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Every night, mommy gives me a bath and that is when I miss you the most...during our bonding time when we laugh at our "bubbles" in the water and I splash madly around getting everything wet. Before mommy tucks me into bed, I watch your bedtime stories on tape. I miss your bear hugs and back massages. I miss you so much!

"Daddy's boy",

Gurgle, Coo, Gurgle!
X O X O,

You are constantly in my thoughts. Our boys remind me a lot of you and it makes me smile! It's difficult not having you near to share the joys and trials of raising our two little boys. It's obvious Chance misses his daddy...and it's a void I can't fill. I know it breaks your heart to miss the 1st year of Cole's life and I am doing my best to record it all for you.

I am proud of what you do. It doesn't make it any easier but I knew what I faced when I married a soldier.

You are my rock...and always will be!
I am here for you!
I love you!
Stephanie (YP)

Daddy and Mommy, woke me up early today,
maybe they just wanted to play,
But wait just a minute this is new,
daddy is crying and mommy is too.
Daddy picks up baby brother, and says I love you,
then looks at mommy and says this is hard to do.
Daddy gets on his knees and holds me so tight,
he tells me he loves me and to treat mommy right.
Daddy kisses mommy and tells her goodbye,
tells her he loves her and that time will fly.
Daddy picks up his bags and heads for the door,
then tells us he loves us once more.
I don't understand whats going on,
mommys still crying and my daddy is gone.
* twelve months later *
A man came to our house today,
he looks familar, but I can't say.
He brought lots of presents for brother and me,
he is so friendly who can he be.
Mommy hugs him and they start to cry,
I think I'm starting to remember this guy.
I want to run and jump in his arm,
but I'm so scared, will he do me harm?
It takes me a minute, then it becomes clear to me,
its got to be him, its my daddy.

So to all those daddys who kiss toddlers goodbye,
your impression stays with them, and their love for you
will never die.

Author Unknown


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Webpage created for my soldier in Iraq...Come home safely!

Animated bears from Cute Colors