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An Introduction

So since you're here I guess you're wondering what this site is and since your attention span is probably about as short as mine I'll get to the point. This site is dedicated to a fantasy adventure world that I originally envisioned during my Freshman Year in high school and have been slowly and intermittently adding to since then. My central goal is to create a fantasy world where the people and nations are as realistic as possible and follow reasonable motivations. No one is pure good, and no one pure evil. This realistic take on the fantasy genre is something that I feel has been lacking and I hope to fill that void. What you'll find here is a collection of information on the various nations, key players, and history of Rexum along with some original fiction written by yours truly. Regarding those stories, I would like to make a note about the Vignette section:

The Vignettes are condensed versions of stories that I don't have time to write. For instance Part I of Risenno's Prayer could have been much longer (~20-30 pages) with a lot more detail about his early life, his exam, his life as a Priest and so on but I just don't have the time to write that all out. At some later date, during a vacation or perhaps if I just have a long enough time without a lot of homework I may go back and fill in the gaps and expand the whole thing to what could be a book sized story. I just wanted to get the ideas posted and get some reactions partially because I don't know if I ever will have time to write the stories in their entirety and want to share them. Mainly I put them up because before I put that much effort and invest that much time, I want to make sure that the story is interesting and worthwhile of that investment. I actually have had a different novel in the back of my head for a long time and it may soon see itself put in Vignette form because I never got around to writing it all out because that would take a dedicated month or two to hammer out, but some day, some summer where I'm not doing research or something...

So, one might ask how one should tackle this site. Well instead of just diving in let me make a few suggestions as to how someone should probably read the site in a way that prevents them from being entirely lost in various references and names.


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