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Synopsis female name 1.*1. Schema or graphic exhibition of the general points of a topic or area. 2.*2. Very brief summary and overview of a thing, especially of a novel, film or theatrical work. Descriptive Content Synopsis: :1-.FACE AMAURY GERMAN ARISTY. 2-.TAPE ON THE FRONT STAR D.1. 3-.lines. Art JOSE MIURA-PHOTO NEWSPAPER THE NATIONAL Now1972. 4-.Peripherals gaps KRANEO IMPACTS AMAURY GERMAN ARISTY. (A):.LOGO logistic workshops clappers ½ island. (B):Colonel CAAMAÑO FALLEN NIZAITO,Valle Nuevo.CONTANZA SDQ. ©:.face Professor Juan Bosch. (D):.TRUJILLO. (E): Papa Doc/JEAN CLAUDE. (F):.Jean-Bertrand Aristide. 5-.MOTION BLUR gaps impacts sucking toward cave left. (A):. Mixed troops. (B):.CHIEF GENERAL OPERATIONS NIVAR SEIJAS.. ©:.C.R.4/1-(COMMAND RESISTANCE ULYSSES A.CERON POLANCO.(box in Dominican flag). (D):.DOÑA MANUEL ARISTY ( MOTHER OF THE ISLAND AND OF AMAURY). €:.mixed troops. 6-. MOTION BLUR GAPS SUPCIONANDO impacts toward cave right- (a):mixed troops(B):.tanks of war. ©:.C.R.3/2(COMMAND RESISTANCE VIRGILIO E.PERDOMO PEREZ.)-BOX IN DOMINICAN FLAG- (D):.BALAGUER. (€):.C.R:2/1-COMMAND OF THE RESISTANCE welcome loyal PRANDT (Chota)-BOX IN DOMINICAN flags- (F):.mixed troops-AR-15. (G):.facade with IMPACTS OF ARTILLERIA HOUSE Kilometer 14 ½.The Americas,SDQ. 7-.Within Diamonds Diamond masculine name 1.*1. Geometric figure of four equal sides that do not form right angles. "the diamond has two angles obtuse and two acute" Iron MASCATA THAT WE PROTECT THE SPACE UNFURLED UNTIL THE DETUVOEN TIME. With Face C.R. 1/1-COMMAND OF THE GERMAN ATISTY RESIETENCIA AMAURY. (A):.canyons 118 mm machine-gun Browning M250 mm-(anti-AEREO). (B):.facade cave,Cave or grotto kilometer 14 and ½ THE AMERICAS SDQ. ©:FACE GENERAL NIVAR SEIJAS. (D):.Entry to grotto with a staircase made of Ramos in T. (€):.ARMY MILITARY AIRCRAFT SENT TO SEARCH FOR AMERICAN give military support and CARTOGRAFICO , for Take photos of the area (area) of recognition with infrared movies since, mixed TROOPS COULD NOT DETECT THE PRESENCE OF THE COMMANDS OF THE RESISTANCE ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH.-With the infrared photographs WAS ESTABLISHED THAT THECommands of the Resistance were under the ground in a cave..after ESTABLISHED THE CO/ORDERED:12/13/14(1/2) ,THE TACTICA AND STRATEGY OF THE MIXED TROOPS CHANGE IN TERRESTRIAL ARTILLERIA ARTILLERIA AEREA WITH AIRCRAFT TYPES VAMPIRES(de Havilland DH.100 Vampire) AND AIRCRAFT P-51(North American P-51 Mustang) Equipped with 500-pound bombs(Mark 82),105 mm rockets and machine guns 50 mm (Machine Gun Browning M1919) .the expansive wave of attacks ended with the lives(Meta-physicist) OF THE COMANDOSDE RESISTANCE , AND NOT SET THE DROPPED THE MIXED TROOPS.IT WAS APPLIED THE THEORY OF12):.text right:head female of all males. (13):.The BEHIQUE GUAYARIX (Tony) of Moya ( PRESIDENT AD-VITAEM THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF ELDERS OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC..:AMAURY:venerable cacique of latitudes.(CLUB OF ETHNOLOGY.). (14):.To fund: FLAG AND ESCUDP CAVE OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Production: logistic workshops "palmeros" 1972-2,00,4-2,016-to-N.