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Contact Us
If you want to contact us, please e-mail Natsuki or LoN.
Fan fiction, fan arts are welcomed. ^_^ Also, if you want to be one of the characters in our story, please send in information of the character you want to be. For example, please include the name of your character, age, hobbies, outter appearance, inner appearance, and other information. The site will not provide any of this information for you. =P
We will not guarantee that the character you choose will be in the story, also if you want to be a character, draw a picture of the character representing yourself so we could post it up. Please make this picture as 'pretty' as possible.
We will not do any of these for you. Maybe there will be some rare exceptions, depends on how 'interesting' you describe your character.
If you want to know the format for the profile, please go here. You can also IM us, our screen names are Goldenlord10, and WhoAteMyFood.

*If you are e-mailing us, please title the subject 'Site Stuff Don't Delete' so we won't delete it by accident*