C's life | ||||||||||
Christina's US diary... 08/20 : Today marks the last day of my stay at Crothers Memorial Hall, Rm 521, it's a lovely room that God has given me for my stay at Stanford, and it's such a blessed and inspiring one year spent here. Praise be to the Lord! Though I don't know how to go from here, but I rejoice in what the Lord has provided for me! I guess this will be my last entry before I become a Mrs Yip.07/20 : A few hours after I penned down my reflections in the last entry, I witnessed a very sad mum holding her kid who has breathed her last breath. I was again reminded that what we might think will go on, at least for a while, will end...yet we always seem to get caught in a rush. This weekend we had a wonderful meal in LiuJing's home, had Patrick's sermon today and witnessed Prof Xu's baptism.07/15 : Happy days are always over quickly, without a trace. I need to count God's blessings for the summer camp, for the magnificient fireworks on July 3. From the Summer camp, I concluded that God is teaching me humility here in California. I also need to record times that ripple anxiety, at the silence of the n resumes sent; at the failure to concentrate on the books; at the differences between what I wished it to be and what it is.. Even at times as such, I'm reminded to GIVE THANKS. Each season has its own purpose...06/23 : There's fragrance in the air, summer has its smell. The whole campus is almost vacated...the Summer Quarter is starting tomorrow. I'm relishing this last two months of my student life and pray that God will bless the time richly. The accumulative resume count today is 14. Over the weekend, we had Pastor Sun's farewell party, delicately planned by Pauline. I cooked long beans, not so great as I still can't cook in bulk quantities. We also had a hiking to Wilder Ranches, beautiful seashore scenary, got to know a Quaker couple, Hubert and Chula.06/20 : Attended the commencement the past Sunday, Anselm helped to take some great pictures. Undoubtedly Anselm has been a faithful supporter in the completion of this degree, the most significant is the grocery shopping. Also we visited MaXin & ZhaoChun's house on Sunday and had a wonderful meal. May the Lord continue to bless our friendship and fellowship. On Mon, I was very exhausted by the commencement walking and photo taking. On Tues, I volunteered for the VLAB seminar, had a free meal and listened to people talk about the coming sweeping of the RFID technology. During the meal time, I talked to a veteran guy from the semicon industry, he said he's trying to get out of this industry for its cyclical nature. On Wed, during the Toastmaster meeting, I gave my second speech on 'Eros, Phileo and Agape', I'm not too sure that a second time of mentioning God in my speech (I did it for the first speech too) would make some members uncomfortable. I spent an awful lot of time in coming up with a reasonable flow for the speech, that I believe shared the truth and yet at the same time, was comprehensible. My real holiday actually only started on Thurs. I sent out bunch of resumes on that day. Thur evening, we had a potluck to send Yanling & family away. I cooked prawns. Now the break is almost over, I've had too much sleep. I hope to be more alert both physically and spriritually. Tonite I'm attending the Love and Light Fellowship, hope to know GuangNan's wife more. 06/12 : In the morning, I woke up to a happy day. Outside the window it's the Hoover Tower, it's such a perfect beautiful scenary, that reminds me how blessed I've been to be in this little room. The exams are over. I have a quite number of days to myself to sort out job hunting, wedding planning and ministry. During the exam period, I had lots of ideas to challenge myself in terms of ministry; but as soon as the exams were over, I found that I also became lazy, would I still be able to hear the Lord's leading and act in faith and in His strength? 06/04 : Today I've finished my final class for this quarter. Getting ready for exam tomorrow. Yeah! Followed by a week of break Yeah! 05/28 : This quarter is again coming to an end. The supply chain project is almost done. It was not much sweat. Next week's dead week again. I've applied to graduate in Sept. Spending time at Stanford was really a gift from the Lord, I almost wish I can stay here longer.. 05/02 : Have you heard of 'shunt'? Only yesterday I learnt that it's a plastic device that's used for heart bypass surgery to provide a flow bypass conduit for the blood while punching a hole on the blood vessel...our team is going to do a Supply Chain project on this product made by a medical device manufacturer. I'm very thankful for the subjects I'm taking this quarter, they seem to all tie in together in ways that I didn't expect. It seems that I've just got used to the time table of this quarter and have a feel of the pace. The different study gps and prjt team also have just been ironed out, so now we can effectively complement each other. Anselm has, as usual, very detailedly carried out his new task as the Summer Camp Handbook Committee - even though it's more of a one man show, he calls it a committee. I wish I could be sensitive to the Lord's leading as far as service goes. Pray that we'll be able to serve in His strength and wisdom. 04/23 : My lingering thought this Easter is about unworthiness. There are certain events, actions in life that we think are out of place, kind of wasted; this is exactly how God has treated us. On another note, the classes I'm taking this quarter require lots of class participation as they are case based. On top of that I've joined toastmaster to get more practice for public speaking. The grammarian said my speech was sprinkled with 'mm's and 'ah's that she's lost count. In any case I'm learning to be more brave as each day passes to give my little speech when time comes. 03/30 : Break's over! 03/19 : Exam's over! 03/09-03/15 : Dead week... |
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