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Q&A on Matthew West

Hey everyone, it is cw1974 from the Matthew West website, created by Jake Wheat, whom I should say is a very unique guy, he is so and way beyond awesome. If it weren't for Jake getting some questions to Matthew, I wouldn't be able to do this page. Thank You Jake so much for all your help.

Well I will say more thanks at the end of the Questions&Answers.

Now What You Been Waiting For

cw-"What's Your Full Name?"
MW-"Matthew Joseph West"

cw-"What's Your Parents Names?"
MW-"Joseph and Sharon West"

cw-"What's your birthplace?"
MW-"Downer's Grove, Illinois"

cw-"When is your birthday?"
MW-"April 25, 1977"

cw-"Do you have any siblings, if so names and ages?"
MW-"2 brothers, Joel(28) and Adam(21)"

cw-"Marital Status?"
MW-"Happily Married to Emily"

cw-"Where do you currently reside?"
MW-"Nashville, TN"

cw-"Do you live in the country or city?"
MW-"A little bit of both"

cw-"How old were you, when you met God for the first time?"
MW-"I was 13"

cw-"What High School, and College did you attend?"
MW-"High School-Downer's Grove North, Downer's Grove Illinois, and college-Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois

cw-"What were some of your jobs before you hit the music industry?"
MW-"I used to mow lawns for the Park District, in my home town"

cw-"What sports did you play in school?"
MW-"Baseball, Basketball, and Football"

cw-"What was your favorite subject in school?"
MW-"Creative Writing...Go Figure"

cw-"What are some of your goals in life?"
MW-"To be a better husband, friend, and a Dad(when I have kids)"

cw-"What has been the biggest inspiration in your life musically?"
MW-"I've been inspired by so many other artist and songwriters throughout my career, it's hard to name Just 1"

cw-"How and where did you meet Emily?"
MW-"I met my wife at my record label. She worked there, and that's where our relationship began."

cw-"What church affiliation are you and Emily?"
MW-"We are members at a great church in Nashville, called-"The People Church"."

cw-"What's your top 5 pet peeves?"
MW-"1.Smoking,2.Throwing cigarettes out the car window,3.People being mean. And I'm sure there are others, but I'm drawing a blank."

cw-"What's your favorite scripture in the Bible?"
MW-"Phil-4:13-"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"."

cw-"If you could change anything in your past, what would it be?"
MW-"I would have shown my parents more respect than I did at times, they really did know best"

cw-"How did you get your song writing deal?"
MW-"I was discovered at a music conference in 1997."

cw-"What do you do in your spare time, and what are some of your hobbies?"
MW-"Video Games, going to sporting events(baseball)"

cw-"If you could visit other lands, where would it be and why?"
MW-"I love Italy, great food and coffee."

cw-"What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?"
MW-"So many, too hard to think of one. One time I fell over on stage, that was a good one.

cw-"Do you like working with youth groups?"
MW-"Yes, I love hanging around young people. So much fun."

cw-"While on tour, where do you have the most fun at?"
MW-"I love singing in so many cities, Illinois is one of my favorite places. I love Colorado."

cw-"If I gave you a million dollars, what would you do with?"
MW-"I would open up an ice cream shop, and then serve the best ice cream for free, because you can't eat ice cream w/out smiling."

cw-"What advice would you give people that are into writing?"
MW-"Writing is supposed to be about finding freedom in expressing the way you feel. So don't put pressure on yourself. Just be free and write about your life."

cw-"If you could go on tour with anyone who would it be, and why?"
MW-"It would be fun to tour with someone outside the Christain Market, maybe Switchfoot or Mercy Me."

cw-"Besides guitar and piano, what other instruments do you play?"
MW-"That's it. I mean I can sing, so I guess my voice is a 3rd instrument."

cw-"Do you collect anything, if so What?"
MW-"I collect baseball cards, guitars,and cd's"

cw-"If you could go to the moon, would you, and what would you do?"
MW-"No, I don't think I'd go to the moon, I'll wait and go to Heaven someday."

cw-"If you get online, how often/"
MW-"I'm usually online everyday, but not long, just to check my email, and write for my website."

cw-"What's your biggest fear?"

cw-"Can you speak other languages, if so what?"

cw-"Do you prefer Windows or Macintosh?"

cw-"What's the strangest thing you own?"
MW-"A black pug puppy named Earl"the girl""

cw-"Everyone wants to know this question. Do you where boxers or briefs?"
cw-"So everyone I guess we figured this much out he wears both"

cw-"What cartoon character is mostly like you?"

cw-"What do you like best about the westies, and your website?"
MW-"Website-I love the chance to stay connected to my fans, and the Westies-The westies are the best fans, I have. They mean so much too me."

cw-"What is some of the best things, the Westies gave you?"
MW-"The Westies have given me awesome pictures, drawings, and even cookies."

cw-"What's the best gift you ever received?"
MW-"My parents bought me my first guitar."

cw-"next question I will ask you about are some of your favorite things."

cw-"What's your favorite thing to watch on t.v.?"
MW-"I love watching sports"

cw-"What's your favorite Candy?"
MW-"I like Ice Cream more than candy...Maybe ice cream with candy canes in it..."

cw-"What's your favorite holiday?"

cw-"What's your favorite season?"

cw-"Who' your favorite Actor?"
MW-"Tom Hanks"

cw-"Who's your favorite Actress?"
MW-"Meg Ryan"

cw-"What's your favorite song?"
MW-"Fire and Rain by:James Taylor"

cw-"What is the strangest question that I have asked you?"
MW-"This One"

I personally want to, once again thank Jake for getting the questions to Matthew for me, and also to you Matthew, for being nice to answer them. Also, to those who helped me come up with some of the questions to ask.

See this questionaire, thing was also an online English Assignment, well I didn't get to pass the class, because I had once before tried to get these answered, but didn't happen, cause it was my final exam, so I was able to take the same course over this summer, and was praying to God that it would happen. And as you can tell it did.

I hope this did answer some questions of people, if not, next time we have a live chat with Matthew, maybe you can ask it, if we do though, people be considerate to Matthew, who isn't very fast with typing, and be easy on him, and Jake who has to approve these first. Thanks.

God Bless You All, and enjoy the answers, if you use any of my questions and answer on your site anywhere, please makes sure you give me the credit for it, and above all it make sure you ask me first.


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