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Attacks Page

Here are the attacks on the rpg.If you would like a new attack on here,and it is from DBZ,e-mail it to me.You can learn 1 attack , 1 Special Attack, and 1 combo per week. Begining Attacks
Solar Flare:Blocks enemys attack for 2 turns(can only be used twice).

Punch: this deal damage equal to 1/10 of your PL

Kick: same as punch

Fire ball: 5,000 damage

Eye laser: 5,000 damage

Throw:Lets you throw anyone of your items it does 1/10 of your PL in damage.

Small beam:5,000 damage
Advanced Attacks
Super punch: 1/5 of your PL this attack does requires a PL of 60,000.

Super Kick: same as Super Punch.

Large Beam: 15,000 damage, requires a PL of 65,000.

Breath Blast:20,000 damage, requires PL of 70,000.

Rapid Fireballs:20,000 damage, requires PL of 70,000.

Fire Crusher Ball:25,000 damage, requires PL of 75,000.

Kienzan Discs:25,000 damage, requires PL of 75,000

Kikoho: 30,000 damage, requires a PL of 80,000

Honoo: 30,000 damage, requires a PL of 80,000

Galick Ho Gun:35,000 damage, requires PL of 85,000.

Tri-Beam:35,000 damage, requires PL of 85,000.

Energy Shot:40,000 damage, requires a PL of 90,000

Masenko-Ha:40,000 damage, requires PL of 90,000

Crusher Ball:45,000 damage, requires PL of 95,000

Dodonpa: 50,000 damage, requires PL of 95,000

Burn Attack: 50,000 damage, requires a PL of 100,000

Deathball :50,000 damage, requires PL of 100,000

Ganica gun:55,000 damage, requires PL of 105,000.

Astral Shock:60,000 damage, requires a PL of 110,000

Controlled Energy Orb: 85,000 damage, requires a PL of 115,000

Galaxy cannon:90,000 damage, requires a PL of 120,000

Purple Spiral Flash Attack: 95,000 damage, requires a PL of 120,000

Jan-Ken blast:95,000 damage, requires a PL of 120,000

Jan-Ken Punch:95,000 damage, requires PL of 120,000

Eraser Cannon: 100,000 damage, requires a PL of 125,000

Birdy Attack: 100,000 damage, requires a PL of 120,000

Buu volley Ball: 105,000 damage, requires a PLof 125,000

Planet Bomber: 110,000 damage, requires a PL of 130,000

Big Bang:115,000 damage, requires PL of 135,000.

Explosion: 120,000 damage, requires a PL of 140,000

Super Ghost Kamikaze:125,000 damage, requires PL of 145,000.

Finish Buster:125,000 damage, requires PL of 145,000.

Thunder Claw:130,000 damage, requires PL of 150,000

Galactic Doughnut: 130,000 damage, requires PL of 150,000

Special Beam Cannon:135,000 damage, requires PL of 155,000

Renzoku Energy Dan:140,000 damage, requires PL of 160,000.

Renzoku Senkuodan:140,000 damage, requires PL of 160,000 can not be dodged

Dragon Fist:145,000 damage, requires PL of 165,000.

Mind Freeze: stops oppents for 4 turns(can only use twice), requires Pl of 170,000

Final Flash:150,000 damage,requires PL of 170,000. Special Attacks and Techniques(Expert)
Kamehameha:This requires a PL of 95,000. You must learn it from Master Roshi. It does 50,000 damage. The Kamehameha has five levels of intensity. You must learn all of them from Master Roshi.

Kamehameha X 2: 100,000 damage, requires PL of 140,000.

Kamehameha X 3:150,000 damage, requires PL of 185,000.

Kamehameha X 4:200,000 damage, requires PL of 230,000.

Kamehameha X 5:250,000 damage, requires PL of 275,000.

Kamehameha X 6 300,000 damage, requires PL of 340,000

Kamehameha X 7 350,000 damage, requires PL of 380,000

Kamehameha X 8 400,000 damage, requires PL of 420,000

Kamehameha X 9 450,000 damage, requires PL of 480,000

Kamehameha X 10 500,000 damage, requires PL of 500,000

Controled Kamehameha: 80,000 damage, requires a PL of 125,000, can't be dodged.

Destructo Disc: does 6,000 damage, requires a PL of 1,000

Multiple Destructo Disc: 30,000 damage, requires PL of 65,000.

Controlled Destructo Disc: 40,000 damage, can't be dodged. Requires PL of 75,000.

Hell's Flash: 40,000 damage, requires a PL of 75,000.Must be an android.

Brute Strength:Must be learned from Ox King on Earth. This attack raises your PL by 10,000 and adds 10,000 damage to your attacks.Takes 7 days to learn.Available at start. It lasts 5 turns.

Burning Rage: adds 40,000 to your PL, and 20,000 damage to all of your attacks. Basically the same a Brute Strength,except this one lasts the whole match.Must have PL of 100,000.

Mafu-Ba:Seals enemy in Denki jar for 1 week.However,the user of this attck is now DEAD. It takes 14 days to learn this ability.You must be good to learn this atack and it can only be used on someone who is must have 100,000 pl to train to learn this attack.

Fusion:Allows you to fuse with someone before or during a fight.This will add your two pls together,and whoever has the highest PL controls the character,unless decided otherwise.Must have PL of 100,000.

Power Level Boost:You can choose how much you charge for every 1 turn you deciede to charge this you add 2,000 damage to your attacks for the battle and 5,000 to your PL permanently.(note you get the pl added after the battle and this can only be used once a battle and only in a battle not a spar)

Power Level hide:Allows you to hide your true PL from opponent.

Power Level Sense:Prevents opponent from using PL HIDE.

Kaioken Attack:Unlike the Kamehameha,this attack only has 5 levels of intensity.They must be learned from King Kai in the Spirit Realm,meaning you must be DEAD to learn them.These attacks only last 3 turns and can only be used 3 times during a Battle(like goku said whatever you want to get down with the kaioken you have to do quickly)
Kaioken X1:increases PL by 10,000 and adds 5,000 damage to attacks.Requires PL of 50,000.
Kaioken X2:increases PL by 20,000 and adds 10,000 damage to attacks.Needs Pl of 75,000.
Kaioken X3:increases PL by 30,000 and adds 15,000 damage.Needs PL of 100,000.
Kaioken X4:increases PL by 40,000 and adds 20,000 damage.Needs PL of 125,000.
Kaioken X5:increases PL by 50,000 and adds 30,000 damage.Needs PL of 160,000.

Super Kaioken:Increases PL by 200,000 and adds 200,000 to your attacks,Needs a PL of 400,000 and you must be in one of your characters Transformations(Super saiyan or Super human[except Oozaru]).

Spirit Bomb:THIS IS MOST POWERFUL ATTACK ON THE RPG.This must be learned from King Kai. It takes 7 days to learn,you can do absolutely nothing during this time.The Spirit Bomb must have 2 turns to charge,u cant do anything else during those turns,not even dodge. You throw the bomb on the second turn.It does 600,000 damage.Requires PL of 600,000.