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Cole's Birthstory

After much trepidation on our part, Cole made his debut on his own time! A week after his due date, we scheduled for induced labor at 7 am on (Saturday) November 5. We didn't really choose the date since I had gone to St. Josef hospital the day before with the intention of having Cole that Friday. As faith would have it, it was not a good time for the midwives who were fully engaged with women in labor or those who needed attention right away. I was disappointed to be returning home empty handed, but somewhat relieved to delay the long labor pains associated with an induced labor.

Joe and I got up early Saturday....we were both so excited and nervous. He dropped off Chance still in his PJs at Linda's. I took a last minute bathroom trip and felt something crack 3 times...and noticed a trickle of fluid. Not enought to alarm me since I didn't think my water had broken but enough to get the tiniest of cramps that had started last night more noticeable. As a precaution, I placed a towel on my carseat. During the 5 minutes drive to the hospital, more fluid gushed out and the cramps got more painful. It made walking difficult so I headed to the delivery ward barely walking without pain and left Joe to register me in. As soon as I was ushered into one of the labor rooms to monitor the fetal heartbeat, it was obvious I was having contractions on a regular basis. It hurt to lie down so I stayed on my feet hunched over the bed waiting for Joe. More liquid gushed out so I quickly summoned Cordula, the midwife, who had me change out of my panties and put me into an actual delivery room where my pain increased 2 fold! She attached me to the monitor for a 30 minute read during which time my contractions came more fiercely and furiously! when she checked my servix, I was 5 cm dilated and in a lot of pain! She gave me 2 suppositories to take the edge off a bit. Joe in the meantime was massaging my lower back as I hunched over the bed and tried to keep my legs apart during the contractions. Another nurse put the IV in my forearm after screwing up the 1st one on my right hand. It was almost as painful as the contractions! I was asking for the epidural but by that time, I was too far along! I was crushed! She predicted that in another hour I would have the baby! I was begging and pleading for pain was so unbearable! I was certain little guy did not want to come out! Supposedly I was given something else through the IV to take the edge off the pain...yah, right! When I'm in pain...there is no "edge" or middleground! It's "I'm in pain or not!" and I definitely was in a lot of torment! I told Joe right off that he was going to be snipped and Cole was definitely our last pregnancy!

I tried slow breaths to somewhat null the pain but didn't alleviate any of the torment. But it did give me something to focus on! I was burning up so I stripped down to only my bellyband and socks on my feet! Eventually I lacked the strength to hold myself over the bed with my feet apart on the floor so I moved on top of the bed in a fetal position on my right side. Each time a contraction occurred, I would end up with my knees bent toward my chest as I pushed. Cordula would grab my left leg and put it over her shoulder to give it support. So much fluid flowed out that my left sock got drenched but she didn't even bat an eye. I was screaming and moaning with my eyes closed the entire time. Finally when I thought I couldn't push no more, she grabbed my hand and put it on Cole's exposed wet hair and little ear. That was all the motiavtion I need to push as hard as I could on the next contraction! His head was out! Then she told me to stop pushing and just take short rapid breaths through the next contraction to prevent me from tearing. I found it more difficult not to push! I eventually pushed a little to get Cole completely out! I saw his entire fragile form with the umibilical cord still attached as she held him in the air before placing him on my stomach. He didn't cry at all...not even after Joe clipped off the umibilical cord. I was a little apprehensive that Cole wasn't crying but was instantly relieved when I felt his breaths as I held him to my bosom. My baby! Cole was 22 inches (55 cm) and 7.2 lbs (3.280 kg). He was an angel with whispy hair on his head and fuzz on his shoulders and ears!

The second time around wasn't too bad at all! I was in labor less than 2 hours compared to 24 hours with his big brother, Chance! (Warning: The utuerus contractions are almost as bad as the labor contractions for 2nd pregnancies as I have discovered!)

Background from Caleb's Country Corner