~ Family Updates ~

It's been quite an eye opener being a geographical "single" parent. Juggling two boys has become quite the challenge! The simplest tasks such as grocery shopping or even using the bathroom takes quite a bit of planning! It sounds hilarious but believe me, life with 2 kids can get very hectic and messy! Which is why I rely so much on our part-time helper/nanny, Sardenia, who gives me the few precious hours I need to keep sane.

Chance being "friendly" with his little brother, Cole.

Chance has entered his "Terrible Twos". Yet he can be very playful and loving at times. To him everything is a game. He likes to be chased so the better part of my day is spent chasing after him or picking up his mess! He is warming up to his big brother role and showing affection toward Cole in his own manner. I keep a watchful eye when the two are together. He's quite the independent tyke who loves to yell out, turn in circles, bounce on top of exercise balls, watch movies, and run around with his Elmo and blankie. He just started to dip his head under water and blow bubbles in the bathtub to my delight! Chance is adamant about wearing only one sock at all times (even during his bath). If he sees Cole with socks on, he will try to pull off one sock as Cole tries to ward him off by kicking with his legs. Nothing is safe around the apartment...Chance can even climb into Cole's crib! During the week of January 29, Chance got Online Babybook of the Week for the second time on Babyzone.com! Yay!

Cole is 3 months old now and is a cutie-pie! He's a very good baby. An angel who smiles when you smile at him. He keeps me entertained with his many facial expressions and cooing conversations! For such a little one, he has a lot to say! Like Joe and Chance, he is blessed with long eyelashes and the cute charming grin that seems to run in the Ratliff clan. The first time he giggled was when I poured water on what little hair he had during his bath. I guess he liked the sensation of the trickling water on his head. He is so observant and watches his big brother all the time! Chance and him share a passion for Baby Einstein movies and will watch them together. Cole is a BIG baby...99% breastfed and has already doubled his birth weight!

Joe is doing as well as can be deployed. Standard of living has increased quite a bit since his 1st deployment. He has kept in contact with us daily either by e-mail or phone. I e-mail Joe photos and videoclips of the boys. We've managed to participate in 3 video-tele conferences (VTC) with the most recent one today (Feb 12)! We are fortunate that Joe is inside a secured compound and has access to contact us. When my father-in-law did his tour in Vietnam, my mother-in-law heard his voice only once during an entire year! Thank goodness, technology has progressed!

First photo shows Chance watching a video of Joe reading a bedtime story.
The next two photos show Chance looking at Joe's photo and kissing it.

The separation is difficult for all of us especially for Chance. He's a "daddy's boy". He seems to be oblivious at times of his surroundings, but then he does something that makes me realize how much he misses Joe. After we left the VTC room today, Chance kept pulling me back toward the room over and over...wanting to go back in to see Joe. Although he doesn't understand why daddy is on TV, he likes to touch the screen and listen to daddy talk. A few weeks ago, Chance chased after a man in the street (who was bundled up so the face was hidden) crying because he thought it was daddy walking away.

First photo: Chance shows Cole how to suck on a toe.
Second photo: Joe sent the boys desert bonnie hats embroidered with their names.
Third photo: Brothers are watching a Baby Einstein movie.

It's times like these that Joe and I are grateful to have family and friends around the world who care and have shown support for the military life we have chosen. We want to express our gratitude and heartfelt thanks to you. We realize how precious family and friends are...no matter the distance!

First photo: Chance making a Valentine for Joe with fingerpaints
Second photo: Chance gets a birds-eye view of Cole
Third photo: Cole is all smiles!

Created February 12, 2006

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