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The Genome Corporation, the leading genetics and computer research corporation in Japan by 2010, yet unseen to the public eyel, dealt in human experimentation.
The Akuma Virus wasn’t completely destroyed in the battle with the digi-destined in 2005. Instead, weakened and in a semi-slumber like state, he was left to drift through the internet until his energy depleted and he faded from existence. But deletion never came.
The Genome Corporation that had funded Yukio Oikawa’s human experimentation on Shougo Asagi was able to track down what was left of the Akuma Virus and contain it for research.
Without a host, the Akuma Virus itself was nothing but a sentient piece of black mass. Because of this state, testing by the scientists of the Genome Corporation was made easy.
In 2006, The Genome Corporation had begun a 20 year project that consisted of the splicing of human DNA with the Akuma Virus. By 2008, the scientists were successful.
They had created the first hybrids, named Kosmos and Kronos. They were twin male and female virus children that were born inside a test tube.
They grew up this way, completely contained and imprisoned in the name of science. From their place within holding tanks, they watched the humans intently and carefully. The humans knew that they had the ability to communicate telepathically to one another, but it was unknown to the scientists that they were communicating to what was left of the Akuma Virus that was being kept for research as well.
By 2025, the Virus was all they had in the way of a father, and they looked to it for guidance and support. They hated the experimentation being done on them and on their ‘Father’, but were helpless since they were kept at bay by the light.
Plagued by nightmares one night of being tortured by humans, Kosmos and Kronos awoke simultaneously to watch in horror through the glass of their holding tanks at their father being tested on by the scientists. They could hear his screams in their minds and they beat wildly on the glass of their tanks in protest. Thrashing in the water, their minds screamed out for him. Those screams rose in the minds of the scientists as well and soon, it was over. The tanks blew apart instantaneously as the lights in the laboratory immediately went dead and within a few moments, Kosmos and Kronos were standing alone next to their symbiotic father, amongst blood and broken bodies. They were finally free. Taking what was left of the Akuma Virus, they escaped into the world of their dreams, the Digital World.
Sacrificing Digimon in this world to their ‘Order’, they longed to see the Akuma Virus return to his former glory of Lord of Darkness.

The children of the original crests, along with a few new friends were thrown into a new world beyond their wildest dreams. Granted the power of the original crests, the new digi-destined were sent to the digital world yet this time were unable to return to the real world.
One of these children was Yui Asagi. A young girl now the age of 12 who was the daughter of Shougo Asagi and Hitori Tenshi, the original keeper of the Crest of Life.


Bet you were waiting for me to get to this part huh? Well let me explain. The crests in this game are the Crests of Fate. They are the same crests that were in the original Forgotten Crests. What's that you say? There is a way to Digi-Volve without the crests? I guess I wasn't to specific with this, was I? There are no Physical Crests itself. "Holder of the Crests" is a title given to each Digi-Destined because the specific Crest that they hold is their greatest trait. When Kosmos and Kronos returned to the Digital World, the Crests of Darkness were re-activated and by them returning, the Crests of Light re-activated as well.

When the Digi-Destined's Digimon digivolve from Ultimate to Supreme (Supreme being a new level developped in the Forgotten Crests 1), they "Lock Evolve" with the help of a key inserted into the digivice. These keys are found in various temples and shrines throughout the digital world. In a way, Lock Evolution is somewhat like Armor digi-volving. Here, let me explain in picture mode! These are the Crests:

The Crest of Loyalty and The Crest of Betrayal

The Crest of Compassion and The Crest of Hatred

The Crest of Generosity and The Crest of Greed

The Crest of Peace and The Crest of Destruction

The Crest of Contentment and The Crest of Envy

The Crest of Trust and The Crest of Defiance

The Crest of Life and The Crest of Death