Goodbye 2005!

Wow! It's hard to believe that Joe and I came to Germany 2 1/2 years ago as a couple and now we are a family of four! I'm outnumbered (three to one) but I have no complaints...we have two cute, healthy boys!

Photo taken the day before Joe left for Iraq

We are amazed at how fast the year 2005 whizzed by...
fond memories of my growing belly, summer beach trips to Spain, my in-laws 1st visit to Germany and a November stork visit bringing Cole into our lives! Not to mention all the babies born among our family and friends! Unfortunately, the year also marked Joe's 2nd deployment to Iraq, but at least he got to be here for Cole's birth! Looking back, it's been quite a busy year of challenges and growth for everyone!

Chance and Cole (Check out Chance's excited expression!)

I'm looking forward to watching our boys grow this year...watching Cole develop his own personality and Chance assuming the big brother role in a more positive way. With my hands full with the boys and my computers crashing, I haven't sent out a recent update in a long while. Our last one was when we announced Cole's birth. To find out what we've been up to since then, check out our links in the left and right columns for more photos and updates of our family!

The Ratliff Family

Snowmen from Buttercup Graphics

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