A New Direction: Part 6
A brand mission, a brand new world where many things are not as they same and thier true objective is not even known to them.
[Onboard the M.S.S. Penance – A Few Hours Later]
“Computer, open Primary Control Menu. Authorization Gaul – epsilon, epsilon, three-oh-one, delta, seven-five-nine. Key to voice print and energy signature; minimum deviation tolerance. Initialize,”
//Scanning…please wait// answered the ship’s computer in a hollow metallic voice. Gaul waited. And waited some more. What he needed from the Penance’s electronic brain was protected by multiple layers of security. Bypassing it took time.
//Scanning complete// it replied after a time. //Identity confirmed as Priority One user. How may I help you Commander?//
“Show me the Captain’s ‘Master Override Screen’. Put it on the viewer, please,” he replied. Across the room, a darkened Vid screen flickered to life. A list of options appeared, all linked to the ship’s primary memory files. “Display Celestial Map on the Holo-Projector,” A holographic map of known space coalesced over the well like projector in the center of the room. Tiny red dots signaled the locations of both the Penance and its destination: a deserted system just inside the Galactic Rim. Their starting point, Cybertron was picked out in blue.
“Good,” Gaul said. “Prepare to receive information. Overwrite existing memory with the new data,”
The computer balked for the briefest instant. //Acknowledged// it said simply. //Ready to receive// Gaul extracted a tiny data disk from an arm compartment, feeding it to the secure reader fitted into his desk. The computer processed the information…and the hologram changed. Several more red dots appeared amid the confusion of stars and planets, indicating a longer and more erratic Transwarp path than the ship had actually taken. The blue dot over Cybertron also disappeared, reemerging in the space surrounding a far off colony world named Atellis. Now not even the most in depth diagnostic of the ship’s systems would reveal that they had been sent from Cybertron. In effect, the Penance now had a new memory.
//Completed// the computer said when it had finished obliterating the previous information. //Additional commands?//
“Yes,” Gaul replied. “Reformat crew and officer log to match the information on the disk. Change Primary User name to Capt. Egellion. Reset Captains personal log, and implement new text, but retain my password settings. Finally, I need you to jettison Escape Pods one, five, six, and nine on the Port side; ten, twelve, sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen on Starboard. Just let them off into Transwarp space,”
//Confirmed. Changes made//
Gaul nodded. Now it would look as though he and his team had taken over the ship after it lifted from Atellis. It never hurt to have something backing up your cover story. Primus knew they had been given very little to work with on this mission. Just a few more alterations and he would be done.
“One last thing,” modeless ‘bot said. “When we reach our destination, break Transwarp and plot the course specified by my disk. Our new destination will be the Batarsis Sector of the Galactic Rim. Initiate a safe burn of Transwarp Core material in accordance with new information. Erase all traces of this session, and place the ship’s higher functions under lockdown, keyed to Capt. Egellion’s pass settings. That is all,”
The computer processed the command. //Completed. System initiating lockdown…Lockdown Complete//
Satisfied, Gaul disengaged the Vid monitor and Holo-Projector by hand. He removed the data disk from his reader, throwing it down the nearest incinerator. No paper trail.
So the crew of the Penance had a cover story. Unlikely mutineers seeking refuge at the end of the Galaxy. Hopefully it would be enough to get them by. The Conformist’s would have to possess technology worth billions of credits to crack the simple but complete information set he’d just uploaded. It was equipment he doubted they had.
Silently Gaul returned to the work strewn across his desk. He had a few more hours before they made their course correction, and he planned to make the most of them. Just before they dropped into the Batarsis Sector, he would have to organize a meeting of his troops – tell them everything they couldn’t know before: Their true destination, Jonas, and the nature of lion between whose jaws they had willingly placed their heads. It was not something he was looking forward to.
Meanwhile, the Penance continued to sail through Transwarp Space, drawing ever closer to its final destination.
Trance was amazed that they could actually fit his ship in the bay of the Penance as he walked away from securing it. He walked through the halls, pulling together some work that he should do, and have Querion and Relic do some stuff to keep them busy. He thought he would just start out with a quick walk through the ship, getting to the it before h started anything big. As he walked along, he tried to remember something about his two assisstants, Querion and Relic. He hadn't heard of Querion, but he had heard of this Relic a long time ago.
'Wasn't he just released from prison? Hmmm......have to check up on him.' He arrived on the personal quarters level and began walking though the hall, beginning his work.
Dusty nodded absently at the penguin bot. "Sure, that works f'me. Just lemme know whenever anything's taken outta here, 'kay?" Penji nodded as Dusty put away the plasma rifle she'd been looking at and headed for the storeroom door.
"Alrighty then. I'll go check out the ship's weapon systems now, see ya 'round later."
“Connect this one here. That one there. Screw it in, and VWALLA!” Retro pulled himself out of the crack between two racks of computer mainframes and plopped back into his command chair.
After hearing he was in charge of computers, a sudden wave of euphoria came over the small marsupial, and he ran off to prepare his domain. He raided the cargo stores, gathering the needed components, and in a very short period of hyperactive time, his “hackers den” was finished. He chose the computer maintenance room as his roost, since it was the closest place to the actual computer. Sometimes just being around such amazing computing power gave him inspiration.
Since he was the main computer guy onboard, Retro decided to go all out. And when does a hacker like him get to hold sway over an entire ship’s computers.
Computer and diagnostic racks lined the walls. The lights were dimmed to such an extent that almost all the light that filled the room were from blinking lights and shining monitors.
“BWAAHAHAHAHHAHAHH!!!” He cackled, holding his hands up as if to symbolize victory. After the display, he piped down a bit. “Ahem. Now that the coronation ceremony is complete, time to get to work.”
The possum leaned forward in his plush chair and got to work typing on his keyboard. After a few moments, he frowned, them smiled. “Oh really? Hrm…” Some more clicking on a keyboard echoed in the midsized room. Stopping once again, Retro raised an optic ridge and sat back in his chair.
“Retro to Gaul.” He said into his com-link. “Is there something you need to tell me about?” There was definitely something up, and Retro had a hunch…..
[Retro’s Hacking Lab]
The door to Retro’s newly created lab swished open abruptly, revealing the very large, very unamused form of his Commanding Officer. Retro almost gagged on his words. Such embarrassing and hopelessly clichéd entrances happened in movies, not real life. The opossum managed a weak grin, his arrogance of a moment before almost completely lost.
“Yes,” the warrior ‘bot stated in a cold leaden tone that didn’t bode well for the other Transformer. “However, I doubt that it is something you’ll want to be hearing. Come with me," When Retro hesitated, Gaul’s look hardened even further. “On the bounce Mr. Retro,” he said. “You should see something before you decide to poke around the ships memory files,” The Maximal Commander turned sharply on his heel, striding leisurely out of the room. Retro scowled, but did as he was told. Primus! He hadn't even been set up that long!
As it turned out, Gaul was waiting for him at the end of the corridor…next to the Captain's quarters. A cold tingle ran down Retro’s metal spine as he realized just how little he really knew about Gaul. He wouldn’t wouldn't go ballistic on him for having a little fun with the ship’s computer gear…would he? As the hacker ‘bot came closer, Gaul opened the door.
“Step inside, Mr. Retro. Do me the favor of switching on the main Vid monitor,” he indicated the darkened screen on the far edge of the room. Warily, Retro complied. When he flipped the activation switch, a streaming line of code appeared.
"Our cover story," he said simply. "I made the changes about twenty minutes ago. The computer hasn't finished with the minor details just yet. The higher functions like this were supposed to be locked down - my pass settings only. Sometime I'd like you to tell me how you did it. For now, if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to know why,"
Penji waddled about, continuing his inspection as Dusty left, and then he let out a beaky smile. The kind the average human would give if he'd just been given the keys to Fort Knox.
The dark warrior’s head was pounding like, a drummer boy’s drum during a battle march. Filch’s and Catfish’s antics were becoming almost too much for the seasoned combatant to bear. Not even his Maximal Secret Police training had prepared him for this… some events are just too unimaginable to conceive before they happen…
The panther-bot had previously tried to interject in their conversation, but both the fuzor and the giraffe outright ignored him. So, there Jungle stood - caught between the lines - cut off completely…
… a tactile withdraw was in order…
Unfortunately, the ex-slug was out maneuvered; Filch hastily cut off the cat’s retreat - positioning his frame between Jungle and the rest of the hall way – a true show of military genius. “Just were do you think your scampering off to, Commander Jungle? Hum?” Stated the giraffe, sounding rather indignant. “Well-” “As our commanding officer, I demand you...” Inwardly the dark warrior sighed. Filch continued talking, but Jungle was paying no attention. You see; drawing his hand blades appealed to the panther greatly… he pictured doing so in his mind…
A simultaneous slash to the neck and chest, would surely get the job done. Even if Filch countered one attack, the other would hit, causing significant enough damage. Of course Catfish, was the wild card. If she intervened, he’d have to deal with her as well. Pivoting, followed by the releasing of several slugs from his chest guns, should eliminate her from the equation.
Though that would allow Filch enough time to recover. Unsure of Filch’s skills, going hand to hand would be risky. So it would be best to make use of his then still extended chest guns and fill the giraffe with hot metal. Filch would have no place to find cover; there was no doors for several feet and no foreign objects between Jungle and those doors…
“Well?” Jungle hears Filch ask, bringing the dark warrior out of thought sequence. “Do you know how to play hopscotch?” Jungle asked him, face becoming lighter. “What? No-” “Then Catfish here can show you. Then we’ll all play.” Jungle concluded with a smile…
Wraith was quite put out with not being assigned a post. This left him with lots of free time and nothing to do, which was always a bad mix. He ran some check-ups on the Phantasm, played a couple games with his holo-projector, but couldn't seem to ditch his boredom. Then he got a great idea. A wonderfull idea. Wraith got a wonderfull, awful idea.
He rushed down to a certain office onboard. Yup, there she was, looking absolutely gorgeous among all that paperwork. Her brilliant color and beauty was truly shown by the drab colors around her. " Busy, busy, busy." Wraith whispered through the door.
Rhapsody looked up. "Hello? Who's there?"
"Aren't we the busy bee today?" Wraith chimed.
The songbird smiled. "Wraith. You goof, you can't hide your voice. I know you too well."
The wolfbot laughed and stepped inside. "Very true, and how lucky I am that you do."
He walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. "So what are you up to?"
"Working. I've got all these papers to file."
"Sounds long and boring."
"It is."
"Maybe you could use a little 'distraction' hmm?"
"Wraith, I have to get this done...stop...I'm busy now...I-...aw hell, why not?"
The fox bot padded softly down the corridors. In her beast mode, she was quite silent, but also quite small.
Swishing her taiol cautiously about her she turned the corner. Peering down the hallway, with flashing green optics, she hoped she would wander into a familiar face. After her *lesson* with Burn, she got kinda restless - and decided to wander over her new *habitat*.
“No hopscotch until that…that… that returns my stolen property!” Filch paused to consider how this statement sounded. Catfish looked at him with an expression meant to be stern, which came out adorably comical.
“Stealing is wrong Filch.” The fuzor said gravely.
“Yes, that’s exactly my…”
“It’s also wrong to accuse people of stealing,” She said, cutting him off, “just because you misplaced something.”
“Madam, I could hardly misplace…”
“Now I can see if I happened to pick up some of those thingys you lost, but accusing people of stealing when they didn’t is mean and not polite and you really shouldn’t do it.”
“Of course.” Filch said with liberal exasperation, “May I have my merchandise back now?”
“Okie-doky!” Catfish replied, abruptly cheerful again. She reached into her pack and took out an Antilaeitian coral necklace, a deluxe Junkion portable garbage compactor, a wreath of Barrivian turnips, a solid luminum ingot, a socket wrench, a pair of toenail clippers, a N'hexlonic ivory mirror, some Zorian skiddles dice, a tube of toothpaste, a Licestian tentacle massager, a tribble carrier cage, an Andorian feather duster, a hardcover book on the mating habits of the giant mutant guppy, a Terran hockey stick, a Horv'aam egg hatching kit, a set of plastisteel knee actuator bolts, the fan belt for a Terran 1993 Buick LeSabre, a Femmedian pleasure stick, an ink stamping pad, a bottle of aged Corellian nuftak wine, a baby womp rat exercise wheel, a price sticker gun, a Cyberdyne-manufactured android index finger, a ballpoint pen, an Inzivian tooth buffer, a set of Titanian iguana lumbar vertebrae, and a shoe. By the time she was finished there was hardly any room in the hall for the bots.
“Hmm, we can’t play hopscotch here.” Catfish said frowning. “Let’s move down this-a-way!”
Retro grinned for a moment, but when he realized it wasn’t lightening the mood any, he quickly dropped it.
“Well someone made me chief thingy of computers. I don’t take that lightly. Any computer o watch over becomes my child, I learn everything about it, and feel very suspicious when someone locks it out and enacts a sweeper program. On an important mission, that’s a pretty strong sign of sabotage, don’t you think Captain Egellion? Hehe.”
He simply loved bragging about his skill. But on Gaul, it didn’t do much more than irritate him a little more. Ret reminded himself to cut the crap.
“Now if you want me to be in charge of computers, fine. But I wouldn’t be worth my salt if I couldn’t tell that someone’s screwing with the security subroutines. Can you really be angry at me for spotting a possible security risk to whatever not-so-little mission you have us on?”
[Gaul’s Office]
Gaul considered Retro’s words for a few careful seconds. In many respects the opossum Transformer was correct in his assumptions. He had been made chief of the ship’s computer system, and therefore he did have the clearance to poke around inside of it. The modeless ‘bot took a measured breath. Perhaps his irritation was getting the better of him. After a lifetime of military service, where one never questioned the commander, it was hard to see the attitudes of his ‘colorful’ crew as anything more than disrespectful. But then, this had been an irregular mission from the very start. He would have to adjust his command style, and just roll with the punches.
He’d be damned, though, if let anyone threaten him.
“Very well,” Gaul said simply, turning to look at the streaming lines of code on his vid screen. They were thinning out now, as the program neared completion. “I thank you for the effort, then. But I would like to make it perfectly clear, that this is not to be touched. It directly concerns our safety once we reach the Rim, and I will not have that compromised no matter what your title may be. Also,” and here Gaul took a step closer to Retro, “I am not, nor have I ever been Captain Egellion. Captain Egellion was shot into space along with the rest of crew when we acquired this ship from him. The ship locked down because he was no longer in it. That is what happened Mr. Retro. I don’t want you indicating otherwise, even to me,” Gaul paused, looking Retro up and down. “You’ll find out about everything just before we break Transwarp for the last time. If you would like to make yourself useful in the meantime, go up to the bridge and make it look like we had to bypass navigation to fly the ship. Is that acceptable?”
He waited for the other’s response.
The small bot perked up in his chair, and opened his mouth as if to speak. But he immediately closed his mouth and tilted his head to the side.
“Um… Is what acceptable?” He then got up and smiled politely. “Sorry man, I chat anymore. I need to get to the bridge and hotwire the ship. The whole thing’s screwed up since the captain left. See ya!”
Retro waved at Gaul and made for the door. “And remember what we just talking about, keep taking those fluid pressure pills, don’t want you blowing your cork.” He giggled and ran off down the hallway, all too immersed in the ultra-secret mission he was given. Oh how he loved secrets, especially when he was in on them!
Dusty wandered the corridors of the ship in search of a room, bag slung casually over one shoulder. She'd finished her initial inspection of the ship's armaments, and decided that a more thorough examination could wait till later. On the way past, Dusty had wandered into the mess where Relic was reigning supreme, attracted by the smell of many tasty munchies being created. With the use of a bit of judicious flattery to distract Relic, she'd managed to sneak a couple of small pastry things off their tray before wandering off again. Dusty didn't really know if Relic hadn't noticed, or had just let her get away with it, but either way the results were the same.
Mmmm, yummy...
Evidence safely disposed of, along with any stray crumbs, Dusty went back to her search for a place to crash. Rounding a corner, she suddenly came face to face with Catfish, who was standing on one foot in the middle of a series of squares chalked onto the floor. The small fuzor blinked, then returned her concentration to hopping back to the start while Dusty watched on, noting Jungle nearby and a somewhat harassed-looking Filch with a pile of what could only be labelled junk further down the hall.
"Done!" Catfish finished with a flourish then handed a small stone to Jungle. "Your turn now, I think."
Dusty raised a browplate at the dark pantherbot, who looked slightly embarrassed for a moment before his expression went back to its normal impassiveness. She grinned and remarked casually, "Well, this ain't somethin' y'see every day. The second-in-command playin' what looks t'be a game of..."
"Hopscotch!" Catfish broke in, bouncing from one foot to another and grinning up at Dusty, while Jungle looked on with a slight hint of a smile. "Do you wanna play?"
"I s'pose I could have a go at it," Dusty replied, smiling. "So, whaddya gotta do?"
Catfish quickly explained, finishing up with a serious look and "Don't forget, if you go over the lines, the crazy invisible purple aliens will steal your next go." Catfish paused and looked thoughtful. "They might try and eat you, too."
"Thanks, I'll remember that." Dusty put her bag down near the wall, then took the stone Catfish handed to her and crouched down at the start of the boxes. A flick of the wrist, and the stone went skipping across the floor, hit a seam between two of the floor plates, and rebounded out to the side. "Well, that was good..."
"It's out of the boxes! The aliens are gonna get you now." Catfish stated, watching Dusty with wide eyes.
"Oh no, it's the invisible purple crazy aliens!" Dusty pretended to back away from the 'aliens,' until her back hit the wall. "Ack! They've got me! I'm done for..." The dingobot staggered around theatrically, clutching her throat, then with a dramatic flourish collapsed backwards towards Jungle. He reflexively caught her, despite his surprise.
"Nice catch," Dusty remarked, opening her optics and winking up at the somewhat flabbergasted pantherbot. "Last time I tried somethin' like that, the yutz dropped me."
"Nice death," Jungle replied urbanely, quickly regaining his composure as he helped Dusty get her balance back. The copper and white femme just chuckled, then turned to the small fuzor, who was watching her with a serious expression, hands folded behind her back and head tilted to one side.
"You're funny," Catfish stated matter-of-factly, then turned back to her hopscotch game.
[The M.S.S. Penance – Two Hours From the Galactic Rim]
The remainder of the trip passed without incident. Transwarp burn, new trajectory, all had gone as planned. Retro had even managed to modify the ship’s bridge in accordance with the needs of a crew of mutineers. The cruiser would now bend to the commands of the ‘bot at its helm. Captain’s codes were irrelevant. Gaul was forced to admit that it was a commendable piece of work, not easily done, even by a score of technicians. It was a pattern he’d seen elsewhere in his examination of his crew. For all their lack of discipline, the Maximals were good at what they did. Exceptionally good. Perhaps all he needed to do was point them in the proper direction and let them go. As much as he hated the idea, it was quickly turning into his only option.
Common sense dictated that a well-planned operation with few variables would succeed over one thrown together in a haphazard fashion. Standard procedure, nine times out of ten, completed the mission and got the troops home safe. It was a proven fact.
Unfortunately his mission was not well planned, and his team far from standard. He could only pray that this time they’d be the ten, in nine out of ten.
The gray ‘bot glanced at the ship’s clock. They would be two hours from the Btarsis Sector by now. It was time to gather the troops and let them know what they were in for. He flipped a switch, hooking him into the ship wide com system.
//This is Gaul,// he began. //All personnel report to the bridge immediately. If you’re in the middle of something, drop it. Final briefing begins in ten minutes. This is not optional.//
Gaul keyed the system off and stood. He wanted to be there before most of them arrived; not a difficult task considering that the bridge was perhaps a minute away. He was not looking forward to this. He had been doing a good deal of thinking since receiving his orders. At the very least he’d come to the decision that finding and killing their targets would not be as easy as loading a gun and pulling the trigger. There were other factors involved, and Gaul didn’t like them one bit. The Conformists Movement was the type of movement that historically only led to trouble. The Rim was a dangerous place to be just now. And they were walking right into the middle of it.
Before exiting the room he grabbed his combination war hammer / battle ax from its resting place on a side table. He stowed it with a practiced movement as he passed out into the hall. It was time to get things moving.
It was time to roll out.
Penji perked up, and immediately made for the bridge, two data pads in flipper. One with the mission summary, the other with the arms inventory. There was a definite discrepency between the two that he might want to bring up. Maybe. If it seemed like fun.
Querion floored his holographic opponent with a punch, and stood surveying the scene. All seven of his opponents were defeated, and his little workout was done. The wolf-bot had found it unwise to disturb Jungle while he was playing some hopping game, and he could not find Trance. In fact, he had never heard of that bot.
The Maximal tok a deep breath, and grabbed a towel, entering the showers. The cool air bathed his body, removing all hint of the stale sweat. He was shampooing his hair halfway when he heard Gaul's command.
"@#%$," muttered Querion, trying to get the shampoo out of his eyes.
Timber stared at the pile of red meat on the table. She had minced it nicely, following Relic's instructions to a 'T'. She would very much like to eat it raw, but the assassin had insisted that it would taste much better cooked. She hoped Relic was right, for she was getting hungry. The aromas wafting around the kitchen did not help either.
The she-wolf twirled the chopper in her hand, and added a few finishing blows to the pile of minced meat. As she admired her handiwork, Gaul's alarm sounded.
Glancing around, Timber dipped a finger into Relic's pudding, and stuffed the finger into her mouth. She smiled at its sweet taste, and hurried off, lest the assassin should see her.
With Jungle and friends…
Admittedly, the main reason Jungle stuck around to endure this farce was to drag Filch into it - Jungle gained a great bit of satisfaction from that - an indirect method of extracting vengeance. That's how Jungle operated when he felt he had been mildly offended/violated - indicative of his shadow op. training.
Though, Catfish's general antics were inwardly amusing. Jungle found he considered her carefree ez going nature refreshing, as such things are rare in his occupation. Not to mention, Spacedust's arrival certainly made things most 'interesting', from the dark warrior's point of view. Perhaps he'd talk to Gaul about transferring the dingo to his squad.
All and all, not a waste of time where Jungle stood - one can't brood and train all the time. His best friend Ice Runner was always encouraging him to partake in like events…
Were the purple invisible aliens entirely fictional? - the question of the day. JJ would never tell anyone, but after Dusty went 'out of bounds' he did feel a shiver down his spine... and sensed a 'different feeling' in the air… almost as if an unseen force was present… Jungle's beast mode was that of a panther, he was a land creature. Like Relic, J felt 'out of place' in space. He had basically squelched that demon long ago, though in space his mind at times played tricks on him… that could have been one of those times…
"YOUR TURN MONKEY MAN!" Catfish exclaimed to the dark warrior. Monkey Man, likely referring to JJ's name; Jungle. Jungle's mind however is lost in thought. It had been some time since he'd heard from Gaul. While this game had been an nice diversion, Jungle had intended to check up on the modeless 'bot at some point during this flight, just to make sure they were both on the same page. Jungle didn't really trust Gaul. That's not really an insult considering Jungle didn't really trust anyone. Something about this whole mission didn't seem right. Jungle had all ready pointed that out to himself, so no point in rehashing it. "YOUR TURN!" Catfish reiterates. This time the fuzor's comments register and so he responds with a simple nod.
"Everything alright there, cat?" Dusty asks. Jungle responds with a simple nod, while twilling the ball around in hands. Before the panther makes his move, Gaul's message chimes in.
"Play time's over." Jungle states to his charges, in a practiced voice which would send many running off in the opposite direction. Converting to his panther beast mode, via the command; "Beast mode." Jungle lingers off toward the bridge. Now instead of Jungle seeking out Gaul, Gaul was seeking out him - things had a way of working out…
Tundra walked around the kitchen, she wasn't known for cooking abilities, but was doing the best she could.
Vinoc walked around, mopping and dusting, while ordering Weede around.
Rudau followed Solarflare
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