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Legendary Weapons

The Sword of Leonolus: Supposedly forged of a piece of the sun and of the Dragon's heart, this sword shines brightly even in the middle of the night. It is encased in pure quartz and is guarded by a regiment of Templars in the Temple of Leonolus in Fretorundall. Leonolus supposedly placed it there for safe keeping when he left his last avatar's body and said that the sword would always keep the city safe as long as the hearts of those within its walls do not stray from the path of light.

The Flail of Dyamria: Supposedly made of the skulls of Leonolus's first five generals, this Flail is tainted with such an evil that it can freeze a warrior's blood. When Leonolus first looked upon this weapon, he felt tears stain his cheeks because his generals that he had so loved spoke to him from the flail. They spoke as the evil perverted abomination they had become and not as the valient warriors they once were. The location of this item is unknown.

The Shining Star: The weapon of King Brightdawn. Upon command the head of this mace can glow as bright as the sun and stike as heavily as a mountain.

The Blackblade: Believed to be Strinnanor's sword, Tromus Dakalo now wields this blade. Five jaw bones of solars that he has slain hang from this blades massive hilt. This blade always bleeds as it scored a great hit upon Leonolus and his blood stains the blade black. His blood flows from the sword as something perverted that will twist anything it touches.

The Living Bow: This longbow is the weapon that Torunalsio's avatar gave to the ageless King Sundalin Thissashim as a payment for his services. It was given to Torunalsio, by Lorelin as he had made the bow grow straight from the ground in front of the Tree of Life. The wood in this bow is said to still be alive and that its wearer shall never age as long as he posesses it. Anything struck with an arrow from this bow shall live or die according to the wishes of Torunalsio's trusted friend, Lorelin.

The Bow of Ages: This bow gives its wielder the power of life and death. It is crafted out of two branches of the Tree of Life (one from the life side and one from the death), two claws from the Dragon, and 10 scales each from the first of each color of the dragons. The center is bound together by stone and a piece of the Dragon's heart. This bow was crafted in order to kill the Dragon if he ever was to return to Rexum. The hungter carries this bow and will carry it for all of time.

The Three Staves: These staves were used by the avatars of the magic gods. They were given to the first followers of each of the 3 gods of magic and have been passed down through the years and rarely stay with one owner for more than a few years. These staves amplify the spellcaster's spells to a level that cannot be achieved by mortal men without it.

The Items of the Four

These are the weapons of the Four. No one knows where these items are, but many are happy about that. For no one needs to know their location unless the Dragon is destined to return.

The Fur of The Bear: Made from the fur of the first bear who sacrificed himself for this purpose, this armor still retains that bears spirit. It was enchanted to allow no blade to pierce its hide and for the spirit to be able to help its wearer in times of need.

The Paw of the Bear: A massive well-crafted stone mace was the weapon of the Bear. It was crafted to strike harder than the great mountain chains that had the caves that were the homes of the bears. It also gave its owner immense strength beyond the power of the rolling hills.

The Feathers of the Eagle: This suit of armor was crafted of 1000s of feathers that had been enchanted to deflect all types of attacks from a distance. It allowed its wearer to fly through the air a gracefully as an eagle.

The Wings and Talons of the Eagle: A wooden bow made in the form of two sprawling wings of an eagle were the Wings of the Eagle. Any arrow that was slung from this bow would find its mark. The arrows that rested in his quiver, that was made of woven strands of silver, were the Talons of the Eagle and were always there. Whenever the Eagle reached to his quiver there would always be an arrow with a sharp metal head and that was feathered with the tail feathers of an eagle.

The Coat of the Wolf: The armor of the Wolf was made of the woven coats of the most powerful wolves in all of time. It allowed its wearer to slink through the shadows better than any single wolf could. It could also call upon the spirits of all the great wolves that were woven into it.

The Fangs of the Wolf: The weapons of the Wolf were two daggers, that could strike faster than light could spread through a room.

The Stripes of the Tiger: Painted onto the Tiger, these stripes stayed forever on him. They protected him and hid him even in plain daylight. The paint also gave him amazing speed and a agility to pounce on his prey.

The Claw of the Tiger: A sword that had the stripes of the Tiger was the weapon of the Tiger. Any wound caused by this blade was never to be healed. By this blade, the Dragon was killed and by that action it is presumed to have been destroyed.

Legendary Places

The Tree of Life: This was the first being that Nature created and is now the home of Lorelin. One side of the tree is blooming with flowers and full of life while the other side is blackened and decaying. Only one branch from each side has ever been cut off and that is for the Bow of Ages. Leaves from the life side are said to be able to cure any ailment, while leaves from the right are said to have the power to poison anyone who touches them. The tree is in a secret grove that only the gods and the highest of Lorelin's know where it is. Even though Lorelin is good friends with Torunalsio, he is in no way in favor of the gods of light because of this. He is also just as good of a friend to Strinnanor, because even though he is the god of destruction, he also is a lover of the forest because while Torunalsio loves the vibrance of life that pulsates everywhere is nature, Strinnanor loves the inevitable fate that each of those creatures must meet.

The Hunter

The symbol of the hunter is the same as the backround of this page.
The Hunter is a being whose origins are unknown. He was the first being in all of Rexum to be created, even before the primal gods. His motives are unknown, but he wields the Bow of Ages. He crafted the bow after the Dragon was slain for a second time in order to insure that he never would come to this world again. He takes many forms and guises as he steers the world towards what ends that only he knows.


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