "Crashed Car" Bono suddenly slinks across the room to the mike stand in hobble-legged Macphisto character. In his street clothes, it looks pretty silly, but I notice that Edge is moving the same way, lurching and weaving, as if to give Bono ecnouragement and make sure he doesn't feel like he's out there alone."
"I thought the president looked at them quite jealously."
--Bono on President Bush's reaction to his blue-tinted sunglasses when they met last week to discuss world poverty.
Salon.com, March 18, 2002
"You think you're so tough/You think you've got the stuff/You're telling me and everyone you're hard enough/You don't have to put up a fight/You don't have to always be right/Let me take some of the punches for you tonight." --from "Sometime You Can't Make it on Your Own" a song he wrote for his father.
"You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do." ~Bono
"The truth is that you are many people at the same time and you don't have to choose. It's like Edge describes me - as a bunch of nice guys" ~Bono
The interview hadn't even begun..... and suddenly we all noticed something very peculiar: Bono - is - taking - all - his - clothes - off. The white shirt went first, then his black suede boots, his socks, trousers, and briefs (black with white trim, possibly Calvin Klein, probably Marks & Spencer). "That's better," he sighed blissfully. "Now ask me a serious question -- if you dare." Excuse me but why have you taken your clothes off, Bono? "For the same reason," interjected the Edge, answering on Bono's behalf, "that he's the lead singer. Because he's a rampant sex god with a huge ego." "And a small willy," added Adam.
"The Holy Spirit is like a woman. Undependable. Joke! Joke!" ~Bono
"Where's my public? My God, they've deserted me! This is a crisis. We'd better do something. Stir up some publicity or something. 'Bono in under-age sex orgy.' That should do it. I want my public back."-Bono December 1987
I'll do what you want me to do, because I'm a singer and I just want you to love me -Bono, 7/7/2001
Bono: That was a gig near to Edge's bday and I improvised a song with the words "Gonna make it up as we go along/I love you, love you and our love is true - it's a birthday song for Edge."
"... and then i saw adam, and he just looked so cool. and i said, 'i want to be in a rock n' roll band with him.'" -Larry (Achtung Video)
"I'm not sure if Irish people can dance.... except for The Edge, that is, who is our own funky chicken." ~Bono
"Coke does not add to life. It might be a nice fizzy drink, but it does not add to life." ~Bono
BP: What would you like to have that you don't?
Bono: Feet. My legs just seem to end.
BP: When did you last cry and why?
Bono: I suppose I do everything in extremes - laugh a
lot, cry a lot, fight a lot, make love a lot, eat too
much, drink too much, try too much, cry too much.
Pass the onion..
"Now we get all kinds of racist jibes because we wrote a song for Martin Luther King, or pinko jibes because we did the Amnesty International Tour. Wherever you look we're a target for the loony fringe. So the second night, we're on stage and I'm singing 'Pride' thinking, 'If someone is going to do it it will be during this number.' So I crouched down on the stage, shut my eyes and for a moment the thought of death crossed my mind. When I looked up I just saw Adam standing over me, between me and the crowd. It was a good, good moment."
Interviewer: "Do you consider yourself a good dancer, Bono?"
Bono: "I dance much better horizontally than vertically."
"It's a con! It's a con. It's just a way of putting people off from the fact that it's a heavy mother. It's probably our most serious record - and yet it's got the least serious title. And it just fooled everyone. They all thought we were, you know, we'd lightened up. Which is totally untrue. We're miserable bastards." - Bono on Achtung, Baby, March 1992
"We've made a career out of our personality crises, well, certainly I have." ~Bono
"They [U2's parents] weren't always supportive. Like Edges mother, Mrs. Edge we call her, had a little Volkswagen and she was a really cool lady and she would like put all the gear and all the band in the Volkswagen she'd like pick us up at 4am in the morning to take us home and she was out there so that worked. But my old man, when I came home at night, would be waiting at the top of the stairs with a machine gun, several knives, you know it was just target practice." ~Bono
"I'm addicted too... I'm just addicted to being up here on this stage. Adam, Larry Mullen Jr., and Edge. They're my drug. Tonight I'm feeling high." Bono- Tempe, Arizona
"I've had sex. And sex with a woman, too. Also I started smoking - cigars first and then cigarettes - but I've had to stop because I couldn't hit the notes any more. There are full-voice B flats and B naturals which can be real bastards." -Bono, on why his voice is deeper, 2001
"I think I just said I was smart there - I'm sorry about that." ~Bono
"Midnight, she is on the street, she can't sleep, she's afraid to dream. Ten years old, my Spanish rose, she's seen things she never should have seen." -New Day
"We have already gone to practice. Please follow us as soon as possible. 23 We really need to rehearse!! Lots of love -Edge" Note from Edge to Larry, 1982.
QG: The whole PopMart thing felt contrived and camp
Bono: Exactly! And camp doesn't suit this band. WE're not camp
We'd love to be, but we just can't do it. Even Edge with his
fucking gay mustache. It's just not going off.
"A woman needs a man Like a fish needs a bicycle, And I guess I'm always going to need the Edge!" -Bono, Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World, Stockholm, 1992
Bono : No... (laughs) I'll probably go out AFTER Midnight Mass because actually ...I am a .... vampire. I won't be going to bed early.
Edge: Well, rumour has it that Bono will be naked underneath all his clothes. (laughter)
Edge: I once worked on a farm, I was lowered into a grain hopper. (laughter) That’s absolute gospel. And my job was to shovel grain from the sort of perimeter of this hopper into the centre, where the hole was. So I didn’t last long in that particular job. The working conditions were too bad.
Q: If you guys are going to marry each other, who would you choose?
Edge: We are all married to each other. Bono and adam are married and me and larry.
Q: If the four of you were in a fight, I mean a truly tough brawl, which one of you would kick the other three's asses?
Adam: Bono.
Edge: Bono.
Larry: Bono.
Bono: Me.
Q: Who's got the biggest willy?
Edge: Adam.
Bono: Adam.
Larry: Adam.
Adam: Me.
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