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Pictures~Two or More

The Original Weezer

Wow! This is a great picture. Rivers' hair is long (need to find the picture of Rivers when he was still in Avant Garde...their hair was insanely big), Matt looks just like Matt, Pat may very well be in capris, and Jason is actually in the picture.

The One After the Original

So long, Jason. Hello, Brian.

The One After the One After the Original

Bye, Matt. Hey, there, Mikey.

The Most Recent Weezer

Fare thee well, Mikey. Greetings, Scott.

All Mixed Up

"Wait...what am I doing on drums?"
"I don't know. What am I doing on bass?"
"I don't know. What's happening?"
"It's a conspiracy, I tell you."
"Rock out!"

Brian and Rivers

These two are so cute in this picture.

End Of "Say It Ain't So" With Pat Sitting And Rivers' Juicebox

Yum...Nothing like a nice, refreshing sip of juice after singing such an excellent song. If you didn't know, Rivers is drinking Ocean Spray.

Fixing A Lawnmower

"What were we supposed to be doing here?"
"Um...fixing this..."
"Nah. Can't be."
"It is."

Thirty Minutes Later...

"Okay. Since this isn't going very far, let's have a rehearsal!"
"NO! I need my lawnmower."

Having a Bit of Tea

It's tea time in Weezerville.


Headshots of Rivers, Brian, Mikey and Pat.

In "Buddy Holly"

Pat, cheer up. You rock, and you're about to make me cry.

In "Buddy Holly" Again

You guys are doing as you should...rocking happily. So great.

In Front of a Limo

"What am I doing here, again?"
"We're having a photo shoot right now, so you're stuck here."
"Nice limo."
"We can have a rehearsal later."

In "Hash Pipe"

Good hair day in Weezerville for everyone. This should be in the refrain, but not sure.

In "Hash Pipe" Again


In "Island in the Sun"

ive watched this video for "Island in the Sun" maybe three times. the animal video is so much cooler (other than the fact that Mikey was gone by then). not a clue what's being said.

In "Say It Ain't So"

Rivers and awesome.

In "Say It Ain't So" Again

It's everyone.

In "Say It Ain't So"-Brian and Rivers

Self-explanatory's Brian and Rivers in the video for "Say It Ain't So."

In the Studio

In some studio, possibly during a break in rehearsal/recording. Seems like they're doing a crazy version of the Mexican hat dance...Oh, wait. They're posing like the Beach Boys.


Is that you, Karl? You're in a picture?!?! Oh my, I've found you!
If you'd like to see more pictures of Matt and Rivers playing together Feburary 12, 2004, go to this page, and then read about it happening at that page. I could have cried after reading this.

Let's Stand Over Here and Have a Nice Laugh

"Ha..haha...ha...that's so corny."
Ciao, Roma...i love that shirt...Rome would be cool to go to.


Why is this picture so cool? And where is it at? Looks nice, where ever it is.

More Headshots

Rivers, Brian, Mikey, and Pat have more head shots, so here's another.

On Jay Leno

"Yes! We rock!" Sorry, but it's true.


"It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...hmmm...actually, I don't know what it is..."

Vanity Fair

All I know about this picture is that it was taken on July 24, 2001 at Irving Plaza in New York City (just read whatever you can at the bottem).

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