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Psyckogods' character creation documents and rules for the Maximal Base's characters. Who is Psyckogod you say? Well he's the Character Approver in these parts. How do I get Psyckogod to approve my character, you ask? Well it's simple; follow the format below and post it on the 'Unapproved Characters List' found on the RPG forum itself.

Hey you! Yeah you! You wanna submit a character? You think you have what it takes? You think you got the GRAPEFRUITS to get a character into the Maximal Base?! Then use this handy-dandy guide to make your character legit, preferably without my witty descriptions.


Name: Place character's name here.
Faction: For this board's purposes, must be Maximal.
Type: Can be Beast Warrior, Modeless, or Transmetal. You generally need a really well-written application to get by with Transmetal.
Serial Number: Optional. This is like the serial number on a car, but for us Maximals, it's MAXI-000-0000, but put whatever numbers in place for the zeros.
Rank: Newbies usually don't get a Rank yet, especially one that'll fly with the current team, but you can list a former rank if it applies.
Size: Can be anywhere from one foot to twelve feet. The system: 1-5 feet, Small, 6-9 feet, Medium, 10-12 feet, Large.
Function: Soldier, Scientist, Diplomat, so it, and one function only, please.
Gender: Male or Female...right?
Age: Optional. For Bots, it's stellar cycles instead of years, and keep in mind they have much longer life spans and slowed growth. At 50 years old, a Bot has just become a teenager, and an adult at 100, and so on.
Theme Song: Optional. Be it Marilyn Manson or the Spice Girls, name the song that describes your character.
Voice Actor/Actress: Optional. This is something that people always seem ready to name, so here it is for the first time ever- just name whatever celebrity or none at all that would effectively voice your char.

Beast Mode: Unless you're a Modeless, you gotta describe your character's Beast Mode. How it looks and whatnot. Easy, eh!

Robot Mode: This must be in place for all chars. Describe what they look like, any mannerisms, what their voice sounds like, whatever you want. Telling us they look like Tigertron won't help you.

Statistics: This is the barebones, numerical breakdown of your character. Skills go from 1 to 10, with 1 being crappy, 7 being average, and 10 being phenomenal. No fractions or half points, and you have a stat total of 63- add them up when you're done and make sure you're legal. Here's the fields:

Strength: How strong is your char?
Speed: How fast and agile is your char?
Skill: How skilled is your char at their function in general? Applies to equipment as well.
Aim: How good is your char's aim with weapons?
Discipline: How brave or self-controlled is your char?
Stamina: How much endurance does your char have, how long can they last it out?
Intelligence: How smart is your char?
Firepower: How powerful are your char's weapons? This extends to how many weapons they have, or the damage their weapons do, or the level of their weapons' technology.
Luck: How lucky is your char, simply put?
TOTAL: MUST come to 63- no more, but can be less.

Skills: List your character's skills here, and try to tie them into the char's history or function or personality. You can go to the Ultimate RPG to see Agent Rasp's definitive list of skills, or you can list your own- we may ask for descriptions though.

History: Describe your character's life and how they ended up in this RPG. Tie-ins with TV show characters or plots is a no-no.

Personality: What's your character like? Their likes, dislikes, hobbies, their attitude, their fears, so on and so forth- seriously, lots of detail is needed here, you can't just say they're a mysterious loner or a street-wise brawler.

Weapons/Equipment/Special Abilities:

Armament: List your character's weapons here, making sure it coincides with their Firepower rating. Weapons must be listed separately, with descriptions, effects, damage, and ammunition if it's a projectile weapon.

Beast Mode: Any weapons, like teeth or claws, that are exclusive to your char's Beast Mode.

Equipment: Shields, laptops, toolkits, medikits...whatever helpful goodies your character keeps on them on a regular basis, list it here with descriptions and effects.

Quotes: Optional. If there's any catch phrases or mottos or war cries your character is known for, put them here.

Graphics provided by Jackal