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name here
  • Nationality - Japanese
  • Fighting Style - Sumo
  • Age - 43
  • Height - 189 cm
  • Weight - 125 kg
  • Blood Type - B
  • Occupation - Bodyguard to Kazuya
  • Hobby - Gambling
  • Likes - Boiled and seasoned yellowtail and Japanese white radish
  • Dislikes - Unknown

Tekken 2

Ganryu is a sumo wrestler of great merit.He is also the youngest fighter ever to gain the,"Ozeki".Once this title was gained,many who watched the sport (including a certain bandit leader,Yoshimitsu) thought Ganryu would reap the rewards and challenge fot the title of "Yokozuna"; a title he was more than capable of winning,but his immoral style (such as starting bouts with fire breathing and a fanfare whilst taunting his opponents,and also a bad gambling habit) lead to a dishonourable discharge and gave Ganryu the chance to join the crime world.

This path of life lead Ganryu into pursuing one overriding purpose; to become the world's strongest man in a move that he feels is just and honourable.This of course lead to his arrival into the first tournamnet where he was defeated by a one time fan,Yoshimitsu.Noticing his skill,Kazuya hired the sumo once he retook the Mishima estate.,paying him more than enough to feed his gambling addiction.

Ganryu is participating in the 2nd tournamnet as Kazuya's bodyguard but also for another reason; so that he may express his love for a Native American girl called Michelle Chang whom he fell in love with after seeing her movements and physique!