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Rexum Dungeons and Dragons Stats


To start off and make everything easier for everyone, (myself included) unless otherwise noted Rexum and its inhabitants are the same as the world, which is portrayed in Wizards of the Coast's PHB.

I now have a humor sight about newbies right here

Here is a site dedicated to my group at S.J.H.A.


These are personal house rules and should be considered, but are not mandatory.


Race Starting Age Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age Height(M/F) Weight (M/F)
Human 15 35 53 70 +2d20 4' 10"-7'/ 4' 5" -6' 5" 120-220/95-175
Elf 120 200 250 350 +5d% 4' 11"-5' 8"/ 4' 8"-5' 5" 100-180/80-165
Dwarf 40 125 188 250 +2d% 4' 5"-5' 5"/ 4' 2"-5' 2" 165-250/150-225
Gnome 40 100 150 200 +4d% 3'-4'/2' 10"-3' 6" 90-120/70-100
Halfling 20 70 100 150 +5d10 2' 8"-3' 6"/2' 5"-3' 2" 30-40/25-30
Minotaur 14 35 50 65 +2d20 7' 6"-8' 6"/7'-8" 500-650/450-500
Much of this tables inspiration and ideas came from page 93 of the PHB. Parts of it even come directly from it.


Humans have the exact same stats as in the PHB


Half-elves are the same as they appear in the PHB

Torunalsian elves are the same as the normal elves appear in the PHB.

The Wild elves are the same except they can freely multi-class as fighters, not wizards. They do not have Draconic as a bonus language. Instead of the special search ability they have a +3 racial bonus to Spot, Search and Listen and a +4 bonus to Wilderness lore checks.

Novelestian elves are the same except they only receive a +1 Dexterity bonus and a -1 Constitution penalty.

The Trivamulian elves are the same except they receive a +2 bonus to dexterity, a +1 bonus to Intelligence and a +1 bonus to Charisma, and a -3 penalty to Constitution.

The Dark elves are the same except they do not have the special search ability, but do have proficiency in all martial and simple swords. They may freely multi-class as fighters and wizards.


The Rockhammer clan is the same as appears in the PHB except that instead of the +1 attack roll bonus against orcs and goblinoids and a +4 AC bonus against giants they receive a +4 racial bonus on appraise checks related to stone and steel items and a +4 bonus on craft checks that are related to stone or metal.

The Goldax clan is the same except for insead of the +1 bonus to hit against orcs and goblinoids they get that bonus against all members of the underraces.

The Steelmar clan is the same except instead of the +1 attack roll bonus against orcs and goblinoids and a +4 AC bonus against giants they receive automatic proficiency with warhammers and battle axes, a +2 bonus to attack rolls against Bloodstone clan members, and a +4 AC bonus against them. They also recieve +4 bonus to listen checks when underground.

* The Bloodstone clan is the same except instead of the +1 attack roll bonus against orcs and goblinoids and a +4 AC bonus against giants they receive automatic proficiency with warhammers and battle axes, a +1 attack roll bonus against members of the Steelmar clan and a +2 AC bonus against them. The also wear the Bloodstone war paint, which has different effects at different levels. The war paint must be donned before battle and takes 2 hours of meditation and ritual to apply the paint properly.

Level Bonus
1-4 Immunity to Fear effects
5-8 Fast Healing 2
9-12 Fast healing 4
13-16 Fast Healing 6
17-20 +2 bonus to Natural AC


Halflings are the same as they appear in the PHB


Gnomes are the same except they receive a -2 penalty to strength and a +2 bonus to both intelligence and wisdom. Instead of the +4 AC bonus against giants and their spell-like abilities they receive a +2 bonus to all craft checks.

* Minotaurs

Minotaurs receive a +9 bonus to strength, +5 bonus to Constitution, a -3 penalty to intelligence, and a -2 penalty to Charisma. They are large and thereby suffer a -1 penalty to AC, and -4 penalty to hide checks. They do not have their natural cunning ability, but do have proficiency in greataxes as a minotaur is raised to wield one. They have their scent ability. Their favored multi-class is Barbarian.


The Underraces such as goblins and orcs are the same as they appear in the MM and the PHB, except they are now considered part of the underraces and must make 3 rolls on the underrace table below.

The underraces that were normal until they were twisted by the Dragons energies have to roll three times on the table below to see what their strange features are. Reroll if the features are something the base creature already has.

Flip a coin if heads use table one, if tails, use table 2.

Table 1
d20 Abnormality Effect
1 Gnarled Hands -5 Penalty to Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Forgery, Alchemy, Heal, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Use Rope checks, and attack rolls
2 Claws instead of Hands -5 Penalty to Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Forgery, Alchemy, Heal, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Use Rope checks, and attack rolls with weapons. 1d6 claw attack
3 Horns Gore 2d6
4 Twisted unusable wings -
5 Usable wings Fly 30 ft (clumsy)
6 Extra Arm Use of Extra arm
7 Sharp conical teeth Bite attack 1d4
8 Green skin -
9 Extra fingers +3 bonus to Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Forgery, Alchemy, Heal, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, and Use Rope checks
10 Fins instead of Hands Swim 30ft
11 Tail -
12 Scales for skin Natural Armor +4
13 Long frog-like tongue -
14 No eyes Permanently Blinded
15 Knees bend backwards instead of forwards -
16 Extra Eye +2 Spot Check
17 Disfigured Face -4 Charisma
18 Twisted Flesh -5 penalty to Cha
19 Venomous Fangs Bite poison fort DC13 initial and secondary damage 1d6 Con
20 Dm's choice of something else -
Table 2
d20 Abnormality Effect
1 Spines along Back Anyone attempting to grapple you must make a reflex save or have 1d6 of your spines hit them, dealing 1d4 damage each
2 Body covered in fur Natural AC bonus +3, act as if always wearing winter clothes
3 Two extra arms Use of extra arms and accessibility to multi-attack feat
4 Extra Eyes on Stalks All-around vision
5 Skin shimmers with light -
6 Skin has a gray sheen -
7 Scorpion tail Sting attack deals 1d6 damage and fort save (DC 11) or 1d3 Strength initial and secondary damage
8 2 tentacles coming out of your back 2 attacks with 15 foot range and deal 1d8 damage
9 Eyes all around your head like a spider All-around vision
10 Feet are hooves -
11 gills You can breathe underwater, but can only stay out of water for 12 hours before you much submerge yourself in water for at least 15 minutes
12 Your skin is patchy and has various colors -
13 50% taller -
14 50% shorter -
15 Animal-like face -3 penalty to Charisma
16 Your skin changes colors with your surroundings +10 Hide Check
17 Heat sensing pits blindsight 10 feet
18 Skin produces an ooze +10 circumstance bonus to escape artist checks to get out of grapples
19 Pale eyes If you enter a sunlit area you are stunned for 1 round and are uncomfortable ever after in the sun
20 Dm's choice of something else -
Most of the ideas for this table came from pg 169 of the MM and page 67 of the DM's guide.

*=Not meant to be a Player race or sub-race



Barbarians are found throughout Rexum and especially in Minotaur and Bloodstone clan communities. The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB except for the different pantheon.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB except that their are also Anti-Paladins that are the same except that instead of the holy powers the Paladin has, the Anti-Paladin has detect good, smite good, Contagion (instead of Remove disease), and his lay on hands does damage instead of heals and heals undead. Spell list:

1-Bane, Curse Water, Bless Weapon (change holy to profane), Create Water, Inflict Light wounds, Detect Poison, Detect Undead, Divine Favor (unholy), Endure elements, Magic weapon, Protection from good, Read Magic, Resistance, and virtue
2-Resist elements, Undetectable alignment, Resist elements, Darkness, and Desecrate
3-Inflict Moderate Wounds, Discern lies, Dispel Magic, Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle against good, Prayer, Blindness/Deafness
4-Inlfict Serious Wounds, Death Ward, Dispel good, Freedom of Movement, Holy sword (unholy, double damage against good), and Poison


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.


The stats are the same as they appear in the PHB.

Prestige Classes

The Dark Ones

Prerequisites: The Ability to smite good, have use of the unholy lay on hands, follower of Dyamaria.

Tainted Soul: At 10th level The Dark Ones have a constant aura as if they had unhallow cast on them. This is a supernatural ability.
Dyamaria's Darkness: At 3rd level a Dark one my cast darkness on himself that he can see through at will.
Dark Soul: At 5th Level a Dark One may cast deeper darkness on himself that he can see through at will.
Unsettling Gaze: Anyone who looks upon a Dark One must make a will saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + his Dark Ones Level+ his Cha Modifier or be effected as by the spell Bane.
Fearful Visage: Anyone who looks upon a Dark One must make a will saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + his Dark Ones Level+ his Cha Modifier or be effected as by the spell Fear.
Cursed Touch: 1/day a Dark one may make a touch attack with the affects of a bestow curse spell. He must decide which version of the spell he wants to use before he makes his touch attack.

Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws (F/R/W) Abilities Spells
1 +1 +2/+0/+0 Unsettling Gaze
2 +2 +3/+0/+0 Bonus Feat +1 Level to Existing Class
3 +3 +3/+1/+1 Dyamaria's Darkness
4 +4 +4/+1/+1 +1 Level to Existing Class
5 +5 +4/+1/+1 Dark Soul
6 +6 +5/+2/+2 Bonus Feat +1 Level to Existing Class
7 +7 +5/+2/+2 Fearful Visage
8 +8 +6/+2/+2 +1 Level to Existing Class
9 +9 +6/+3/+3 Cursed Touch
10 +10 +7/+3/+3 Tainted Soul +1 Level to Existing Class


Prerequisites: Arcane spell caster level 6
Trials: As soon as a Devout reaches the level of experience to advance to a level that has a trial, he is pulled out of the Material Plane of Existence. He is brought in front of the Council of Deceased Mages and is required to undergo a test that drastically weakens the body of the Devout, but brings him closer to the magic and grants him a +1 Bonus to Intelligence.
Trial Sacrifice Needed
Trial of Pride 1 point of Cha
Trial of Courage 1 point of Wis
Trial of Agility 1 point of Dex
Trial of Endurance 1 point of Con
Trial of Strength 1 point of Str
Trial of Ability 1 point form any non-Int score

Proven: Once a devout has reached level 10, he is so attuned to magic that he can cast one more spell per day for 1-4 levels.
Magic Blood: By the time a Devout reaches 10th level, the magic is coursing through his lifeblood. If a Devout of this level runs out of memorized spells, he may deal temp Con damage to himself to gain back spell levels at a 1:1 ratio.
Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities Spells per day
1 +0 +0/+0/+2 Trial of Pride +1 Level of Existing Class
2 +0 +0/+0/+3 Trial of Courage +1 Level of Existing Class
3 +1 +1/+1/+3 Bonus Feat +1 Level of Existing Class
4 +1 +1/+1/+4 Trial of Agility +1 Level of Existing Class
5 +2 +1/+1/+4 Bonus Feat +1 Level of Existing Class
6 +2 +2/+2/+5 Trial of Endurance +1 Level of Existing Class
7 +3 +2/+2/+5 Bonus Feat +1 Level of Existing Class
8 +3 +2/+2/+6 Test of Strength +1 Level of Existing Class
9 +4 +3/+3/+6 Test of Ability +1 Level of Existing Class
10 +4 +3/+3/+7 Proven; Magic Blood +1 Level of Existing Class

Dolon's Generalists

Skill Points: 8 + int mod. All skills are class skills for a generalist.
Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities Spells
1 +0 +2/+2/+2 +1 Level to Existing Class
2 +1 +3/+3/+3 Bonus Feat
3 +2 +3/+3/+3 +1 Level to Existing Class
4 +3 +4/+4/+4 Bonus Feat
5 +3 +4/+4/+4 +1 Level to Existing Class
6 +4 +5/+5/+5 Bonus Feat
7 +5 +5/+5/+5 +1 Level to Existing Class
8 +6 +6/+6/+6 Bonus Feat
9 +6 +6/+6/+6 +1 Level to Existing Class
10 +7 +7/+7/+7 Bonus Feat +1 Level to Existing Class

Flame Brothers

Written and Created by Malff_01

Prerequisites: Base attack Bonus +5, Human, Fighter or Ranger, Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Weapon Focus (greatsword).

Skills: same as fighter 1+int mod at each level

Restrictions and Proficiencies: The flame brother is proficient in all simple and martial weapons and light and medium armor. The flame brother cannot use heavy armor ever due to the heat build up and cannt use any weapons that have any wood component because they will catch flame. -8 to hide checks. True neutral alignment restriction for first 3 levels.

Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities
1 +1 +2/+0/+0 Fire subtype, fire sword
2 +2 +3/+0/+0 Burning Hands 1/day
3 +3 +3/+1/+1 Instill sword +1
4 +4 +4/+1/+1 Flaming burst
5 +5 +4/+1/+1 Bonus Feat
6 +6 +5/+2/+2 Burning Hands 2/day; Instill sword +2
7 +7 +5/+2/+2 Improved Darkvision
8 +8 +6/+2/+2 Bonus Feat
9 +9 +6/+3/+3 Instill sword +3
10 +10 +7/+3/+3 Burning Hands 3/day; instill sword +4

Leonolus Templar

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus of +6, ability to turn undead.

Multi-classing: A Paladin who becomes a Leonlus Templar may continue advancing as a Paladin.
Word of Leonolus: Once per week for every per every two Templar Levels a Templar can call out a holy word that causes everyone of good alignment within a 100 foot radius gains a +1 holy bonus to all rolls. Any evilly aligned being receive a -1 holy bonus to all rolls. Any undead creatures receive a -5 bonuses to all rolls. This effect lasts for 2 rounds.
Virtuous Blade: Upon reaching 5th Level a Leonolus Templar may 1/day make every attack he makes as if it were a smite evil attempt for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier.
*Rally: A Templar who is not currecntly suffering from a fear effect can use this ability as a standard action. Allies within 60 feet who are suffering from any fear effect and who can hear the Templar are allowed an immediate Will saving throw at the DC of the Fear effect with a +1 morale bonus for each level of Leonolus Templar.
*Inflame: By giving a stirring speech for at least 5 minutes prior to a battle, the Templar provides those who listen a morale bonus on saving throws against any charm or fear effect. The bonus begins at +2 for a 3rd level and increasesby +2 nat each 2nd level afterwards (+4 at level 5, +6 at level 7, and +8 at level 9). This effect lasts for 5 minutes after the speech and 1 additional minute per Leonolus Templar level.
Valient Warrior His fame has spread through the land giving him a +1 bonus at level 5 to his leadership score and +2 at level 7.
Holy Hero: The Leonolus Templar has become chosen by Leonolus by level 9 and has an aura of light that permanently surrounds him. This aura gives him a +2 bonus to Cha, immunity to fear effects, and all allies within 15 feet are immune to fear effects.
Judgement: Upon reaching 10th level, a Templar may 1/week be affected as per the spell Greater Aspect of the Deity for a number of rounds equal to his Templar level.
Templar levels count as paladin levels for the lay on hands ability.
*=Taken from the "Defenders of The Faith" Book published by Wizards of the Coast

Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities Spells
1 +1 +2/+0/+0 Rally +1 Level to Existing Class
2 +2 +3/+0/+0 Word of Leonolus 1/week
3 +3 +3/+1/+1 Inflame +1 Level to Existing Class
4 +4 +4/+1/+1 Word of Leonolus 2/week
5 +5 +4/+1/+1 Valient Warrior +1; Virtuous Blade +1 Level to Existing Class
6 +6 +5/+2/+2 Word of Leonlolus3/week; Damage Reduction 1/-
7 +7 +5/+2/+2 Valient Warrior +2 +1 Level to Existing Class
8 +8 +6/+2/+2 Word of Leonlus 4/week; Damage Reduction 2/-
9 +9 +6/+3/+3 Holy Hero +1 Level to Existing Class
10 +10 +7/+3/+3 Word of Leonolus 5/week; Judgement +1 Level to Existing Class

Lorelin's Children

Prerequisites: Ability to use the Wild Shape ability and a follower of Lorelin.

Fellowship of the Tree: One of Lorelin's Children adds her level of Lorelin's Children to checks for the following skills: Animal Empathy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature), and Wilderness Lore.
Tree Shape: The Child of Lorelin can use this ability as a spell like ability.
Transmute Metal to Wood: The Child of Lorelin can use this ability as a spell like ability.
Oak Skin: The Child of Lorelin gain a +1 bonus to natural AC at level five and +2 at level 7 and +3 at level 9
Oak Body: The Child of Lorelin gains all the characteristics of a plant (immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, polymorphing, and is not subject to critical hits), but suffers double damage from fire sources. And receives half damage from piercing weapons. The Child of Lorelin appears as a beautifully carved statue of wood, but is indeed a being that has gained his favor.
Regeneration: A child of Lorelin takes normal damage from fire and acid and a limb severed from a child of Lorelin regrows in 2d6 minutes.
Treeshape: as per the spell
Treestride: as per the spell
Ironwood: as per the spell
Animate Trees: as per the Treant ability. The effect lasts for 1 hour/level.

Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities Spells
1 +1 +2/+0/+2 Fellowship of the Tree; Treeshape 1/day +1 Level to Existing Class
2 +1 +3/+0/+3 Treestride 1/day +1 Level to Existing Class
3 +2 +3/+1/+3 Tree shape 2/day +1 Level to Existing Class
4 +2 +4/+1/+4 Ironwood 1/day +1 Level to Existing Class
5 +3 +4/+1/+4 Oak Skin +1 +1 Level to Existing Class
6 +3 +5/+2/+5 Transmute Metal to Wood 1/day +1 Level to Existing Class
7 +4 +5/+2/+5 Oak Skin +2 +1 Level to Existing Class
8 +4 +6/+2/+6 Animate trees 1/day +1 Level to Existing Class
9 +5 +6/+3/+6 Oak Skin +3 +1 Level to Existing Class
10 +5 +7/+3/+7 Oak Body; Regeneration 5 +1 Level to Existing Class

Mursora's Gamblers

The Gamble: A Gambler has access to each of the following spells with the accompanying number.
Number of D20's Spell
1 Expeditious Retreat
1 Change Self
2 Locate Object
2 Invisibility
3 Fly
3 Nondetection
4 Dimension Door
4 Confusion
5 Teleport
5 False Vision
6 Mislead
7 Screen
8 Phase Door
9 Time Stop
When a Gambler Chooses to use one of these abilities as a spell, he rolls the specified number of d20's. For each d20 that comes up higher than the Gambler's Constitution score + bonuses (if this score is above 19 treat the score as 19) the Gambler gains one step on the table below.
Special Abilities: As per the thief
Tip the scales: The Gambler has gained enough of mursora's favor to add this number to her constitution score for the sole purpose of the gamble.
Adept in the Art: The Gambler gains this bonus to all thief class skills and perform.

Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities
1 +1 +0/+2/+2 The Gamble
2 +1 +0/+3/+3 Adept in the Art +1
3 +2 +1/+3/+3 Special Ability
4 +2 +1/+4/+4 Tip the Scales +1
5 +3 +1/+4/+4 Adept in the Art +2
6 +3 +2/+5/+5 Special Ability
7 +4 +2/+5/+5 Tip the Scales +2
8 +4 +2/+6/+6 Adept in the Art +3
9 +5 +3/+6/+6 Special Ability
10 +5 +3/+7/+7 Tip the Scales +3

Stonemore's Smithies

Prerequisites: Follower of Stonemore, Two Craft skills at +8

Master Forger: A Stonemore Smithie can emulate any spells for creating items with this formula for each spell. XP Cost = Spell Level X Required Spell Level X 100
Know Weakness: After studying the creation of so many items the Smithie is able to see flaws in other items. Hardness of material is only 3/4 of what it is normally at level 4, 1/2 at level 6, 1/4 at level 8.
Ignore Strength: Once a Smithie reaches 10th level, he can completely ignore the hardness of materials.
Craft Feat: This acts a bonus feat, but must be chosen from this list ( Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring). The Smithie does not need to meet the requirements for these feats.
Render: A Smithie can damage even magical weapons with a +# bonus equal to his Smithie Level or lower, even if his weapon is not magical.

Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities
1 +0 +2/+0/+0 Craft +2; Master Forger; Render
2 +1 +3/+0/+0 Bonus Craft Feat
3 +2 +3/+1/+1 Craft +4
4 +3 +4/+1/+1 Know Weakness 3/4
5 +3 +4/+1/+1 Craft +6; Bonus Craft Feat
6 +4 +5/+2/+2 Know Weakness 1/2
7 +5 +5/+2/+2 Craft +8
8 +5 +6/+2/+2 Know Weakness 1/4
9 +6 +6/+3/+3 Craft +10;, Bonus Craft Feat
10 +7 +7/+3/+3 Ignore Strength

Strinnanor's Entropes

Destructive Force: Any Creature killed by an Entrope has its body affected as by the destruction spell.
Blade of Decay: Strinnanor enchants his Entropes' blades with the very essence of death. Depending on the level the Entropes blade has varying effects. The effects stack.
Level Effect
1-3 The Entrope adds his Cha mod+Entrope level to damage
4-6 Acts as Ray of Enfeeblement.
7-10 Acts as the Spell Contagion
Enervating Touch: As per the spell enervation, but a touch attack.
Channel Power: If an Entrope kills a creature he gains 1d8 temp hit points, +2 str which last for 1 hour.
Death Cry: As per wailing banshee, but afterwards the Entrope is suffers loses 5 temp constitution points.

Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities
1 +1 +2/+0/+0 Destructive Force; Blade of Decay 1/day
2 +2 +3/+0/+0 Bonus Feat
3 +3 +3/+1/+1 Blade of Decay 2/day
4 +4 +4/+1/+1 Bonus Feat
5 +5 +4/+1/+1 Blade of Decay 3/day; Channel Power
6 +6 +5/+2/+2 Enervating Touch 1/day
7 +7 +5/+2/+2 Blade of Decay 4/day
8 +8 +6/+2/+2 Disintegrate 1/day
9 +9 +6/+3/+3 Blade of Decay 5/day
10 +10 +7/+3/+3 Enervating Touch 2/day; Death Cry

Torunalsian Acolytes

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (any bow), Weapon Focus(any sword), Ability to cast Arcane Spells, Follower of Torunalsio

Guided Shot: The Torunalsian Acolyte may call upon Torunalsio to guide his arrow to its mark giving him a bonus equal to his levels in Torunalsian Acolyte + his Cha modifier to his attack and damage roll.
Guided Strike: The Torunalsian Acolyte may call upon Torunalsio to guide his blade giving him a bonus equal to his levels in Torunalsian Acolyte + his Cha modifier to his attack and damage roll.
Shining Blade: The Torunalsian Acolyte may 1/week call upon Torunalsio to make his sword gain the brilliant energy characteristics for a number of rounds equal to his number of levels in Torunalsian Acolyte.
Shining Arrow: The Torunalsian Acolyte may 1/week call upon Torunalsio to make all the arrows that are slung from his bow gain the brilliant energy characteristics for a number of rounds equal to his number of levels in Torunalsian Acolyte.
Level Attack Bonus Saving Throws(F/R/W) Abilities Spells per day
1 +1 +2/+0/+0 Guided Shot 1/day +1 Level of Existing Class
2 +2 +3/+0/+0 Guided Strike 1/day +1 Level of Existing Class
3 +3 +3/+1/+1 Guided shot 2/day +1 Level of Existing Class
4 +4 +4/+1/+1 Guided Strike 2/day +1 Level of Existing Class
5 +5 +4/+1/+1 Guided Shot 3/day; Shining Blade +1 Level of Existing Class
6 +6 +5/+2/+2 Guided Strike 3/day; Shining Arrow +1 Level of Existing Class
7 +7 +5/+2/+2 Guided Shot 4/day +1 Level of Existing Class
8 +8 +6/+2/+2 Guided Strike 4/day +1 Level of Existing Class
9 +9 +6/+3/+3 Guided Shot 5/day +1 Level of Existing Class
10 +10 +7/+3/+3 Guided Strike 5/day +1 Level of Existing Class


I have made a new creature sub-type the underrace. Any thing that is a member of an underrace must make 3 or more rolls on the underrace table.

Misshapen Ones

Medium Underrace
Hit Dice:
6d12 +12 (48 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 feet
AC: 15 (-1 Dex, +6 Natural)
Attacks: 2 Claw +8, Bite +10, Taint +8
Damage: Claw 2d6+2, Bite 4d6+2
Face/Attack: 5ft by 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Taint
Special Qualities: Regeneration 5, Madness
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 9, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 5
Skills: Hide +8, Listen +8, Spot +6

Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: None
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Normal
Alignment: Any
Advancement: By Character Class

Misshapen ones are beings that were once normal, but the Dragon's energies changed their appearance and then took residence inside them. They are far from mindless beings and can be reasoned with.

Taint: Once per round, a misshapen one can make a touch attack to taint the soul of its victim. Anyone thus affected must make a fort save (DC 17) or immediately take one trait from the table for the underraces. Only a restoration spell or a wish can remove this. If one person is struck by this attack 3 times then they themselves become a member of the underraces.
Regeneration: A Misshapen one takes normal damage from fire and acid.
Madness: There is a 5% chance every 10 rounds that the Misshapen One's chaotic energies take control, making him unable to communicate and be reasoned with. Their sole goal becomes making as many people as possible join the underraces.

The Shimmers

Large Outsider (good)
Hit Dice:
12d12 +48 (96 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 40 feet
AC: 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 Natural)
Attacks: 2 Claw +9, Bite +4
Damage: Claw 1d8+6, Bite 2d6+3
Face/Attack: 5ft by 10ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Pounce, Improved Grab, rake 1d8+3, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Acid, Cold, and electricity resistance 20; Damage Reduction 10/+3; Shimmering Coat
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +7
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 18
Skills: Balance +6, Hide +5, Listen +8, Spot +8, Swim +4, Move Silently +9
Feats: Alertness
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: solitary or council (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Normal
Alignment: Lawful Good
Advancement: By Character Class

The shimmers, thus named for there ability to make their coats shimmer with color, are massive tigers that have either black stripes and either silver or golden coats. The origins of these beings is unknown, but it is believed that when the Dragon's heart was smashed, Nature came into being before the Tiger created this race as a memorial to him. They are peaceful and generally keep to themselves and avoid human affairs. If they are found they generally cause their coats to shimmer to blind their opponents so that they can run away. They generally speak Celestial, Common, and their own secret language.

Shimmering Coat: At will, a shimmer can make its coat of fur begin to shimmer with an array of colors that attracts attention and causes beings to look at it one must make a will save (DC 15) or be denied his saving throw for the blindness and stunning of the shimmering coat. Any creature that looks directly at the chosen one must make a Reflex save (DC 20) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds and blinded for 48 hours. Shimmers are immune to each others shimmering coats.
Spell-like abilities
1/day - Smite Evil, neutralize poison, holy smite, remove disease, holy word, hallow, Holy aura, Remove Blindness/Deafness
3/day - Protection from evil, Bless
At will - Light


Large Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice:
8d8 +16 (48 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 45 feet, fly 75 ft (average)
AC: 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 Natural)
Attacks: 2 Claw +10, Bite +8, Tail Slap +8
Damage: Claw 1d8+4, Bite 1d10+4, Tail Sweep 1d6+4
Face/Attack: 5ft by 5ft/10ft
Special Attacks:-
Special Qualities:-
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8, Hide +6*, Intimidate +8, Jump +12
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Multiattack, Weapon Focus(claws), Improved Critical (claws), Flyby Attack

Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: None
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Normal
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Good
Advancement: By Character Class

These gigantic beings are known as the Shanonar, which is elven for the Cloaked ones. They are massive beings standing nearly 8 feet with black bat-like wings that they wrap around themselves as if in a cloak and prevents them from being seen while they roam at night. These noble beasts hate all manner of demons and will attack them on site unless they are outnumbered in hit dice by 2:1. They have allied themselves with many groups throughout the ages all across the world, so it can only be assumed that they populate all regions of Rexum. They typically speak common and Shanarian which is their own language.

Hide: During the night, if a Shanonar wraps its wings around itself and hides in a shadowy area, which it can do as a free action, it instead gains a +20 bonus to hide checks.

Chaos Dragon

Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: None
Challenge Rating:
Treasure: Normal
Alignment: Always Chaotic Neutral

Chaos Dragons by age

Age Size Hit Dice AC Attack Bonus Saves (F/R/W) Breath Weapon(DC) Fear DC SR
Wyrmling M 12d12+24 20(+1 dex, +9 natural) +15 +10/+8/+10 4d12(18) - -
Very Young L 16d12+48 22(+1 dex, -1 size, +12 natural) +19 +12/+10/+12 6d12(20) 10 -
Young L 20d12+80 25(+1 dex, -1 size, +15 natural) +25 +14/+12/+14 8d12(22) 15 -
Juvenile L 24d12+120 28(+1 dex, -1 size, +18 natural) +29 +16/+14/+16 11d12(24) 20 -
Young Adult H 28d12+168 31(+1 dex, -2 size, +22 natural) +32 +18/+16/+18 14d12(26) 26 25
Adult H 32d12+224 34(+1 dex, -2 size, +25 natural) +35 +20/+18/+20 16d12(28) 28 27
Mature Adult H 36d12+288 37(+1 dex, -2 size, +28 natural) +40 +22/+20/+22 18d12(30) 30 29
Old G 40d12+360 40(+1 dex, -4 size, +33 natural) +45 +24/+22/+24 21d12(32) 32 31
Very Old G 44d12+440 43(+1 dex, -4 size, +36 natural) +51 +26/+24/+26 23d12(34) 34 33
Ancient G 48d12+528 46(+1 dex, -4 size, +39 natural) +57 +28/+26/+28 25d12(36) 36 35
Wyrm C 52d12+624 49(+1 dex, -8 size, +46 natural) +63 +31/+29/+31 27d12(38) 40 37
Great Wyrm C 56d12+728 52(+1 dex, -8 size, +49 natural) +70 +35/+33/+35 30d12(40) 45 39

Chaos Dragon Abilities by Age

Age Speed Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Special Abilities Caster Level
Wyrmling 60ft, fly 200ft (poor), swim 60ft 20 12 15 14 15 14 Special Abilities 1st
Very Young 60ft, fly 200ft (poor), swim 60ft 23 12 17 16 17 16 Special Abilities 3rd
Young 60ft, fly 200ft (poor), swim 60ft 26 12 19 18 19 18 Special Abilities 5th
Juvenile 60ft, fly 200ft (poor), swim 60ft 29 12 21 20 21 20 Special Abilities 7th
Young Adult 60ft, fly 200ft (poor), swim 60ft 32 12 23 22 23 22 Special Abilities 9th
Adult 60ft, fly 200ft (poor), swim 60ft 35 12 25 24 25 24 Special Abilities 11th
Mature Adult 60ft, fly 200ft (poor), swim 60ft 38 12 27 26 27 26 Special Abilities 13th
Old 60ft, fly 250ft (clumsy), swim 60ft 41 12 29 28 29 28 Special Abilities 15th
Very Old 60ft, fly 250ft (clumsy), swim 60ft 44 12 31 30 31 30 Special Abilities 17th
Ancient 60ft, fly 250ft (clumsy), swim 60ft 47 12 33 32 33 32 Special Abilities 19th
Wyrm 60ft, fly 250ft (clumsy), swim 60ft 50 12 35 34 35 34 Special Abilities 20th
Great Wyrm 60ft, fly 250ft (clumsy), swim 60ft 53 12 37 36 37 36 Special Abilities 20th



Name Cost Damage Critical Range Increment Weight Type
Martial Weapon--Melee
Greathammer(L) 40 gp 2d6 x3 - 20 Bludgeoning


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