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name here
  • Nationality - Unknown
  • Fighting Style - Unknown
  • Age - Unknown
  • Height - Unknown
  • Weight - Unknown
  • Blood Type - Unknown
  • Occupation - Unknown
  • Hobby - Unknown
  • Likes - Unknown
  • Dislikes - Unknown

Tekken Tag Tournament

Unknown (although she was in a secret temple looking around to find a strange figure behind her, she turned around to find a sort of wolf ghost. she punches it in the stomach as the weird gel crawls up her arm, she struggles to get out as the rest of the wolf ghost engulfs her. she is then thrown or spit out, which one works for you, into a puddle of green goo. since then no one knows what has really taken over her body or what happened, but to this day she is still controlled by a weird wolf ghost behind her as she makes rapid attacks in her tournaments)