Name: Shannan, if you want to know more, ask me.. maybe :P

Age: 16 (At least in this lifetime..heh)

Location: Mass, USA.

Status: Single, and happily so (commitment is an issue right now)

Hobbies: Writing, Role Playing(When I have the time), talking with friends, roller blading(sometimes). I like to read aswell, fantasy, Scifi, not much lately though. Biking, Hanging out at the Gameroom shootin' pool, chillin with my gals, and my boi's..hehe.

Favorite Types of Music: I have acclectic tastes.. My fav type? Metal I'd have to say.. I'll listen to almost anything. I cringe at Britney Spears though, and most of the pop singers -twitches-

Favorite Foods: SoBe, RED BULL (Gives you wings!!), Chocolate hehehe.. umm.. yeah almost anything really.

Favorite Color: I have no real favorite color. Mostly like.. Black? Silver(/Gray), Or Maroon. :)

Favorite Movie: Highlander, Mortal Kombat, Dragonheart, etc etc.

Likes: I like a lot of things. Music, Dancing, Writing & Role Playing, basicly my hobbies. Those rare moods where I feel good and can smile randomly.

Dislikes: Depression, Britney Spears, Pokemon ((not even a real anime)), Stupid people, stuck up christians.. narrow minded people.. obnoxious people..anyone else see a pattern here?

Fears: Umm.. Drowning, Falling... umm.. the usual stuff.


ICQ#: 60641893 [Currently down]


AOL IM:Maya Rehavion / OR Darkness Childe

E-mail: Here

Want to know more about Moi? Have questions? Hate Mail? Fan mail? Or just mail in general? Please don't hesitate to go ahead and e-mail me. Even if you babble. I don't mind. No, really, I don't.

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