The world spins and shifts and dances..
Yet still I stand still..
A single soul in a never pusing river..
Like a single star in a black night sky..
Fading into the backround of a brillant sun..
And a greedy golden moon..

Welcome to my humble Abode, The Black Dove's Cage. Many times has this place changed in looks, in name, and in many things. However you can always access this page through a simple link ( ) and even if the name or adress changes, that will bring you to where you need to go. Weither you are here on buisness or here to just check out my page, drop a line on what you think. Since I Dont have a board for this yet, perhaps just an email might do ? It can be as long or short as you want, Feedback and even suggestions are welcome. You'll notice that I don't update a lot, and sometimes I just change a few things around. I usally dont update unless its a big one, (like now) but if there is something you see thats faulty (ie a dead link, a broken picture, etc) please do let me know so I can fix it? Thank you for your patiance and time, now, please, help yourself to my house....

Thank you,
The Black Dove

Side note.. You`ll notice the pictures section isnt updated yet. Yes, I have new pictures. Problem is, I have oodles. I`m going to go through some and choose, then zip the rest for those who wish to see them. I'm a lazy person, yes but hey I have other things to do. Perhaps someday this damnable sight will look good eh? ^_^

Questions? Comments? E-mail me:

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