Hey everyone, it is cw1974 from the Matthew West website, created by Jake Wheat, whom I should say is a very unique guy, he is so and way beyond awesome. If it weren't for Jake getting some questions to Matthew, I wouldn't be able to do this page. Thank You Jake so much for all your help.
Well I will say more thanks at the end of the Questions&Answers.
I personally want to, once again thank Jake for getting the questions to Matthew for me, and also to you Matthew, for being nice to answer them. Also, to those who helped me come up with some of the questions to ask.
See this questionaire, thing was also an online English Assignment, well I didn't get to pass the class, because I had once before tried to get these answered, but didn't happen, cause it was my final exam, so I was able to take the same course over this summer, and was praying to God that it would happen. And as you can tell it did.
I hope this did answer some questions of people, if not, next time we have a live chat with Matthew, maybe you can ask it, if we do though, people be considerate to Matthew, who isn't very fast with typing, and be easy on him, and Jake who has to approve these first. Thanks.
God Bless You All, and enjoy the answers, if you use any of my questions and answer on your site anywhere, please makes sure you give me the credit for it, and above all it make sure you ask me first.