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The only way to get money on this rpg other than jobs is to train. If your tryin to buy something,saving your money by training will take forever. These are jobs that you can get on this rpg so that you can get money faster.

Body Guard:Requires PL of 60,000.You get $10,000 a day with this.
Ship Pilot:Requires Pl of 70,000.You get $20,000 a day.
Planet Protecter(Z-Fighter):Requires PL of 90,000.You get $30,000 a day.
Dragonball Finder:Requires PL of 100,000.You get $40,000 a day.
Mercenary:Requires Pl of 120,000.You get $50,000 a day.
Attack teacher*you can have another job but you won't get paid for this one* : Requires Pl of 500,000. You get $250,000 a day and 50,000 when ever someone learns your attack you create.
Combo Teacher*you can have another job(and attack teacher) but you don't get paid for this one*:Requires a PL of 500,000. Your combo can have up to 10 attacks in it(and the required Pl cannot exceed your current PL when you create the combo).You get $250,000 a day and 50,000 when ever someone learns your combo.
Hitman: Requires pl of 1,000,000 you get 500,000 a day and you got to be SS4 or higher sayian(or the equal to SS4 or Higher in your races Transformations) and good.(you get 100,000 a day when someone hires you)