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Surf Wax America

The sea is foaming like a bottle of beer. The wave is coming but I ain't got no fear. I'm waxing down so that I'll go real fast. I'm waxing down because it's really a blast.

I'm going surfing cuz I don't like your face. I'm bailing out because I hate the race of rats that run around and round in a maze. I'm going surfing. I'm going surfing.

You take your car to work. I'll take my board, and when you're out of fuel, I'm still afloat.

My buddies and their honies all come along. They seem invincible as they surf along. The sea is rolling like a thousand-pound keg. I'm going surfing. I'm going surfing.

You take your car to work. I'll take my board, and when you're out of fuel, I'm still afloat.

All along, the undertow is strengthening its hold. I never though it'd come to this. Now, I can never go home. All along, the undertow is strengthening its hold. I never though it'd come to this. Now, I can never go home.

You take your car to work. I'll take my board, and when you're out of fuel, I'm still afloat. {You take your car to work. I'll take my board, and when you're out of fuel, I'm still afloat./All along, the undertow is strengthening its hold. I never though it'd come to this. Now, I can never go home.}

You take your car to work. I'll take my board, and when you're out of fuel, I'm still afloat. You take your car. I'll take my board. You take your car. I'll take my board. Let's go!

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