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::Our Photo Slideshow::
::X-mas 2005::
::Joe's X-mas::
::Ratliff Photo Collection::
::Short Video Clips::

Webset İMajestic Websets
İEllen Garrison, Artist

Happy 2006 from the Ratliff family!

"There's snow place like home"
I chose this theme since Joe is in Iraq and misses home.
At home, we're experiencing a winter wonderland...snow!

Click on small photos for larger image in any of our homepages

This website was created for our family & friends on
January 30, 2006

::Chance's 2nd Birthday::
::Family Update::
::My 2006 Resolutions::
::Stephanie's Homepage::
::Valentine to Joe::
(Missing you!)

Guestbook & Guestmap from