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The Fretorundall Papers

[Chroniclers note. Everything that appears in brackets is written by myself.]

This is the jornal that I wish to be forwarded to my family if I am slain in this terrible war. [The name is smudged off and the bottom half of the cover is ripped]

Day 14 of the Month of the Wolf,
Today, we arrived in front of the Grand Castle. We were brought up into our barracks and introduced to Commander Krent. He seems like a nice enough man, but there have been rumors circulating that he will not exactly let us treat this like a little vacation from the wheat fields. He gave us the full tour and showed us the dining hall and took us to our sleeping quarters. He then departed, telling us that dinner was exactly at sundown and that if anyone was late they would not be fed. Don't worry, I got my food. I was so hungry from the long trip over here that I arrived an hour early.

Day 15 of the Month of the Wolf,

How I wish I was at home today. Today, Commander Krent woke us before dawn. And as I have always said, "If the sun doesn't have a good reason to get up then why in the Abyss do I?".
We marched for hours and my legs are aching. I tell you this armor is a lot heavier that it seems, especially after you have gone over the same hill for the twentyeth time. Commander Krent says, "We need to be strong so that no matter when the enemy comes, we are not too tired to fight him." Well I tell you, the enemy could come and conquer our whole barracks and we wouldn't even budge because we're so tired.
I've been making friends at least. My roomate, Crellis, seems like a nice guy and we are getting along pretty well. He is an excellent swordsman that put even old Commander Krent to shame in a mock duel. And his wit is as sharp as his blade. The people seem kind here and I think that if I can get past Commander Krent's marches I will do pretty well.

25 of the Month of The Wolf,
Sorry, to have not had any entries for so long, but our Commander hasn't allowed us a single moment of free time. Commander Krent told us his reason for this today. We will be seeing our first battle in two weeks and our orders tomorrow, well personally I can't wait. Finally, all the training and marching will be worth something. My feelings are not sharing by all in the company, however. Many of them are very scared and have begun to show the greenness that makes up their souls. The Commander tries to reassure them by telling the men of all the terrible things the enemy has inflicted upon the weak and helpless, but these horror stories don't seem to do their morale any good. Right now it is time for our evening meal, so I will be right back after that.
The most amazing thing happened in the dining hall. About half a dozen of the troops that had been most vocal about their fears went up to the Commander and said that they didn't want to go to war and instead just wanted to go home. (I can sympathize with those feelings, trust me.) The Commander just glared at them for what seemed like and eternity, then he called out his guards and had them remove the shirts of the "cowards" and had them whipped in front of us for nearly half an hour. Let's just say I lost my appetite.

26 of the Month of the Wolf,
Today we were issued our equpiment and our orders. As I opened the wax sealed letter, I felt my heart pulse throughout my whole body because there it was written, "14th Blade. Meet Commander Krent in his quarters at sundown". Nothing more, nothing less. My sword bears the crossed sword of the Blade and I can hardly hold my excitement. Luckily I will have a friend in the exact same unit, my roomate Crellis has also been assigned to the 14th Blade, so I shall write to you as soon as I have met with Commander Krent.
Well, it's been confirmed. I have been placed in the Blade. Krent told us all to be very proud of ourselves and as he placed the pendant of the Blade around each of our necks. He said he envies us. We get to engage the enemy and actually strike with vengence while he has sit behind these walls training fodder. We are to move out tomorrow before sunrise. It is a lot sooner than I expected but us Blades are the first ones out you know. "Juistro Huntronay, Juistro Yuskorar, Juistro Morent". [This is a regional language that existed in the area around Fretorundall during the Primal ages. It is all but lost but I have learned through many years of study that this actually means, "First to leave, First to Die, First to Glory".]

27 of the Month of The Wolf,
Well, right now I am writing as I am marching towards the command camp where we will recieve our dispatches. We probably won't get there for two or three days. I mainly wanted to write down how much is going through my mind right now. I can't believe I am actually going to be in battle within a week. The blood is pumping, trust me. I have also noticed that fear has begun to show its ugly head to me a couple of times. As we are marching towards the front, we are seeing more and more of the desolation that this war has caused. Today we walked past a town, not terribly unlike mine except for that fact that no one was there. I cannot describe the eerie feeling that that has instilled upon even now when it is several hours behind me. I just keep reminding myself of why I am here. I have to fight against the scourge that is spreading across this land and this is the only way I know how.

[Here there are 2-3 pages that have been torn out. In my opinion they were probably regarding the remainder of his trip and his arrival at Ytmil castle]

3 of the Month of the Eagle

Today, we were attacked in our sleep. Huge hulking beasts as tall as our castle doors came upon us in the night. Of their number I cannot be sure, but they were strong. Powerful enough to rend the beautiful oaks that surround Ytmil and throw them in volleys that outnumbered our arrows. Their strength could only have been rivaled by their gruesome apperance. These creature could never have been men. Their faces were twisted into some semblance of an ape. Their arms dragged on the ground and their fur was an abyssal black that was spottled with scales were a deep green. These abominations tore apart the stone walls that surrounded what used to be Ytmil castle and swamped us with their numbers. We couldn't have been able to defeat them if we outnumbered them 3 to 1 let alone with their numbers greater. 3 fell by my blade and 6 by Crellis's, but they took 34 of our best men. We were forced to flee from the castle. All that lays within the sacred land of Ytmil castle is rubble.
We were not expecting this kind of concentrated attack. The brutes had this all planned. With painful realization, we see we have underestimated their intelligence.

Day 5 of the Month of the Eagle

We reached the Grand Castle after marching for 2 straight days. We could not sleep or rest until we were safe inside the walls of some fortification. However, there was no soothing news inside. The only tidings we had were that other strongholds have fallen to similar creatures and that my family is either dead or in grave danger. The brutes have been able to do something to people. It can warp them into beings like themselves. But each of these beings is different. Massive amounts of these abominations have begun gathering under the banner their leader, Frakner. This Frakner being is like them but different. He is powerful, powerful beyond any of us. He has taken entire regiments with his twisted ax or his wicked club. I have heard he has a dozen arms and a thousand eyes, all fixated on turning us all into deformed beings like himself.

[Here several more pages are missing. I have spent a long time trying to figure out what they were referring to, but your guess is as good as mine.]

15 of the Month of the Eagle
We were forced to sleep in the woods last night. The entire garrison of the Grand Castle has been reduced to 37 men sleeping in the woods, scabbling about for anything to eat. Commander Krent's condition has been deteriorating. His scales have spread across his whole body. He begged us to kill him, but we couldn't bring ourselves to do it. Deep down, we know we will have to. We have not forgot what happened to Crellis. My friend, how I mourn for you. If I find you again, I swear my blade will not sway. [In this particular entry, the pages have been damaged by drops of water. Whether these are tears or rain drops, I don't know]

16 of the Month of the Eagle
We killed Commander Krent today. His teeth twisted into fangs and his hands grew sharp talons. He begged us to end his life, but when we didn't he went into a rage, tearing into everything and everyone nearby. Our numbers are now down to 23.

18 of the Month of the Eagle
I have been touched by one of the things that got to commander Krent. I feel it changing me. I can't fight it. They won't kill me, they took my sword. I cant stand this [at this point the legibility deteriorates and becomes unreadable.]

20 of the Month of the Eagle
It is with great pain that I must inform you that Gregann is dead. On the 18th he went mad, we tied him down, but he begged us to end his life. I was ordered not to, but out of respect I ended his life as mercifully as I could. Today, I found his jornal and I felt it was only right for me to continue it.
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Milden, of the city of Fretorundall. I volunteered to fight the beasts that have been freely terrorizing the land. I cannot stand for that. I will fight Frakner until one of us is dead.
Currently our numbers have dwindled to 7. 5 of which are injured. Jokellen, the other non-wounded soldier, and I have been working to help our comrades but we were not trained as medics and all we can do is watch as each morning we sing the Yokunnun for another of my friends. [The Yokunnun is a funeral song that the people of the west coast sing whenever one of their warrior fall in battle. This tradition is the same and has been the same for the 7 cities and for Muinark. This particular tradition dates back to when Muinark was the capital of the nation of Wycelin and peacefully held all of the cities of the alliance under its sway. Two sons were born of the King in ancient days and the Kingdom broke apart.]


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