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Pictures of Rivers

these are, of course, pictures of Rivers Cuomo. let us all admire him.


You have to admit, he looks so gosh-darn cute in this for some reason. Maybe it's the hair-do, or the genuine on-the-back-porch look.

In Black and White

Here is something about this's in black and white.

In "Buddy Holly"

the next part in the video is the girl being all happy because Rivers is looking at her. must check soon.

In "Hash Pipe"

oh no...can't remember...too many parts of this video are just like this. this will be checked, also.

In "Say It Ain't So"

can't remember these words, either, but isn't this great.

On "Jay Leno"

nice picture.


"Yep. I can't see you, but I know you're there...somewhere."

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