A Plee for Endport: Part 2
The trial is finally starting, the fate of Endport, the Maximals and the Predacons resting in the nads in a small group of elders. The tence Endport Saga comes to a close with one final deiscion
[Council Chambers]
Feros approached the table with a smooth, almost swaggering gate. He was a big ‘bot, verging on twelve feet tall, and heavily muscled. A velvety yellow fur covered most of his body, even in Robot mode. A luxurious brown mane topped his shoulders. He smiled easily as he moved forward, radiating confidence with every step. He was a beautiful specimen of robotic engineering in all save his eyes. They were a deep cold amethyst purple; hard, scrutinizing, and distinctly Predacon.
“My lady,” he said softly to Rhapsody when he reached the witness box. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am called Feros. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, even under such disagreeable circumstances,” The lion ‘bot favored her with a warm sincere smile. Except for the eyes, he was handsome, she thought. His easy manner was disarming. She would have to be careful with this one.
Feros continued. “Before we begin I feel that I should take a moment and apologize for my friend and co-council Bengal’s behavior. Please do not take his gruff tones as any sort of rebuke or indication of anger. Bengal is a most excellent lawyer, and I take great pride in saying that he has never failed to see the right of an argument. Yet I fear that sometimes speaks too bluntly for his own good. The matters discussed in court are often times delicate and upsetting, especially to members of the fairer sex. I shall do my best to be gentler about my examinations today,” Rhapsody put on a false smile and thanked the Predacon attorney.
Feros nodded and took careful step backward, indicating by way of motion, that he was now playing the role of the diligent junior Prosecutor. “Commander,” he began politely, “If it please you, I would first like to discuss events stemming from the police raid on ‘Jesters Tavern’ earlier this year,” He looked at Rhapsody as though waiting for her approval to continue. Not that he wouldn’t have proceeded without it. Again making a show of compliance, Rhapsody nodded her assent.
“Thank you Commander,” Feros said. “Earlier this year Predacon military forces, acting on information gathered from numerous sources, confronted your assembled ‘Resistance’ at Jester’s Tavern, a local pub. Is this correct?”
“Yes, it is,” Rhapsody confirmed. “We were attacked without warning and shelled from the street outside. It caused the tavern to catch fire. When the shelling continued, some of us sought to take shelter in the building’s lower levels, but were pursued and rather brutally attacked by a number of Predacon military operatives,”
“The attack was not without warning Commander. The Prosecution has submitted official reports penned by its officers on the matter, along with several independent eyewitness accounts, detailing the generous warnings called out over loud speaker sets from the street. They are logged as evidence for the Prosecution, exhibits D-01 through 15.” Feros grinned at the Council members, then waved his hand dismissively. “But that is unimportant Commander. Suffice to say that the warning was given, and for whatever the reason, innocent or otherwise, you failed to respond. The thing I am curious about is this…did you know why those soldiers were there that night?”
“I can only assume that they planned to wipe us all out in one move. Ever since the occupation began we had been a thorn in their sides. Killing us was the easiest, if not the cleanest way to keep what we knew from getting off planet. Of all those in Endport at the time, our Resistance members stood the greatest chance of smuggling themselves, or the information, out,”
The lion ‘bot began moving back toward the witness stand. “True,” he admitted. “The make up of the ‘Resistance’, what with its colorful blend of prison escapees,” he looked at Buckshot, “free lance mercenaries,” he looked at Solarflare, “and even known assassins,” Wraith didn’t even look up, he knew it was him, “did have the skills to break into the city star port and stow away aboard a ship. But your rational for the cause of the raid is somewhat skewed. You see, the action taken by the military was a response to your very overt acts of terrorism. One report that I have read tells of one early attack that left a swath of damaged property and dead bodies. In fact, I do believe that your associate, Mr. Burnout, was rumored dead as a result of it. Another more venial act saw a huge Maximal crest burned into the side of Endport’s second tallest skyscraper, the Spire. Commander, I will give you every break I can, but just how do you justify such meaningless and destructive violence?”
“All that we did, we did for the greater good of both Endport and its people,” Rhapsody replied. “For Gaiana and its continued peace. The Predacons invaded, Mr. Feros. They just ran the city over, and killed anyone who got in the way. You can’t tell me that it is right or just to stand by and let innocent people be murdered in the streets,”
“No,” Feros returned, “I most certainly cannot condone such abject slaughter. And I’m not trying to tell you that you’re wrong Commander, just…where’s your proof? I can show you pictures of the burned out buildings and the Maximal symbol that is still picked out in broken glass and twisted metal. I can show you recovered film footage that, I will simply come out and say it, makes you look very very guilty. I can show you report after report of the terrible things you say you haven’t done. How can this be if you’re so guiltless? I want to believe you Miss Rhapsody, but you have to help me in that believing,”
“The physical damages I do not deny, but the security recordings could have been edited. The portions that would clear us may be on a cutting room floor somewhere. You are very quick to show the incriminating parts, but we have seen very little else. Individual pieces of a puzzle can appear to be other things without the rest of the picture to put them into perspective. As for the reports, they’re largely from military sources. If they were ordered to falsify information, they would have done it, no questions asked. It’s the way things are done in the army,”
Feros smiled a sad smile. “And in your position, my dear, I would no doubt say the same thing. Yet you still have no proof. What can you give me?”
“My word as a soldier, and a Maximal,” Rhapsody responded.
The smile disappeared. “Sadly Commander, I’m afraid that won’t do here today. If it were me, I would take you at your word and then weigh the two sides. But justice demands that we weigh only what can be demonstrated or corroborated from outside sources. The rest is just words. Worth less than nothing in the mouths of even the most honest ‘bot. Even the most honest is capable of telling a lie if the reasons for it are compelling. You are a good person Commander. I can see that. But your reasons for giving this court false testimony may be the strongest of all,”
Rhapsody gazed at the Predacon and his icy purple optics. A smooth talker, this one. He would fill the air with words and lead you right by an important counter argument almost before you knew it. The songbird almost kicked herself for not mentioning it sooner. “Councilor,” Rhapsody said.
“Yes?” Feros replied dutifully.
“If you would be so kind, tell me when Jester’s was raided,”
Feros stopped as if he had been slapped. “Madame, the exact dates are logged and recorded in evidence. There are other things I wish to discuss with you yet, and I fear we are running short on time. So if you would, please tell me about this little incident in space with the fleet of the…”
“Quote me the date Feros,” Rhapsody cut in. Her tone brooked no argument. “Tell me when your blockade was sanctioned,”
“Two hundred and twenty three stellar days ago as shown in record,” he said. The gentle tone was gone.
Rhapsody nodded. “And when did you raid Jester’s?”
Feros remained silent. His purple optics gazed at her intently, trying to pry out her intentions. After a moment, though, the easy smiles returned. The lion ‘bot reached out and put a hand on the edge of the witness booth’s railing. “Two hundred and twenty two stellar days ago,” he lied. “You will find that if you look in the reports for yourself. Now, if we may turn to other things…”
At the Prosecution table, Mauler heard the exchange. More importantly, he understood what Feros had. The raid on Jester’s had been well before the Maximal Council had agreed to a legal occupation of Endport. That alone could ruin their carefully outlined case. He made a sweeping gesture with his left index finger as if to sweep a speck of dust off the table. There was no dust, but in the rear of the courtroom, a small Predacon ‘news agent’ quietly excused himself, and headed for the basement - document storage. Mauler didn’t know how, but he had been told that the ‘bots guarding the room would turn a blind eye should anyone come through during the trial. Most curious. But Mauler didn’t care. Soon enough he would have his dates rearranged, and that was all that mattered.
“No, we may not move on to other things,” Rhapsody shot at the lion Pred. “Listen to me, the raid on Jester’s happened before the council authorized any Predacon military presence on planet! We had been caught and thrown in the Brig before the fleet had been dispatched; before there should have been any occupying force! They were…”
“Enough!!” Prime bellowed. “Commander Rhapsody, you will please retain you composure while on the stand,”
Garrak’s brow wrinkled in thought. Quickly he beckoned a paige to his seat. Get me all of the data tracks pertaining to that, and get them to me now, you understand?” The paige nodded, and almost ran to the computer uplink at the far edge of the room. The Elder eyed Tachyous Prime with uncertainty. He shouldn’t have even cared about that little outburst, yet he had seen fit to stop it completely. Doubts began to form in his mind as he waited for the files.
When the files came, though, they only backed up what the Prosecution had said. In the end Feros moved on, sliding his way the Brig and the Resistance’s escape. Their theft of a small Brig shuttle. The space battle came and went, as did the matter of their second incarceration, Rhapsody’s alleged torture, and their battle with S.O.R.T. Feros spent the most time on unsavory aspects of the Resistance’s ‘going away’ present to the Predacon HQ. The murder of spat and assassination of the Pred Commander featured prominently. Cutter was mentioned, but only in passing, and as an ‘unwilling hostage’. That at least was true. After that, the lion was quick to end his examination, attempting to circumvent the inconsistencies of the parking lot battle all-together.
They had destroyed her, Rhapsody knew, despite her best efforts. They had torn her case apart for lack of solid evidence. When the exhausting barrage was finished, it was all that she could do to look at Prime in hopes of support. In her absence from the Defense table, it was the High Elder that would do the cross-examination. Now, surely, her time would come. She could tell the story her way, and make them believe.
Leaning forward in his seat, the Tachyous Prime spoke. “In the interests of time, Commander, I shall ask you only one question. Can you prove that anything the Prosecution has just said is false or untrue?” Suddenly, Rhapsody’s stomach sank. No, he wouldn’t cut me off she thought, Not the High Elder!
But he did.
There was silence as the room waited on the Resistance Leader’s next words.
“No,” Rhapsody said.
And in that instant, she knew that she had lost.
Trash! All of them! They fought dirtier than any pirate he'd ever faced before. Wraith was burning with hate to the point where his servos threatened to melt through his shell. This Feros had done it, he had driven Wraith to the endpoint, total rage. Not only had he beaten Rhapsody, but he'd done it by smoothtalking her, and that was what really steamed his circuits. The wolf growled and started to rise, getting ready to gut the lion-bot where he stood but was stopped by Solarflare. "That won't help Wraith, as much as I'd like to think it would. It'll only make things worse."
The young wolfbot shrugged Solarflare's hand off his shoulder and sat back down. Somebody's gonna get hurt...and it ain't gonna be no Maximal....
That was it. With that single word, the entire Maximal Resistance was doomed. It was a simple truthful statement, but it was the key that unlocked the floodgates of lies that would seek to drown them all. There was hardly anything they could do about it.
They had called themselves the "Maximal Resistance", but nary a Maximal would lend a helping hand if they were convicted. For all their good judgement, Maximals were notoriously over-zealous about the legal system. If convicted, there would be no room for a second chance in the eyes of their faction. Maybe that was why the Predacons had chosen for this, public display of admittance. The Resistance was going to be condemned in front of their people, by their people.
Good intentions can oft-times result in drastic consequences. Maybe this was such a moment.
Querion cracked his knuckles, his eyes sharp and alert under that guise of lazy drifter. They were not going to be convicted and jailed and scapegoated. He would see to that. He was a fighter born-and-bred, so this was any a good time to prove it.
The wolf-bot drummed his finger on his seat, ready to spring on the nearest guard at the slightest signal.
[The Council Chamber]
The word, so simple and so final, was deafening in the silence of the room. The assembled crowd of onlookers stood frozen as it was captured in sound and form by a multitude of Vidcorders. Frozen as the audio and video were translated into tight beam digital. Frozen, as they were pumped live into the Vid sets of viewers across Cybertron. Frozen in a moment that only its architect could truly savor.
From a corner of his shadowy office, the coercive Tripred watched with a cold delight as Rhapsody all but admitted defeat. Everything was moving just as he had planed. In just a few short minutes the trial would be over, and then he, Cicadon, would claim a most deserved victory.
The Predacon smiled. It had all been too easy. First he had dealt with the Prosecution. Three calls for three lawyers. Three exorbitant credit transfers that he considered worth every cent. One call to remind Tachyous Prime where his loyalties lay, and like magic, he controlled the Council of Elders. A string pulled here…pressure applied just so…and it was done. Arranged and paid for all in one day.
It was laughably simple, he mused, just like everything in his life. With money came power. With power, came control. Once you had that, it was just a matter of moving the pieces.
Cicadon leaned back in his chair and continued to watch as his masterpiece unfolded. So pleased was he with himself, that he failed to take notice the small silver Predacon threading its way through the gallery to the Prosecutor’s bench. The stunted Transformer spoke, and Mauler turned, taking a delicate video message device from him and slipping it over his head.
Cicadon grinned, oblivious to the snag developing as he watched. All that he saw was victory; so close that he could almost taste it.
It would be very soon now. Very soon indeed…
Back in the Citadel Tachyous Prime yelled for order over the sea of murmuring that had accompanied Rhapsody’s exit from the witness stand. The songbird sat limply in her chair, hearing neither the crowd nor the sharp crack of the High Elder’s gavel. One by one the murmurs died, but Rhapsody’s face did not lift. They had lost, and she blamed herself for the failure.
“ORDER!” Prime bellowed a last time before replacing the gavel in its carved holder. The last whispers died, leaving the room once again in silence.
“Good,” Prime said bluntly. “We shall move now to final statements. If the Prosecution has prepared a closing argument, it may be pre…”
“No,” said a voice from the far end of the Elder’s bench. “We will not move on,” The High Elder swung his gaze to the voice’s owner, though it could only be one person. Garrak. The old fool was intent on making matters difficult.
Tachyous shot the older ‘bot a patient look. “Councilman Garrak,” he began in a deep rich tones, “I am satisfied with the Commander’s testimony. It is obvious that she has nothing of substance to offer this court, and therefore we will move on,”
“No,” Garrak repeated. “We will not. Though you may well be satisfied, I find myself far from sated. As a member of this Council I have every right to recall Commander Rhapsody to the stand and question her until I am satisfied with what I hear,”
“You presume too much,” Prime growled quietly, away from his microphone.
“Yet the right remains mine, despite your objections,” Garrak returned.
The High Elder gazed down the line of Councilman at the other ‘bot, eyeing him with growing disdain. The fool had always been a problem, but never had he dared speak out like this. Prime’s gut tightened. Was it possible that he suspected his ties to the Tripredacus Council? Was it possible that he knew? Tachyous didn’t believe that it went that far, but still, what else could make him so bold? “Councilman Garrak, I fail to see what is to be gained by questioning Commander Rhapsody any further. She has given her testimony and been questioned by both sides of the floor. There is nothing more to ask,”
“I don’t propose to ask her anything,” Garrak replied. “I merely want to hear her side of the story, from beginning to end. The Prosecution kept its scope limited to what they wanted to prove. The good Commander, however, has not had the chance to do the same for herself and her friends. Evenhandedness is all that I ask,”
Tachyous Prime straightened in his chair, glowering to himself, and appearing to think over the request. Officially, Garrak was correct. Each Elder had the power to halt the proceedings and examine a particular witness in depth. Prime knew that he should comply. Perhaps under different circumstances, he would have. But not today. He couldn’t afford to let the bird ‘bot tell her tale. Not if he valued his life.
“Very well,” he said the High Elder at length. “We shall put it to a vote. All those in favor…” Garrak, Nova, and a few others raised their hands. Garrak’s heart sank as he lifted his arm. He knew how this would end, and was powerless to stop it. “ All those against…” The majority of hands went up. “It has been decided then,” Tachyous said with only the slightest hint of satisfaction. “Councilman Garrak’s motion has been defeated. Closing arguments will commence,”
There was a pause.
“Councilor Mauler,” Prime repeated when the thickset bear failed to respond. “Do you have a closing argument?”
Mauler looked up quickly and apologized. “I beg your deepest pardons, you honor, but I am afraid I must ask for a moment to confer with my Co-councils,” The bear ‘bot held up the video message set. “We have just received some disturbing new information. The contents of this message require that we speak privately amongst ourselves before continuing any further. With your leave…”
Prime nodded reluctantly.
“Thank you,” Mauler said, turning quickly back to his table. “Feros, the privacy field,” With a concerned look on his face, the lion reached for the squat metal box bolted to the bench. An opaque bubble sprung to life, covering the three high priced lawyers. Both their voices and images became blurred; incomprehensible. When the field had closed over them completely, Mauler activated a small device attached to his wrist. A miniature distortion field of his own for added security. “Put on the set and listen to the message,” he told the other two gruffly. “And do it quick. We need to talk about this before we drop the field. As you’ll see, we’re now operating on a very very tight clock,”
Minutes later, the Maximals, along with the rest of the court, looked up as the bubble vanished into thin air. Mauler stepped immediately forward, approaching the Council bench. Though the stolid Transformer was as unreadable as ever, the same could not quite be said for his two companions. Whatever the message contained, it had been enough to make Bengal blanch. Feros still smiled, but it was a halfhearted gesture. Something had gone very wrong.
“Your honor,” Mauler said quickly, abandoning any attempt at suddenly or style beyond the traditional courtesy. “If it please the court, the Prosecution finds it imperative to call one last witness,” Prime shot Mauler a questioning look. ‘Do it!’ the attorney mouthed silently.
The High elder stiffened. Cicadon, he thought. “Allowed,” he said, still suspicious and more than a little unsettled.
Mauler nodded. “In that case, the Prosecution calls the Predacon General ‘Blacklight’ to the stand,”
The gasps came almost immediately, and most of those from the seated Resistance members. Behind them, the chamber’s heavy doors were thrown open to reveal a handsome Griffin Fuzor with icy blue optics and a knowing smirk. Flanked by guards, the General, once the left hand of the military generous who had brought Endport to its knees, strode confidently down the center isle to the witness box. The very air seemed to heat up as the honor guard, Council security, and Resistance ‘bots all tensed, anticipating the worst. Caska’s hand dropped down, hovering close to her holographic broadsword. She made a mental note to skewer the guard detail that had let them in without notifying her first. The Predacon ‘honor guard’ filed to the sides of the room, their gazes never leaving Rhapsody or her charges.
Burnout and Retro exchanged wary glances. Phyphen squeaked in surprise, causing Mimi to place a gentle restraining hand on her shoulder. Buckshot was the first to comment. “What the f*%! is he doing here?” the rottweiler shouted.
Blacklight glanced at Buckshot in passing, then turned to meet Rhapsody’s gaze. “Tell your dog he should wash his dirty mouth,” He sat, and then added, “This is a proper court of law, not some bar room where he can accost anyone he sees fit,” Rhapsody nodded to Buckshot, who closed his mouth and began tearing into the Predacon with his eyes. Leaning over, Solarflare said a few words in a calming attempt that was completely lost on his canine friend. Querion, still playing the part of an aimless drifter flexed his hands experimentally. The wolf ‘bot leaned back in his chair and readied himself for the final nail in their collective coffin. That, and of course, the mele that would follow.
Timber watched with jaw clenched tight. Next to her, Rita tried hard to keep from pulling her guns. For the briefest of moments, the mink wrenched her thoughts away from the lost Catfish and assassin Relic, concentrating on the surprise turn of events. ‘Not even ‘Fish could luck us out of this one,’ she thought. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but probably true.
Meanwhile, Mauler wasted no time. “General, I will begin by asking you what post you have served for the last year, so that the Council may take your testimony today for what it is,”
“Certainly,” the Fuzor crooned. “For approximately the last year I’ve functioned as the third in command for the Predacon Army’s occupation of Endport on the planet of Gaiana,”
“Good,” Mauler said. “And you’re position there gave you access to all the information associated with the operation, as well as the motives for its instigation,”
“Correct,” Blacklight replied.
“Excellent. Then, if you would be so kind,” Mauler finished, “Please tell the Council everything that you know that might pertain to this case and the charges filed against the Endport Resistance,”
The Griffin smiled cruelly at Rhapsody and the Resistance, most of whom he knew by name now. This will kill them,’, he thought drawing out his silence for maximum dramatic effect.
“Well,” he began, “The first thing that I can tell you is that the ‘occupation’ was more of an invasion, and undeniably illegal from start to finish, no matter what Council record said. That whole mess was merely intended to cover the fact that the Predacon Armed Forces were massing on Gaiana for a massive campaign against Cybertron. I can also tell you that every charge leveled against the Maximal Resistance, which until recently operated in Endport, is categorically false. A fabrication of the truth designed to discredit the truths they told, and silence them, hopefully for good. But,” and here he paused, “I suppose you’ll be wanting details. Get out you’re data pads, there’s quite a lot,”
In the end he told the whole story of the Predacon occupation. The truth, as it actually happened. Jaws dropped, especially among the Resistance. “What’s going on?” Wraith whispered to nobody in particular. “This guy was there when…” His voice trailed off. Vinoc, Tundra, Dusty, Cross, Trance, Penji, Mandrake, and even Noticia (who was drunk on blood), could only sit and listen as the difficult struggle replayed itself in vivid detail. Garrak and Nova smiled. Tachyous Prime seemed ill and slightly nervous. Detail after detail poured forth, until at last, there was nothing more to say…almost.
“There is one last thing, and I want to make this perfectly clear to everyone,” he said. “This whole thing happened as the result of a snafu within the Tripredacus Council. More specifically, as the result of the actions of one of its members. Actions that were taken without the approval or knowledge of the other two. If you want to lay blame for this somewhere, lay it at the feet of the Tripredacus Councilman Cicadon, and no one else. This was his operation all the way, run in complete information blackout. My superiors, their honors Ramhorn and Seaclamp, had nothing to do with this outrage, and in fact, knew nothing about it until a large number of warships seemed to simply…disappear,”
The lie was so forceful and unimaginable, that it fit perfectly with everything that had come before it. The other two Tripreds had known full well what had been going on. But that was beside the point.
“Don’t take my word for it, though,” the Fuzor said. “You shall have the solemn word of both my superiors when they arrive. In fact,” Blacklight made a show of checking his chronometer, “They should be arriving any moment,”
Weede fainted loudly. Whether it was from the shock of the trial, though, or simply too much Load, not even he ever knew.
(I’ll have a short post with the Tripred’s, and an end to the trial tomorrow. Hang in there, we’re almost home.)
If Caska was a bot to use profanity, she would have, and profusely. As it was, she just gritted her teeth. She radioed the Chambers' security control center.
"WAKE UP already!"
//Excuse me?//
"Right now, in the Council Chambers, we have the entire Council, a few hundred press, a bunch of Maximal militants, slimy Pred lawyers, and a PRED GENERAL AND HONOR GUARD!"
//Yes, we have it under control.//
"You call this under control?! Look, I'd give you a chance to get in gear, but it turns out we've also got two members of the Tripred Council showing up. I want all guards on duty, NOW. I don't care if they're on vacation, just went to bed, sick with rust mites, they get here NOW. NO ONE gets in without proper authorization AND FULL weapons checks, NO ONE gets into the restricted areas of the Chambers, and I'm notified whenever ANYONE else enters this facility until further notice, ESPECIALLY any Tripredicus Council members. We are NOT a bunch of toy soldiers for the politicos to play with, do I make myself clear?"
Solarflare starred ahead for several minutes. The silence in the court was deafing and everyone was frozen for a moment. Finally Solarflare couldn't hold it anymore and turned and looked at Buckshot and Wraith. THe tri burst into laughter at the front table and the courtroom exploded in chatter. Solarflare could hardly keep himself on his chair as pointed at Mauler. "YOU GUYS ARE SO @#%$!"
Prime slammed his gaval down screaming for order. Prime felt that he was about to vomit, he knew he was finished..... or was he.. Cidican was the only one they named. Perhaps he would be spared.
Wraith, Solarflare, and Buckshot nearly laughed their skidplates off. They paid no attention whatsoever to Prime's rantings for order. When they finally died down and returned to their seats, they continued with quiet chatter. Wraith's attention was cut to Prime himself though, when the Council member returned to his own seat.
Sick? The wolf thought. Is he actually feeling sick? That look....sick and scared?
Wraith thought hard for a moment. Prime's action had been...hostile to the Resistance from the start. He had cut the Pred lawyers slack and given the Maximals none. That prick even shot ME down...his own personal hitman, as he always called me. Oh Prime....what deal did you make with who?
Dusty grinned widely at the ruckus in the court. She'd been paying a good deal of attention to the whole proceedings, especially near the end, and had thought that things would break out into a nasty brawl. She wasn't sure if that was still a possibility now, but the dingo femme was still on the alert, just in case. It didn't stop her from giving Phyphen a hug, or joining in the chatter with the other Maximals of the Resistance though.
Rita and Burnout were a bit too occupied to enjoy their moment of victory. Rita was trying to shoot off her gun and Burnout was trying to convince her that would be a bad thing to do in a courtroom. It had evolved into an energetic tug of war, which was discreetly ended by the rope before it was noticed above the general hubbub. Rita cursed under her breath and started trying to peel the piece of string off the safety latch.
Quite shaken by all the things that just happened in the last few moments, Phyphen had a concerned look on her face.
Startled by all the commotion her fellow Maximals were causing, and quite grateful for the hug from Dusty, she still was upset at the flow of this trial.
Glancing around her, she turned about in her chair, looking for Querion, and Timber. Looking straight at Querion she smiled at him - noticing that he did not look happy. Satisfyed she located both, and sat back in her chair.
Glancing back at Dusty, she finally spoke up. "Dusty... I'm only a kid but even I can tell that those men are lying. How is this trial still fair? I think there's something wrong with the judge, Prime."
Phyphen crossed her arms in front of her chest plate and sat, miffed at the way all these *grown* men were acting.
Dusty shrugged at Phyphen's question. "They're lawyers and politicians, they're supposed t'lie," she replied. "As for fair, heh. Whenever Preds are concerned, nothing much is fair. And it'd be my guess that ol' Primey-boyo up there has some strings attached that lead right t'some Pred's grip." The dingo femme shrugged. "That's politics for ya."
Phyphen's brow furrowed. "That makes no sense... if this is a trial. Isn't everybody supposed to tell the truth. This isn't a real trial!"
Suddenly very angry, Phyphen stood up on her chair, "THIS ISN'T A REAL TRIAL... EVERYONE'S LYING!!!"
Penji buried his head in his flippers. They were just vindicated, and all they needed to do was to let events run their course for a little while, and yet several Reistance members were yelling like lunatics. It seemed he'd have to yell back.
[Outside The Council Chamber]
When they came, they came from above, a flight group of no less than ten heavily armored shuttles escorted by a greater number of tiny defense wings. For an instant their bulk eclipsed the late afternoon sun, the shuttles and fighters descending vertically and as one. From the steps leading up to the Citadel’s main entrance it would have taken little to imagine the sun diseased. But then the disease grew, acquired form, and landed on metallic legs.
The defense wings hovered dutifully overhead as the doors to the ten shuttles rose in tandem. Heavily armed guards spilled quickly from each hatch taking up positions around the line of shuttles. Minutes passed, and the way was judged clear. Only then did the two Tripreds emerge, from two separate shuttles occupying slightly off center positions in the column. A cadre of armed guards fell about them both, ushering them quickly inside the monolithic building.
Ramhorn and Seaclamp had arrived, and with them, a possible end to the Endport conflict.
By the time they passed through the doors to the main Council Chamber, the best part of the guard had peeled off, under orders not to cause more trouble with Council security than their presence was worth. Four of the biggest, nastiest looking armed guards remained, along with a slender fifth, squat, squarish, and unarmed. This last was no Beast Warrior, but a specially outfitted living force field generator, rare at all but the highest levels of the Predacon government.
The group slowed to a halt in front of the High Elder’s seat. Immediately the slender ‘bot transformed, compacting himself into a squat metallic box, black, with rounded edges and a silver spike extending from the top. A translucent bubble shimmered around the Predacons for a moment before fading. Though invisible, the field now protected the Tripred from all conceivable attacks. The courtroom fell into sudden voluntary silence. Every ‘bot in the room wanted to hear what came next. Tripredacus Councilmen rarely if ever allowed themselves to be shown in public. They had too many enemies.
“You’re eminence,” Ramhorn said bending knee in a short but meaningful show of respect. Beside him Seaclamp did the same, vice clamp making a sharp click as it brushed the marble floor. They stood. “We would speak with the council,”
Tachyous Prime, who had managed to regain the better part of his composure, nodded and extended his left hand in greeting. “I welcome you,” he said, “And bid you to speak your piece. For as long as I have been High Elder, there has been cooperation between our two governments, and I have no intention of changing that now. This court has heard many astonishing things in these last few hours, and wishes only to confirm their truth. Then we may all be about our way, leaving this unpleasant business far behind,”
“Our deepest thanks, Elder,” Ramhorn replied smoothly. “The Tripredacus Council, sadly, confirms the truth of all that poor General Blacklight has said. These brave Maximals here,” he motioned to the Resistance, “Are not to be faulted for the their actions, for they were in the best interests of Endport and its people. The actions taken by our fellow Councilman Cicadon, however, were most certainly not. We strongly regret what has happened and are willing to assist with its rectification in any manner,” Seaclamp nodded his approval.
“You will, of course, be turning Cicadon over to our custody,” said Nova, leaning forward in his chair. “He must be held accountable for his crimes,”
Ramhorn smiled at the junior Elder warmly, but addressed Prime when he answered. “Due to the…how shall we say, embarrassing and duplicitous nature of this incident, we would request leave to dispose of that matter ourselves. I know that we are in no position to make requests of this nature, but still, our honor dictates that we try at least. We would look upon it kindly as an act of continued cooperation,” Ramhorn shot the High Elder a look that only he stood a chance of receiving. Cicadon no longer holds the power between us it seemed to say. Prime caught it, and threw himself in, never missing a beat.
“In the spirit of cooperation…” he said, “You shall have it. I only warn you that the Maximal people will not look kindly upon any light punishment. Cicadon’s crimes are many and grievous. He mush be severely reprimanded for this. Those who I represent, and those that he has hurt so badly, would expect nothing less,”
“Done,” Ramhorn replied. Then he turned to Blacklight. “General, The Tripredacus Council thanks you for your brave testimony. Please, come,” The Tripred beaconed the griffin off of the witness box. Needless to say, Blacklight complied. Ramhorn turned back to Tachyous. “We shall go, with your permission,”
“Given,” Prime said firmly. “May Primus bless you and keep you, until all are one,” Ramhorn and Seaclamp nodded and turned. The thin shield ‘bot Transformed back to Robot Mode and followed the entourage, now eight with the addition of Blacklight, out of Council room and to the shuttles beyond. As they passed the Resistance, the Fuzor General caught Rhapsody’s eyes, giving her a self-satisfied grin before disappearing in the mass of reporters.
The Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove. Rhapsody thought as she watched them leave. Along with the stable boy who cleans up their messes. Simply amazing. The songbird shook her head, but accepted the victory none the less.
Prime stood next to his chair, lifting his ceremonial gavel. “If there are no objections from the Council, I declare this trial at an end. All charges brought against the ‘Maximal Resistance’ are hereby dropped, along with any outstanding charges brought against its members by this government or its representatives in the past. The Council of Elders thanks you for your true and loyal service. Dismissed!! The High Elder banged his gavel once and exited through a back passage.
And just like that, the trial had ended.
Wraith could barely believe what he'd just heard. He never thought he'd see the day he'd be grateful to the Tripredacus Council...or any part of it, but here it was. He fought back the urge to burst out into laughter again and rush down to personally thank Ramhorn and Seaclamp.
It felt good that he wouldn't have to kill every Pred in the room, plus the Maximal guards to get everybody out ok. He felt, for the first time in a very long time, that he'd helped do something important, and it felt really good.
He got up from his seat and moved between the cheering Maximals to Rhapsody. She looked relaxed, relieved, and exhausted. He knelt beside her chair and squeezed her hand gently. He spoke very softly and a nearly audible smile. "That's it babe, we won. It's finally over."
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