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Here are the Log Triggers there the ones that will put all Chats Clans Whispers Says Deaths Objects and other type items in there own window so u wont lose any info while battling and afk... The map trigger is also inside of this only drawback is i cant get my window positions to save right if anyone can help me with that plz let me know.

#CLASS {Log}
#TRIGGER {~[HOUSE~](*) } {#cap Clan;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {~[QUEST~]~:(*)} {#cap Quests;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {(*) auctions, '(*)'.} {#cap Auctions;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {(*) tells you, '(*)'.} {#cap Tells;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {^~[CLAN~](*) } {#cap Clan;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {(*) gossips, '(*)'.} {#cap Chats;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {(*) chats, '(*)'.} {#cap Chats;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {You chat} {#cap Chats;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {(*)tells the group, '(*)'.} {#cap Tells;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {(*) quests, '(*)'.} {#cap Quests;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {(*) says, '(*)'.} {#cap Say;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, '(*)'.} {#cap Whispers;#cap all}
#TRIGGER {Priest(*)says to you, '(*)'.} {#cap Death}
#TRIGGER {You tell } {#cap Tells;#cap All}
#TRIGGER {You whisper} {#cap Whispers;#cap all}
#TRIGGER {`---------------'} {#cap 13 Map}
#TRIGGER {You auction} {#cap Auctions;#cap All}

Heres the Prompt on the side its mainly variables just displayed on the STW but here they are anyways also included are my PK alert triggers for when a PKer enters one of my glyphs it warns me its not an auto attack it does set F2 or F3 to an alias so i can attack if they should PK me Also some of the prompt triggers are in other folders such as my AutoBoat Folder it lets me know when im on a boat to and from Haedoekn :)

#CLASS {Prompt}

#ALIAS Prompt {#Stw %ansi( red)PK %ansi( white) = %ansi( yellow)@PK %cr%ansi( red)PKer %ansi( white)= %ansi( yellow)@PKTarget %cr%ansi( red)Location %ansi( white)= %ansi( yellow)@Location %cr%ansi( red)BoT %ansi( white)= %ansi( yellow)@BoT %cr%ansi( cyan)==============%cr%ansi( Green)Orbs %ansi( white)= %ansi( Yellow)@Orb %ansi( cyan)@OrbL%ansi( white)/ %ansi( cyan)@OrbM %cr%ansi( Green)Glyphs %ansi( white)= %ansi( Yellow)@Glyph %cr%ansi( Green)Food %ansi( white)= %ansi( Yellow)@Food %cr%ansi( cyan)==============%cr%ansi( white)Sanctuary %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@SancStat %cr%ansi( white)Infravision %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Infra %cr%ansi( white)Armor %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Armor %cr%ansi( white)Flesh Armor %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Flesh %cr%ansi( white)Det Magic %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Dmag %cr%ansi( white)Det Hidden %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Dhid %cr%ansi( white)Det Invis %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Dinvis %cr%ansi( white)Cloak %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Cloak %cr%ansi( white)Curse %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Curse %cr%ansi( white)Invis %ansi( cyan)= %ansi( Yellow)@Invis %cr%ansi( cyan)==============%cr%ansi( cyan)@XP%ansi( red)Exp}

#TRIGGER {You get a (*) from the corpse of (*).} {#st ~(--%1--~) from ~(--%2--~)}
#TRIGGER {Deniar(*)~[(*) xp to level~]} {#vari XP %2}
#TRIGGER {Exp. to level: (%d) Gold in bank :} {#vari XP %1}
#TRIGGER {You store away your gear and exit the game.} {#vari Glyph 0;#vari Orb 0}
#TRIGGER {You receive (*) experience points.} {#add XP -%1}
#CLASS {Prompt|PK}
#ALIAS PK {#if (@PKStat=1) {#vari PK Off;#class PK1 0;#vari PKStat 0;#say %ansi( red)
PK Mode Turned %ansi( yellow)Off} {#vari PK ON;#class PK1 1;#vari PKStat 1;#say %ansi( red)PK Mode Turned %ansi( yellow)On}}
#TRIGGER {tells the Team} {#cap TEAM}
#TRIGGER {^You sense that (*) has entered (*)} {#if (%1 = A%s%w) {#say Just A Mob} {#vari PKTarget %1;emote sensed that %1 entered %2. ~(Becareful~);#class Vari;#cap Glyph;#st %1 entered %2;#key F3 {c detonate %1}}}
#KEY F1 {#if (@PKStat=1) {#vari PK Off;#class PK1 0;#vari PKStat 0;#say %ansi( red)PK Mode Turned %ansi( yellow)Off} {#vari PK ON;#class PK1 1;#vari PKStat 1;#say %ansi( red)PK Mode Turned %ansi( Green)On}}
#CLASS {Prompt|PK|PK1}
#ALIAS WARN {alias c3 cast detonate %1;#Class Vari;#var Warn %1}
#ALIAS PK1 {c detonate}
#ALIAS glyphSea {disp brief;.eee;open gate;.eesseddssssssww;#class Prompt 0;c g o w;#class Glyph 1;disp brief;#class Prompt 1}
#CLASS {Prompt|ORB}
#TRIGGER {You get a platinum orb} {#class Vari;#add Orb 1}
#TRIGGER {use orb} {#class Vari;#add OrbL -1}
#TRIGGER {You don't seem to be wearing or carrying an orb.} {#class Vari;#vari OrbM 0;#vari OrbL 0}
#TRIGGER {You tap a platinum orb three times on the ground.} {#class Orb2 1}
#TRIGGER {You are carrying:} {#class Vari;#vari Orb 0}
#TRIGGER {drop orb} {#class Vari;#add Orb -1}
#TRIGGER {donate orb} {#class Vari;#add Orb -1}
#TRIGGER {junk orb} {#class Vari;#add Orb -1}
#TRIGGER {^~((%d)~) a platinum orb} {#class Vari;#vari Orb %1}
#TRIGGER {^a platinum orb} {#class Vari;#add Orb 1}
#TRIGGER {^A platinum orb vanishes.} {inv}
#TRIGGER {You become more knowledgeable about a platinum orb.} {#class Orb2 1}
#CLASS {Prompt|ORB|Orb2}
#TRIGGER {It has (%d) maximum charges with (%d) remaining.} {#class Vari;#vari OrbM %
1;#vari OrbL %2;#class Orb2 0}
#TRIGGER {Nothing seems to happen.} {#class Orb2 0}
#CLASS {Prompt|SpellStat}
#TRIGGER {^The sparkling globe of protection around your body fades into nothingness.} {#class Vari;#Vari SancStat Off}
#TRIGGER {You thirst for more power as the strength from your God fades.} {#class Vari;#vari Curse Off}
#TRIGGER {You vanish.} {#class Vari;#vari Invis On}
#TRIGGER {You feel yourself exposed.} {#class Vari;#vari Invis Off}
#TRIGGER {You slowly fade into existence.} {#class Vari;#vari Invis Off}
#TRIGGER {Your night vision seems to fade.} {#class Vari;#vari Infra Off}
#TRIGGER {Your flesh takes on a steel-like hardness.} {#class Vari;#vari Flesh On}
#TRIGGER {A phantasmal suit of shimmering platemail armor settles around your body.} {#class Vari;#vari Armor On}
#TRIGGER {Your eyes tingle as you become more sensitive to invisibility.} {#class Vari;#vari Dinvis On}
#TRIGGER {You feel less aware of your surroundings.} {#class Vari;#vari Dhid Off}
#TRIGGER {Your phantasmal suit of platemail armor flickers and fades away.} {#class Vari;#vari Armor Off}
#TRIGGER {Your skin no longer feels hard.} {#class Vari;#vari Flesh Off}
#TRIGGER {You begin to feel more attuned to your surroundings.} {#class Vari;#vari Dhid On}
#TRIGGER {Your eyes tingle as you become more sensitive to magical auras.} {#class Vari;#vari Dmag On}
#TRIGGER {You pull a cloak of swirling flames around your body.} {#class Vari;#vari Cloak On}
#TRIGGER {^Pinpoints of light swirl around you, forming a globe of protection.} {#class Vari;#vari SancStat On}
#TRIGGER {Affect: (*) Sanctuary} {#class Vari;#vari SancStat On}
#TRIGGER {You cackle with an insane glee as your God bestows strength upon you.} {#class Vari;#vari Curse On}
#TRIGGER {Your eyes glow red as your vision improves.} {#class Vari;#vari Infra On}
#TRIGGER {Your sensitivity to magic fades.} {#class Vari;#vari Dmag Off}
#TRIGGER {Your eyesight flickers once, twice, and you can no longer see invisible.} {#class Vari;#vari DInvis Off}
#CLASS {Prompt|Glyph}
#TRIGGER {You concentrate and leave a magical glyph in the local room, warning you of impending danger.} {#class Glyph2 1;#class Vari;#add Glyph 1;where}
#TRIGGER {You sense your magical glyph in (*) fail.} {#color RED;#cap Glyph;#cap All;#class Vari;#add Glyph -1}
#CLASS {Prompt|Glyph|Glyph2}
#TRIGGER {^~[Deniar(*)~] - (*)} {#say %ansi( cyan)GLYPH LOCATION %2}
#TRIGGER {^Glyph Location %1} {#cap Glyph;#cap All;#class Glyph2 0}
#CLASS {Prompt|Food}
#TRIGGER {buy food} {#class Food2 1;#class Vari;#add food 1}
#TRIGGER {You eat} {#class Vari;#add Food -1}
#TRIGGER {You don't seem to have a food.} {#class Vari;#vari Food 0}
#CLASS {Prompt|Food|Food2}
#TRIGGER {Sorry, but you cannot do that here!} {#class Vari;#add Food2 -1}

Here are my Auto Boat Triggers to take me to Haedoken and back to Necromium using the Cutter Shark Boat included is also the Prompt for my location while im on the boats and when i enter the citys:

#CLASS {Boats}
#ALIAS boathae {display brief;#class NecroBoats 1;#class HaeBoats 0;.sssswwssssswwwwwwww;l;display brief}
#ALIAS boatnecro {#class haeboats 1;#class NecroBoats 0;display brief;.sssssssss;open gate;.ssseesesessseeeeeeeee;l;display brief}
#TRIGGER {The ship creaks gently as it pulls into the docks.} {#class SpellBoat 0;wake;stand;unman;leave;c w;c w;gohome}
#CLASS {Boats|NecroBoats}
#TRIGGER {You watch as The Cutter Shark pulls into the docks.} {enter cutter;#class NecroBoats 0;#class Vari;#vari Location Boat2Hae;#class SpellBoat 1}
#TRIGGER {The Greater Flagship 'The Cutter Shark' is docked here.} {enter cutter;#class NecroBoats 0;#class Vari;#vari Location Boat2Hae;#class SpellBoat 1}
#CLASS {Boats|HaeBoats}
#TRIGGER {You watch as The Cutter Shark pulls into the docks.} {enter cutter;#class HaeBoats 0;#class Vari;#vari Location Boat2Necro;#class SpellBoat 1}
#TRIGGER {The Greater Flagship 'The Cutter Shark' is docked here.} {enter cutter;#class HaeBoats 0;#class Vari;#vari Location Boat2Necro;#class SpellBoat 1}
#CLASS {Boats|ClanBoat}
#TRIGGER {^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} {#GAG 5}
#CLASS {Boats|SpellBoat}
#TRIGGER {(*)hp (*)m (*)mv} {#IF (%2<100) { #vari Sboat 14} {#if (@Sboat=15) {Spell;#vari SBoat 0} {#add Sboat 1}}}

And last but certainly not least heres My Bot :)

#CLASS {BotClasses}
#ALIAS Off {emote shuts off ClericBoT and looks Ready to Play.;title the bringer of Pain;AFK;#class Bot 0;#class AutoDo 1;#class Spells 1;#TI;#class Vari;#var Bot OFF}
#TRIGGER {The Sanctuary} {#class NecroOn 0;#class HaeOn 1;#class HaeFastWalk 1;#class NecroFastWalk 0;#class Vari;#vari Location Haedoken}
#TRIGGER {Necromium Square} {#class NecroOn 1;#class NecroFastWalk 1;#class HaeFastWalk 0;#class HaeOn 0;#class Vari;#vari Location Necromium}
#CLASS {BotClasses|BoT}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'List'.} {whisper %1 Whisper me these words to get Spelled and Options.;whisper %1 Curse, Invis, Infra, Armor, WaterWalk, Refresh, Dispel, Fastwalk}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Curse'.} {cas curse %1;alias c1 whisper %1 I'll try again if it still does not work try me again later.~;c curse %1}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Infra'.} {cas infra %1;alias c1 whisper %1 I'll try again if it still does not work try me again later.~;c infra %1}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Invis'.} {cas invis %1;alias c1 whisper %1 I'll try again if it still does not work try me again later.~;c invis %1}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Armor'.} {cas armor %1;alias c1 whisper %1 I'll try again if it still does not work try me again later.~;c armor %1}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Waterwalk'.} {cas waterwalk %1;alias c1 whisper %1 I'll try again if it still does not work try me again later.~;c waterwalk %1}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Dispel'.} {cas dispel magic %1;alias c1 whisper %1 I'll try again if it still does not work try me again later.~;c dis mag %1}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Refresh'.} {cas Refresh %1;alias c1 whisper %1 I'll try again if it still does not work try me again later.~;c curse %1}
#TRIGGER {You lost your concentration while casting} {c1;alias c1 c de invis Deniar}
#TRIGGER {Your eyesight flickers once, twice, and you can no longer see invisible.} {c dete invis}
#CLASS {BotClasses|BoT|NecroFastWalk}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Fastwalk'.} {whisper %1 I've been here and there across Necromium for directions tell me where it is you wish to go.;whisper %1 Gamehendge, Varanno, Vitus, Dock, Scribe, Healer, Maudsley, Hero,}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'dock'.} {whisper %1 Copy and paste the dirs to goto the Docks;whisper %1 Dirs~=s~;w~;w~;~;w~;s~;s~;s~;s~;w~;w~;s~;s~;s}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Vitus.} {whisper %1 Copy and paste the dirs to goto the Rat Kingdom Vitus;whisper %1 Dirs~=s~;w~;w~;~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;open gate~;w~;n~;n~;open gate~;n~;}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Hero'.} {whisper %1 Copy and paste the dirs to goto the Tower Of Heros;whisper %1 Dirs~=s~;w~;w~;~;w~;e~;e~;e~;e~;e~;e~;e~;open gate~;e~;e~;e~;e~;e~;s~;s~;u~;u~;u~;u~;w~;n~;e~;n~;n}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'scribe'.} {whisper %1 Copy and paste the dirs to goto the Scribe;whisper %1 Dirs~=s~;e~;s}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Maudsley'.} {whisper %1 Copy and paste the dirs to goto the Maudsley Estates;whisper %1 Dirs~=s~;w~;w~;~;w~;s~;s~;s~;s~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;open gate~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;w~;n}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Varanno'.} {whisper %1 Copy and paste the dirs to goto Castle Varanno;whisper %1 Dirs~=s~;w~;w~;~;w~;s~;s~;s~;s~;open gate~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;e~;e~;e~;s~;e~;e~;s~;s~;s~;s~;e~;e~;s~;e~;s~;e~;e~;e~;n~;e~;e~;s~;e~;n~;e~;e~;e~;open gate~;e}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'GameHendge'.} {whisper %1 Copy and paste the dirs to goto Gamehendge;whisper %1 Dirs~=s~;w~;w~;~;w~;s~;s~;s~;s~;open gate~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;e~;e~;e~;s~;e~;e~;s~;s~;s~;s~;e~;e~;s~;e~;s~;e~;e~;e~;n~;e~;e~;s~;e~;n~;e~;e~;e~;n~;n~;n~;n~;e~;n~;e~;e~;e~;n~;n~;e~;e~;n~;n~;n~;n;whisper %1 You will have to kill the guard and get the key from him to unlock the portal.}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Healer'.} {whisper %1 Your allready there sit down and relax he will be with you in a minute.}
#CLASS {BotClasses|BoT|HaeFastWalk}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Fastwalk'.} {whisper %1 I've been here and there across Haedoken for directions tell me where it is you wish to go.;whisper %1 Dock, Scribe, Healer,}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Dock'.} {whisper %1 youll have to get to recall so recall twice then paste in the following dirs.;whisper %1 s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;s~;open gate~;s~;s~;s~;e~;e~;s~;e~;s~;e~;s~;s~;w}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Scribe'.} {whisper %1 youll have to get to recall so recall twice then paste in the following dirs.;whisper %1 n~;w~;w~;n~;n~;n~;n~;n~;e}
#TRIGGER {(*) whispers to you, 'Healer'.} {point druid;slap self}
#CLASS {BotClasses|NecroOn}
#ALIAS On {cast word of recall;cast word of recall;vis;.eeen;emote is now Running his ClericBoT whisper List to him.;title Whisper List to me ~(ClericBoT~);AFK Deniars ClericBoT Up and Running;#class Bot 1;#class AutoDo 0;#class Spells 0;#TS 60;#class Vari;#var Bot ON}
#CLASS {BotClasses|HaeOn}
#ALIAS On {cast word of recall;cast word of recall;vis;gohome;emote is now Running his ClericBoT whisper List to him.;title Whisper List to me ~(ClericBoT~);AFK Deniars ClericBoT Up and Running;#class Bot 1;#class Spells 0;#class AutoDo 0;#TS 60;#class Vari;#var Bot ON}