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The Blue Building (Jessamine County Fair Grounds): 2/9/07

Review by EPEFAN2

The occasion was outlined from the start. It was to celebrate the birthday's of both Adam of A Mob Liberace and James of EPE. The opening act, Pauper, entertained the crowd with their unique "Folk-Punk". Then Marshall Branch kicked it up with their scream-o stylings. GREAT ACTS!

Then I saw James setting up his drums. It was time for EPE!

The opened with something different, "Super Human Hero Space Bums"! (Smart move, "Animal" has become their most popular tune). The boys nailed it, and Stokes has never sounded better. Carter's solo was SUEPR! (Pun intended)

They followed it up with a darker tune. They proceded to nuke brains with "Into the Darkness". Judging by the open mouths of those in attendance, it went off without a hitch!

From there, they took us back to one of the old favorites....."FABULOUS"!!! It was a moving performace that surely left chills on those watching.

A new addition followed, as the boys went into "Everytime I See Your Face". Tears fell in the audience as Stokes and James nailed the vocal Call and response. Killer!

It was then that a few people started screaming "PLAY ANIMAL!!!!!" Carter in an moment of pure evil hit that opening chord! As the folks got ready for the scream, they said "Nah, we're just kidding" and didn't play it!

Then, the only cover of the EPE set, "Your Love"! The people litearlly sang along with every word and clapped in the rhythm of the tune. Steve from A Mob Liberace joined in on the vocal harmonies. Awesome!

James then introduced the very Black Sabbath inspired tune, "When the Lightning Strikes Again". HEAVY! Excellent solo by Carter, and James nailed the vocals.

The wait time was over, Carter hit the chord and then they went into what I think is the best version of "Animal" they've ever played. During the breakdown, James instigated a crowd sing along which they ALL sang along with. One funny part occured when James changed the lyrics in the last verse from "I'll use you for dental floss" to "I'll snort you like I'm Kate Moss". HAHA! The picked the perfect song to end with, and that was all....

Or so we thought! As Carter unplugged, Steve and Adam from A Mob Liberace joined James and Stokes on stage. They introduced themselves as "The Electric Liberace Experience" and said the next song was a deep, dark tune from their past. They then proceeded to nail..........."Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Leppard! James did the lead vocals with Stokes and Steve doing back up! Killer suprise and a great performance! Now, THIS was fun!

After this, A Mob Liberace and Oxford Farm Report played killer sets. This was an incredible show! I can't wait for the March 3rd gig!