Making Things Right: Part 6
The begining of the final Operation on Endport, the Maximals are forced to find a way off the planet, to try and salavage Justice. However they will face one of their toughest taskes along the the way, Fighting one of their own...
Mandrake grunted irritably and rested his weight back a little further so he could stare up at the femme before him. "So?"
"So....Predacons, Maximals, evil, good, yadda, yadda, yadda?"
The hefty ankylosaur sighed gustily. "That still doesn't explain why you're out here, kid. Besides, I'm retired." He sniffed. "And tell your boyfriend to quit hiding behind door. Dog is a rather distinctive scent."
Trapper lowers a small device teathered to his wrist down into the vat, colects his sample , pulls it up,and turns around.
Trapper: ready to go, I'll wait here with Penji as we are being partnered anyway.......
(the others head off while Trapper stands guard as Penji finishes setting up his explosives)
Trapper: you say something?
Penji: No...(Penji continues on his explosives set up)
Trapper takes a few steps back...coincidently he is backing up right towards the vat which the sound came from...
Trapper: I could of sworn I heard something....huh?!
a drop of the vat liquid falls just infront of Trapper as a shadow looms over him...reluctantly he turns and looks up at a leviathan like entity made of the fluid...seemingly sticking to an existing cybernetic skeletal structure. Though thuroughly fascinated by this, the rat is a loss for words...
Trapper: ...eek-
the beast's maw was open wide...very thats alot of teeth wide......
Trapper: p-p-p-Penji?...are those explosives set up?
Penji: Boom just finished....(Penji gets up and turns around, now not absorbed in his work notices the serpentile monster)
Penji: .......
both are at a loss for words as the creature turns to its side so it can inspect the two with one of it's eyes.
Trapper: Running would be a good idea....not just because this thing could tear us to shreads...
Penji: huh?
Trapper: my scans show that right now...that stuff is very flamable....
Penji: Run.....
Trapper: Don't have to tell me twice...
Trapper sees that Penji is already halfway down the corridor.....
Trapper: WAIT!!!!
Trapper goes to beast mode and speeds down the corridor, catching up with Penji...
Trapper: hop on...
Creature: TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSR!!!!!!(it gives chase)
" Why am I in the middle of this beautiful area? was the only place suited for landing...and I picked up signals. Maybe your one of those signals I picked up. Ummm...what was your name again?" Eternity motioned for Buckshot to go to the com station and try to communicate with the other team. Yes she had removed the head set but she was but of course a communications bot.
Penji did a panicked penguin run (which was, of course, incredibly cute) randomly through the facility, just happening to pass right by the central guards.
"Hey, you, stop right there!" yelled a guard
"Can't stop! Monster eat me!"
"What in the pit?"
"Mental asylum escapee, maybe?" commented another.
"Bad monster! No biscuit!"
"Stop right there or we'll shoot!"
Penji did not stop, and instead screeched around a corner. The guards were understandably pissed off, and two of the three started to chase.
Rita, Catfish and Corvus, still preparing to strike, were quite baffled, but on the other hand Penji had, perhaps inadvertantly, created the perfect moment to pounce.
Trapper continues being chased by the monster, having lost track of Penji, he homes in on the others who are present....just watching Penji polish off a couple of guards...polish off as in finishing licking his fingers from their mechfluid....
"I think I am gonna...wait...I can't hurl...I forgot for a second..." Trapper commented
"He does this sometimes" said Rita...
"Hold on a second...even the interior sparkcage?!" Trapper replied?
Trapper looks over his shoulder as he was now in robot mode at the oncoming beheamoth.....
"What is that?" inquired Catfish.
"Oh that," Trapper explained "that is the contents of the vat...scans show that it is a nanite based compound that enhances and selfreplicates on a massive scale capable of interfacing with technological and biological systems....and since my scanners have been hammering away at my sample, it has some amazing properties....there are about one million of them in the space required for one electron, quite amazing..."
"Can it and run or return fire," interjected Rita
Trapper cocks his energon pistol and lets loose as the others begin using their weapons...
"I have a ship," Trapper yells in the midst of combat.
"What" inquire the others...
"Judging from the time left on what was Penji's explosives and the current highly combustable state of the nanite thing here, we shoot to startle not to hit, and we need to get away from here fast, and on ground won't be enough to haul ourselves out, We head to the top of the compound...that should take less time than getting out on the ground floor, I've sent a pulse communica to my ship, I think we may have a chance, whose wants to hitch a ride?"
As for the ship itself…. I forgot the original physical look of it, but I do remember a lot of it. It’s got an arrow shaped bridge, which connects to the sleek fuselage. The two long wings curve around like those on a Klingon Bird of Pray, but curve farther forward to completely encircle the bridge section. The also don’t have as much of a downward angle, but like the Bird of Pray, the wings do fold up to a horizontal position when it lands, and back down when it flies so the bridge has a full 360 view.
The interior is equally exotic. It’s interior is made of smooth, curving bronze-gold colored metal that glistens a little. The interior and walls are evenly lighted, yet there aren’t any discernable lights anywhere to be found. There is also an odd lack of control panels anywhere. In actuality, they litter the ship, their just hidden. When a control panel is needed, the metal seems to become liquid in that area and seep away into the cracks between the remaining metal and the black touchpad material beneath. Then the proper display lights up on the touchpad. There are special touch-spots that, when tapped, makes the panel underneath unveil itself. Very cutting edge. Only Retro and Burnout are keyed into the panel system, so anyone else will cause the metal to liquefy and harden again.
By now you can tell, this isn’t a cybertronian ship. It’s of alien origin, more advanced than any cybertronian design ever conceived. It’s just that none of the previous owners of the ship had a clue that it was special. So Dedlis is still picking out all the unnecessary computer stuff and components that were installed before he was reactivated.
That just about covers it. Any questions left? Feel free to ask.)
Retro sat back on one of the chairs on the bridge. He let Burnout handle all the teamwork stuff. All Retro would do in those situations is put his foot in his mouth or say something stupid.
Behind him, the door hissed open and in walked Tundra.
“Heya Retro! I’ve been looking for you everywhere. It’s a big ship.”
“Mm, not too big…. Big enough.”
“Ok.” She sat down in the bridge chair across from him. “So, thought about what we talked about earlyer?”
“Oh yea!” Ret sat forward. “As soon as we get back to Cybertron, I’ll take you to this really nice place I went to a while ago. It’s got great food, great drinks, and the best part is the waitresses, they….. Then again, that’s not the best place to take a date.” He smiled sheepishly.
Timber smiled back. “I’m sure you’ll find a great place to take me. But it’s not the dinner I’ll be focusing on.” She batted her eyelashes at him as her smile turned a little more devious.
Retro wafted his hand in front of his face and took on a southern accent. “Oh I do believe I’m getting the vapors.”
They both giggled and as their expressions turned back serious Retro realigned himself so he was closer to her. “Um, do you mind if I kiss you?”
Rita failed to respond. She’d dropped the guard she had been pummeling with the butt of her gun as she watched the huge creature flounder about in the remains of the broken vat. The leviathan had broken out of the metal, skeletal structure Trapper had seen it in and now appeared to be mostly organic. It had disconnected most of the wires and tubes that had apparently been pumping chemicals into it, probably tranquilizers by the monster’s sluggish movements. It actually wasn’t moving very much, but it had an impossibly long neck and snapped at the transformers, fortunately not very accurately.
It hissed in frustration as it wriggled closer. Rita and Corvus watched it with a kind of paralyzed shock as Trapper and Penji tried to get them to run. Catfish, having finished with her hacking, looked at it quizzically with her head cocked to one side. Then smiled with recognition.
On hearing its name the mech eating sea serpent drew back and hissed confusedly. It tried to focus on the robots, but the drugs in his system made the world spin and fogged his vision. Garbled words and hisses spewed out as he slithered closer. Rita slapped the energon pistol from Trapper’s hands.
“Cut that out! That’s an order. ‘Fish, bird. Verify me, is that really Fluff?”
“Under all the mechanics, I think so.” Corvus attested.
“Fluffy!” Catfish sprinted over and hugged the lizard who blinked in her direction.
“You KNOW that thing?” Trapper asked.
“Yeah, we’re friends. Fluffy’s a giant mutated guppy that eats transformers.”
“Yep. Good buds.” Rita said, glancing over at the console to make sure Catfish had done their mission, “Okay, change of plans. Time to get us and the monster guy out. Will he fit in your ship or will we have to drag him along?”
"Mandrake." The dinosaur snorted as it watched the dog Maximal vacate his post behind the door and return to the interior of the ship. "Not that it matters. And it's not possible that my signature drew you here. It's obvious that you arrived before I did. And before you ask, if I was a danger to you I would have just blown your ship up, not knocked."
Phyphen stared at the "confused" 'bot. Then let her eyes wander over to the second 'bot, who was help the first one up.
"Hi, I'm Phyphen... and you are?", Phyphen slowly started rocking back and forth on her heels.( A bit of a nervous gesture on her part.)
"Uhuh.... I'm.. huhuh.. Weede... dude!" the tipsy 'bot said before falling over once again.
"My name's Cutter mademoiselle, can I help you in any way?" the 'bot said with a sort of gracious bow. Or at least as gracious as one could be while helping Weede.
"No... I'm ok. I just heard a noise and wanted to know what it was. That's all." Phyphen took a step back and prepared to leave, "I gotta go catch up with everyone else ok? It was nice meeting you." On that note, Phyphen wheeled around and tore down the hallways back to where everyone else was.
The young 'bot ran through the corridors and bounded through the CR hallways. Again curiosity peaked inside her and she slipped into the rooms. The young ‘bot wandered through the rooms until she found a male wolf ‘bot propped up in a corner, ale mug in hand.
“Are you ok?” Phyphen dropped to her knees in front of the ‘bot, startling the wolf ‘bot and causing him to start coughing and spill his ale. “Sorry,” the young bot grinned sheepishly, “Why are you sitting here all alone?”
Eternity smiled. " I'm here because I was looking to join a group of Maximals. ...I don't really remember my past all that much." Walking a bit closer to Mandrake. " Why are you here?" She was curious about this dinosaur all of a sudden.
The rat thinks for a moment, considering that this creature was made of nanites, it could contain itself enough to fit in the cargo bay....
"it shouldn't be a problem....was this thing always made of nanites with no known technological origins? cause this thing has capacities beyond anything on my data tracks,"
"When will it arrive?"
"We have seven cycles to get to an upper level observation deck,"
Vinoc walked into the rec. room, and sat down to reaserch something. suddenly Tundra walked in, with a smile on her face that made some of the male bots turn to look at her (little thing is that she walks with a swinging motion of her hips.) She walked over to Vinoc and says, "What you reading Bro'?" Vinoc looks at her, grunts, and abruptlly closes down the program. "Well, that was rude! You never would have done that before you left, what happened?" "Nothing that i would ever want you to get involved in... ever." Tundra smiles and says, then frowns as she rembers something "you don't need to slip Retro threatining notes, you know." Vinoc meerly grunts, Tundra suddenly, with her arms akimbo, says "you never let me have any fun do you? I'm not a little girl anymore that you need to protect, I've been involved in some interesting confrontations, so don't start to mother me now!" she then turns around and walks away. Quieron looks at him from across the room and starts to walk over.
“There’s a freight elevator about three piles away.” Corvus informed everyone quickly, “We can take it up to the upper levels.”
“Sounds good.” Rita said, grinning slightly. They were cutting this WAY too close. They were stretched for time even when they were alone and with Fluffy it would be down to the cycles. The sudden rush of stimulants through her system widened her grin. This reminded her of her mercenary days. Way back…oh, about a week ago. This would be absolutely PERFECT…if only Catfish wasn’t here. The weight of responsibility weighed heavy and concern dampened Rita’s excitement.
“Let’s go.” She said, jumping up and grabbing one of Fluffy’s barbels and pulling on it.
“Glabaguben?” Fluffy inquired as he slithered, far too slowly, after the pulling sensation and on to the lift. Looking back Rita noticed the room was filling with guards, but none of them seemed particularly willing to step forward. She hoped they’d be out of there before one decided to act heroic.
"Okay then, LETS GO!!!" shouted Trapper as he set off with the others
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