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My Belly Blog
Family Index
Our 2 Little Boos
Great Expectations

As my due date (October 28) approaches, I am filled with mixed emotions about the future. With Joe preparing for his 2nd deployment to Iraq and Chance's growing separation anxiety, it will be a rough road ahead. It feels like one whirlwind after another. Nevertheless, I feel blessed and can't wait till Cole's arrival with great expectations.

Cole has taken over my body...sleepless nights no matter what position I lay, hourly trips to the bathroom and a penguin waddle that Joe claims he can not see. So much for being an early babe...(Sorry, Kerri! I know how you wanted him to be born on your B-day). Now wherever I go, I'm bombarded with comments such as "You haven't given birth yet?" to "You are so small!"....it's become a waiting game and patience is not one of my good virtues!

It's so far been an amazing journey into motherhood and as our family grows, I realize it will be even more hectic trying to chase after Chance once little guy is here. That's why we hired a part time helper...especially once Joe is deployed, I will need all the help I can get with cleaning and raising our boys. Unfortunately, my dad will not be able to make the trip over here like he did when I was pregnant with Chance due to his business. However, my in-laws will be arriving beginning of December for 2 weeks and then helping me travel with the boys to Oklahoma to spend Christmas and New Year's there. This way both Chance and Cole can spend some quality time with their grandparents and cousins!

Click on photos for larger image

I just finished Our Two Little Boos (Halloween page) with photos of Chance as a dragon at one of his playgroup's Halloween party...his costume was a hit with the mommies and kids! I'm running around (more like a waddle) trying to get last minute baby stuff done. Boy, do I procrastinate till the last minute! Joe can vouch for that! It's funny because with Chance, I was prepared at least 1 month in advance before his due date....now with Cole, I still haven't hung the pictures in his room nor cleared out the storage boxes stacked in his room!

I get a kick out of people's faces when I tell them I'm due this Friday and they just saw me at the gym working out! I figured as long as I'm feeling ok and don't overdo it, I can keep it up till I go into labor. One gym monitor joked that I better not go into labor right there during his watch...he wouldn't know what to do! Now that would be a story to tell!

I was accompanied by my friend, Jae, to my OB appointment on Tuesday. During the ultrasound, we saw a clear shot of Cole's gender...it was funny because during the entire pregnancy, he was shy and it was hard to confirm his gender even though we were 95% sure that the baby was a boy. Dr. Westerburg revealed that I was 1/2 cm dilated and that she was able to touch Cole's head during the examination! They also tracked 2 small contractions while monitoring his fetal heartbeat, but I was still a long ways off from labor. I have another appointment to see her again Friday morning on my due date. Wish me luck!

We've had so much show of support...Joe's work section, the FRG (Family Readiness Group), and our friends scattered all over Europe and the USA...we're so grateful! THANK YOU! DANKE!

Family Organizational Day

Hopefully, the next time you hear from us, it will be Cole's birth announcement!
