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MBN Coordinator: John Verbos
Camarilla Head ST: Erik B.
Sabbat Head ST: John Verbos
Assistant Sabbat ST's: Bobbi and Laurel
Independant ST: Nick
Hunter ST: Scott
MKE Personal Relations: The Sabbat Demon

IC Ranks:
Archbishop: Simon Cole
Prince: Alexander Furger
Bishops: Fatimah Sulemann, Neville Joyce, Medusa
Primogen: Alexander Furger[Ventrue], Eliza Montoya[Brujah],??[Nosferatu],??[Toreador],??[Tremere],??[Malkavian]

The descriptions of territories and battle lines. This is where the Kindred and Cainites organize and dispell thier plan to take the territory for thier own sect. Sabbat and Camarilla, fighting nightly, the fights are at times physical, at times political. But one thing is for sure, neither sect will rest 'til the other is eliminated.

The Milwaukee Art Museum (Camarilla Elysium)
Serving as the city’s Elysium, the art museum is located on the cool shore of Lake Michigan, just South of McKinley Marina. This stylishly constructed building houses assorted works of art and numerous galleries. Atop the building rests a small annex, resting atop the Veteran’s Memorial fountain, which is home to many offices and conference rooms. The true Elysium rests in a large and always changing gallery in the lowest level of the Museum, accessible by the underground parking garage or the elevators throughout. This is where the Camarilla of the city’s most noble and respected members are often found.

Brady Street (The Rack)
The fashionable East Side of Milwaukee. Brady Street is the pinnacle of Milwaukee’s hip college lifestyle. Refurbished buildings, most over one hundred years old, turned into coffee shops like “Brewed Awakenings” and “Rochambo” and small novelty, clothing, music, and occult shops. Brady Street only runs for a mere mile in length, anchored by Giovanni’s high class Italian cuisine at one end, and Walgreens, Kinko’s Copies, and Starbucks at the other, but still seems to attract Milwaukee’s most laid back, young intellectuals. But in the small alleys and shadows of Brady Street hides Milwaukee’s secret hunters. The eyes of the city’s Kindred prowl in darkness, stalking their prey through all hours of the night. Brady Street is in Camarilla Territory.

The Factory (Sabbat Temple)
Located on Milwaukee’s Latin South side, nestled amid assorted steel factories and train yards lies the Factory. At one time, this building was used for loading lumber shipments and sending them by train to the shipping yards at the lake. Since that time, the inside of the building has been gutted entirely, the windows boarded up, and surrounded by chain link, barbed wire, and armed guards. Accessible only by gravel back roads between factories, this remains the only hidden safe haven for the city’s Sabbat. As such, this is where all Grand scale Sabbat gatherings are held. If one seeks a member of the diocese, they are most often found here.

Downfall/Reconstruction (Sabbat Bar and Hunting)
The poor, the filthy, the drug infested and gun carrying. The low class, the treacherous, and the easily forgotten. Hidden amid the small and decaying rows of houses and corner bars of Milwaukee’s Latino South Side, the Sabbat carries out its nightly hunting. Resting in the center of this territory, an old church has been bought, rebuilt, and converted into the city’s premier Goth/Industrial night club. It is from here, amid the strobes and black lights, the stainless steel, chains and “blood” spattered white walls, that the Sabbat carries out its nightly affairs and slaughter, under the watchful eye of the club’s owner, Archbishop Simon Cole.

River West (Contested Territory)
The run down, disgusting Northern section of the East Side. River West is home to assorted coffee shops, corner stores, and frat houses. Seemingly nothing more than a decrepit and decayed borough of Milwaukee, something to be cast aside, River West stands as one of the most strongly contested regions of the city. If the Sabbat could control River West, they would have the Camarilla stuck in the middle of two Sabbat strongholds... and from there, it is only a matter of time before the Camarilla falls.

West Allis (Contested Territory)
The name “West Allis”, was coined over a century ago as a shortened form of, “West of Allis/Chalmers”. At the time, and still very much so today, West Allis is home to assorted packing warehouses and steel factories. It has also, since then, become a suburban grotto for those seeking the comforts of Milwaukee without the hassles of big city life. West Allis is home to such things as: The State Fair Grounds, The Pettit National Ice skating rink, and the cruising strip, Highway 100. All of these high population drawing locations have caused this area to become the target of attacks, and severe contention.

Club DarQness v2.0 (Priscus’ Estate)

the webmistress