A Plee for Justice: Part 3
The Maximals return to Cybertron in a Attempt to get a trial agsinst the Predacon goverement.
"I think the more urgent matter at hand would be your relationship with Relic," Querion said. The wolf-bot awaited Buckshot's angry retort, but the rottweiler only quaffed his drink down more quickly, face flushed with anger.
"As you could probably have inferred, Relic and I are good friends. I am sorry to have locked you up back in the medic halls, but that was something I had to do, as a friend. The assassin isn't too bad a guy, once you manage to get past-"
"All that snarling and spark-ripping?" Buckshot sneered.
"-his dark demeanour and brooding. I have sufficient reason to believe that what he did was not of his own accord; there was another presence possessing him. He seems especially susceptible to possession; it's been his second time. But I'm digressing. The Relic I know would never-"
"And what's your damn point?"
"My point is, for you to cut Relic some slack. I don't want to have to break up your fight again. I've faced such a predicament before, and trust me, I don't like a spark-eater anymore than you do. Still, it isn't all Relic's fault. If this makes you feel better, I'll be watching him too."
Buckshot stared into his glass, into the thick swirling liquid within. He then spoke out, "How about Wraith? Why aren't you giving him counselling?"
Querion smiled.
"I wouldn't worry about him. Relic can take care of him easily. The kid's good, but he lacks experience. You, on the other hand, are experienced and skilled, and won't hesitate to use every dirty trick in the book to meet your ends. Naturally, you're the more worrying one. So, what do you say? Say you'll do it on my account?"
Buckshot seemed to think it over, scratching his chin.
"Look," he said finally, "You gotta remember, I didn't even know that @#%$ was on the team before I met him. And also, I saw one of his victims."
"You've seen dead bodies before." Querion replied. "What so angered you about this one?"
"She was innocent...and she reminded me of my mom. But you may be right. I'll lay off him, 'cause I know you're tight with him- but that DOESN'T mean I think he should be let off easy. Not at all."
Trapper lost track of the shrouded figure...he had no clue who it was...it didn't matter. He returned to the bridge of the Xavior and left a not posted on the main screen. Then back to the hanger, he got into his ship and began countdown to his launch...
"You're not going alone"
Trapper looks outside, who was it standing there?
“Hey, name’s Burnout.” Burn said with a smile. “Thanks for picking up the repair ship, I owe you one.”
“Ahh it’s ok. Thanks for letting me park in your ship.” The Dingo said, extending her hand.
Burnout shook it and chuckled. “Yea, if any more ships land in this thing I’m going to have to change it from a cargo hauler to a carrier.” He smiled and looked down for a moment, then brought his gaze back up to hers. “So, what are you doing way out here?”
The Xavior shuddred abit as it automatically took itself out of transwarp and cybertron appeared infront of the team. "Optimal entrance angle approaching... Angle calculated.... .... adjusting course." The soft computer voice said and then through the whole ship another soft message. "Cybertron Landing in 10 cycles." By now Burnout had dropped what he was doing and was at the bridge along with Retro
"It did that all by itself?" Burnout said looking at the 3D map screen.
"Yeah!" Retro said suprised as well, "this thing just keeps suprising u..."
THe computer innteruppted him again. "Auto-guns system detected. Active Cloak online." If you were watching on any radar screen the Xavior vanished and slowly drifted into cybertron's atmoshpere without an autogun even noticing. By this time Rhapsody had made it to the bridge.
"Should we get clearence?" Retro asked.
"Wait till we get past the inner perimeter." RHapsody said staring forward. Once the ship had made it through Brunout ordered the Xavior to Decloak and sent a Clearence hail.
"THis is the Cybertronian vessel Xavior requesting landing in cybertropilos."
The Space traffic controller on the other end was shook out of a dead ramble of vertor coordinated by the Xaviors apperence on screen and in the radio. "Umm.. yes land in uh sector 5, sub-section 21, grid 12." THe only reason he let them through because they made it through Auto-guns and he figured they had clearence.
"Rodger." The Xavior slowly glidded down and landed.
THe rear door opened as the resistance stepped out but the Maximal Special Ops team was waiting for them. Apparentaly their reputation preceded them. When the two group met blades, guns and various weapons were persented and cocked. THe onyl ones not to draw were Rhapsody, The special ops commander, and Weede because he wasn't paying attention.
"Ma'am. THe maximal conciul of elders requests your teams presence...." He said, "This is not an option."
Rhapsody looked over her squad ready to let loose a hellfire of bullets and plasma but she simply raised her hand and motioned for them to lower their weapons. Some did, most didn't. "Alright then, shall we." Even through the politness of the two commanding officers the tension could be cut with a beam sabre. THe maximal resistnace slowly filtered into several transport drop ships. Cutter on the other hand tryed to dart away after the main group got in but was stopped by the special forces. Everyone was coming to this meeting, but first the slow journey across the city to the citadel.
Penji and Weede sat in the back of one of the transports.
"huhuh, uh huh, you're like, munching on you chair, huhuh, duude, that's messed. huhuhuh"
Dusty shrugged casually at Burnout's question. "Me? Just wandering 'round the universe randomly, at the mome--" She was cut off by the Xavior shuddering slightly, then the computer's voice softly announcing through the whole ship, "Cybertron landing in 10 cycles."
Burnout quickly stood up and shot an apologetic glance at Dusty. "Sorry, I've got to get to the bridge. We'll talk more later, okay?" Dusty smiled and nodded, then Burnout left the commons and hurried to the bridge, his mind already busy with the upcoming events.
Dusty got up off the bench and wandered back to the bay her starfighter was sitting in, then gave it a quick once-over to make sure nothing had happened to it in her absence. By the time she'd finished, they were moments from landing on Cybertron. Curiosity about this somewhat odd collection of people led the dingo femme to join them once the Xavior had landed, though a well-honed sense of paranoia kept her behind the others, hidden in the shadows of the Xavior's rear door. She frowned at the sight of the Special Ops team with the transport ships and withdrew further back into the shadows of the Xavior, then watched as the Resistance were herded into the transports and headed off.
'I don't like the looks of this...'
Walking back to her seat near Dusty she placed the ferret down on the bench beside her.
She was smiling but silently questioned what she got herself into. After all .... it was one thing to create mischief herself... but to have to watch mischief is another thing.
"What did you do to make Querion and them so angry?" the fox bot peered down at the ferret who was adjusting himself - obviously still shaken.
The ferret glanced up. " I... uh..."
"I'd rather if you told me the truth... I play 'games' myself... but I'd never do anything really bad" the child said hoping to coax the truth from the 'bot. "And what's your name?"
Dusty had been watching the conversation between fox and ferret with sharp eyes and keen ears. When the fox mentioned "never do anything really bad" she broke out into laughter again.
Both 'bots looked over at the dingo clutching her sides.
"What I say?"
"Never do anything really bad? HA! What do you call stealing a repair vessel and getting your self stranded... causing everyone grief? Isn't that really bad?" Dusty burst into laughter all over again as the young fox bowed her head, blushing.
Trapper lay uncounscious on the floor of the Xavior's hanger bay...the mysterious figure did not let him impliment his plan for distraction....it wasn't necessary in the first place...his ship dissabled and him in stasis lock, no one would find him for a while.
A sad sigh escaped out of the mouth of a Maximal officers. Though assigned to the Maximal Special Ops, he was treated as though he didn't belong to the group. Of course, he believed he didn't. He was only on the team because they needed a field medic.
"If I'm so important why do I get assigned to inspect the field for others when I am only a medic?" He thought out loud as he prowled around the hangar in beast mode. "Primus, I wonder if I'm even worth to go be online...and who is this?"
Cross transformed as he approached the body on the hangar floor. One of the resistance? Well, an injuried body is an injuried body. He thought as he started to do a few medical checks on the body. Only in stasis lock. No serious injuries, good. May as well take him back to base.
Collecting Trapper's body, he made his way out of the hangar to where a transport sat waiting for his arrival.
The transports slowly movd across the cybertronian surface until the wrechted to a stop at the citidel. The trip seemed to take hours as almost all of the resistance was silent. Rhapsody noticed that some of the members weren't there and had made it out. She thought that was a good thing so that if somthing went wrong someone be left to rescue them.... maybe. The song bird sighed deeply and was escorted out of the transport by the heavily armed guards who broke off to go back and guard the others once she was brought in front of the conciul.
The rest of the crew was taken to a small waiting area that looked comfortable but was ominus due to the armed guards on either side of the room. Solarflare yawned and streched out on one of the bench as some paced around wondering what was next. This was not at all int he program.
Rhapsody stood tall against the conciul almost smileing, they didn't arrest her, that was a plus. "State your case." Prime said not beating around the bush at all.
RHapsosdy smiled again, "For years the City of Endport has been under harsh predacon control by a corupt Predacon assualt force thats intent on the planet is nothing but high treason." Rhapsody pulled the orb from her pocket and pressed the showing the map. "The predacons plan to build, which they have already began, a planetry fleet base on this planet for the pupose of..." She glanced around the conciul a minute. "For the purpose of Invading Cybertron." The Elders nearly fell out of their seats as some gasped.
"Young lady! I don't think you know what you are saying!" One of the Elders.
"I know exactly what i am saying and every person with me would support what i said."
"I think we have no choice but to grant a trial Prime." Garrak said slaming his hand on the desk. Nova was reluctent at first and then seconded what Garrak said.
"IT seems there is enough evidence to atleast hear both sides." Nova agreed.
Prime was speechless at first, he couldn't believe this, if she was telling the truth they could all be in dnager but if she was lieing primus help her. "Young lady the seriousness of this is somthing that i don't believe you would make up there for i am granting a Hearing. JUST a hearing but if i get one shread of evidence that says you ae lieing your whole team will be exicuted." Those last word struck rhapsody hard and she swallowed hard but her expression stayed the same.
A few moments later Rhapsody came out after handing over the questionable evidence she had. She stepped out and looked the group over. "We have a hearing tomorrow, for now we will be put up in The Excelcior. Not to bad." The Excelcior was the best and most expensive hotel in cybertron. Even criminals were treated with high class by the conciul.
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