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..Pictures of My friends(And sometimes with me)!..

(Jen ; Letti ; Me)

(Jon, Letti , Me ^_^)

(Letti & Jon, my buds!)

(My buddy Sarah Dulaney -- Congrats on graduation hun!)

(*From Kristina's b-day party* From the top left to right: Some girl I dun remember her name, Letti, Me, Angie, Eddie, Jen. From bottom left to right: Jon, Somebody you don't know, Krista, Lil' John, & the B-day girl herself Kristina)

(On the right: Silent Bob. On the left: Jay. They don't know it, (or their actors dont) but they're my buds. Honestly. -blinks- stop staring at me like that!)

(The Infamous JennyBenny ^^, when she spent the night. *she brought her digital camera*)

(Me & Jen)

(Heh heh.. Me & Jen goofing off)

(Jen again when she spent the night - She's sleepy. hehee.)

(Scoozie! {and Me!})

(Jen, yet again)

(Jen, once more ^_^)

(Jen :P)

(My best friend Letti & my puppy Mackenzie, aren`t they adoreable ? >_<)

(Mac, Letti & her twin Eddie)

(Kenzie, again ^_^)


(Letti & Eddie)

(From top left to right:Little Jon, Letti, James, Luanne, Eddie
From bottom left to right: Jen, Me, Jon)

(From top left to right: Me, Letti, Danielle, Jen
From bottom left to right: James, Eddie, Jon)

(From top left to right: Jon, Me, Eddie, Letti, James
From bottom left to right: Jen ; Danielle)

(from top left to right: James; Me, Jon, Eddie
from bottom left to right: Danielle, Letti)

(Danielle!! who now already has a diffrent hair color.. :P)

(From left to right: Sarah (my crazy pagan gothic buddy!), James (doesn`t he look stoned? or am i just paraonid?), and Eddie ("Just go for it, by golly!" :P)

(From left to right: Jon (isn`t he adoreable? :P, Aimee (my sisters g/f), and Letti (She`s me best friend..if you haven`t guessed..:P)

(The one looking possessed is Kristina, the one dancing with the girl is Jon, the girl is Lu, then you have Eddie and Steph. (aren`t they cute? >_<))

(This is James (JIMMAY!!! *said like timmay*), my buddy with his crazy teeth that he got in salem. Isn`t he.. uh.. wierd? Yes james, you look like a ninny, but a good ninny ^_~)