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My musings as a mommy of 2...

This is Part 2 of My Musings as a Mom from 2005.
Just more tidbits I've learned and still learning!

Screwdriver & Batteries

You can never have enough batteries! We have one shelf in the fridge door stock full of them in different sizes. The Energizer Bunny doesn't go "on and on". There are so many animated toys that require batteries and Chance will wear them out very quickly! I have a travel size screwdriver soley for the purpose of opening battery compartments that I keep within easy reach. Otherwise I would never change them out if the screwdriver was buried inside the tool chest.

Juice box holder

Chance just loves his juicebox allows him to drink on his own without mommy fussing over him worried he's going to squirt it all over the place. No mess on his shirts! I take it everywhere with me and so far haven't found a juice box that didn't fit. I've even use the German non-refridgerated milk box for when we travel.

For mothers in Germany...

Living in another country can be quite a cultural shock. However, these are a few baby items that I like better than those found in the good old USA.

1. Clip-on Pacifier holders - The German ones have a clip that can attach anywhere connected to a string covered by a variety of colorful hard wooden beads. Both Chance and Cole love playing with the beads and I haven't lost a blinky so far! I've tried the US brands and they don't clip on very well or I'm afraid that the exposed string may become a strangulation hazard.

2. Mamia diapers - When Ivy gave me these diapers as a baby shower gift, I became a convert. They are sold at Aldi stores and come in Mini, Midi and Maxi sizes (kg). Cole uses Midi while Chance uses the Maxi size. These diapers don't leak as much as the Pampers and Huggies and the waistline is very elastic. I've turned other mothers to these diapers as well. One mother uses one size for both her 3 year old and 1 year old.


I think kids look so cute in sunglasses! So I was determined to have my boys in shades and bought several kids sunglasses including the Baby Banz ones with the adjustable velcro strap. Unfortunately, I didn't take into consideration several factors. Their long eyelashes and nose shape. Chance and Cole have Joe's envious long eyelashes. Since I wasn't blessed with such a trait, I never realized that they were so long that they would hit the lens. They also inherited my flatness on the very top of their nose which makes it difficult for plastic shades to rest on. So save yourself some cash and actually try the glasses on your kids before buying them!


Chance has never had Eczema, so when Cole got it, it was a new learning experience for me. With the hard water in Germany, it only makes the condition worse. Cole gets a bath every other day so his skin doesn't dry out and I lather the lotion on him whenever I change his diapers. I use Keri lotion all over his body to include his scalp and behind his ears where it can get very itchy. Other lotions to try are Eucerin, Aveeno, and if you live in Germany, Zartcreme available at Walmart. To control redness and flareups, I use a topical hydrocortizone less than 1% strength in very tiny amounts only when I need to control the redness and I cut his nails short to prevent him from scatching himself.

Working out with a Baby

Cole is so aware of his surroundings now that he won't nap for the duration that I am at the gym anymore. I have a bag full of crinkle toys, rattles, and a hanging toy bar which I rotate each day to keep his interest. I also have puppets within easy reach to distract him for those last few minutes that I need to complete my 3 mile jog on the treadmill. Those times when I am caught unprepared, I clap my hands to my jogging pace (someone thought I was practising for cheerleading since she didn't see Cole) and it seems to do the trick. Other times I will call out a cadence just for him..."Baby Cole"..."Very good"..."Almost done"..."All the way"..."3 miles". If I had the voice I would sing to him, but I'm tone-deaf! Lately, I've also brought in our portable DVD player and play a Baby Einstein movie for him (see photo above). Once the weather gets better, I can take him out on the jogger!

Breastfeeding Tips

1. Definitely get a boppy pillow! It will be the best investment for your back and for the comfort of your baby!

2. Always have an extra top and a pair of breast pads available in your car, diaper bag, and gym bag just in case leakage happens!

3. Take your vitamins...better yet, if you still have your prenatal pills, take those. All the nutrients will go to your little one if you are not taking in enough for BOTH you and your baby. I found out the hard way. Make a habit of taking those pills along with the mini birth control pills (safe during breastfeeding). Better to be safe than sorry.

4. Buy a few GlamourMom nursing bra tanks if you plan to nurse for a few months. I absolutely love these tanks! They are pricey but for the comfort, style and ease of breastfeeding in public, they are worth it! I just wish I had bought them earlier and more in different colors. There were moms who didn't even know I was breastfeeding right in front of them till Cole was finished and had to burp. What I love about the tank is that it can be worn underneath other clothing or on its own (check out the photo above). There are just no substitutes!

Spare key for lock's a good thing!

No matter how careful you may be, there will be a day when you will be caught unaware and be locked out of the car or house! Don't be left stranded and helpless like I unfortunately recently experienced. Give a spare key to someone you trust or hide it in an inconspicous place outside.

Words to live by...

Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change.
Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything, and have no regrets.
Life is too short to be anything but happy!


Homepage created on May 13, 2006 for family fun!