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Bass Guitar :

Drums :

Lead Guitar :

Rythym Guitar & Vocals :

The Trial & Error band have been around for some 16 years now.. ..They have opened for acts like: HOT TUNA./ THE DINOSAURS . SHOOKIE BONES/ MERLE SAUNDERS/ PAPA JOHN CREACH /JACK CASSIDY/JADED GATE... And many more...

Trial & Error's first CD was called : TIME GONE BY... that was recorded and produced by Trial & Error @ Schmoogers Studio...

All songs on the TIME GONE BY CD were written by....... .. Dave Longendyke and .

Trial & Error's CD...... ..Pain In The Glass

CIVIL WAR ENCAMPMENT @ Kingston point park...Kingston N.Y.
The building of the Rondout bridge1920.Kingston.N.Y.
Trial & Error Band
Stay Tuned
Order our CD
Please sign our guest book

To hear some of the


Don't forget to sign or guest book. and give your email address so we can contact you for up coming gigs

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