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Here Reside the Heads of the Pride

Tiring from the bustling activity of the village below, you decide to take Da'erz up on her invitation to relax within her home. Setting your hands upon the rungs of the rope ladder, you begin a tiring climb which seems to never end. Hoisting yourself up on the catwalk, you take a moment to look over the edge regretful that vertigo decides to kick in at the most inopportune times. If you were to lose balance, you would most assuredly die from such a fall. For the realization comes that you are well over fifty feet off of the ground level. A few carefully placed steps backwards and you find yourself pressed against the animal hide flap that poses as a door. From within you can hear a purring chuckle followed by the familiar gruff voice of the shamaness, "Enter, my friend. Come and be at peace with us, yes?"

With a sigh you peel your eyes away from the ledge and turn to face the flap. Once you push the flap aside and step your way in, the aroma of varried drying herbs catches your nostrils. All sorts of plants, some you cannot name, hang from the walls. The floor is strewn with pelts from a myriad of wild game and some even exotic. A gentle fire blazes in a hearth pit within the room's center. Spaced evenly from the entrance you can see two other passage doors secluded by animal hides as well. It is a logical assumption that those are sleeping quarters for the family. So you turn to focus your attention on this main room.

Seated upon the hide of a zebra that overlaps the hide of a gazelle is Da'erz, leonine lower belly sprawled to one side. Behind her rests a larger male wemic, humanoid arms wrapped around the base of her human torso. It is evident he is male due to the flowing black mane that lays in tangles over his shoulders. His rounded ears toggle from side to side as he examines you. A whisper from Da'erz causes him to down look at her face questioningly. Then he lifts a smile with his ears to look back upon you. "Broshanti," he says in a deep growling voice. "I am Nelriad, Chieftain." He presents that gentle nod that you have come to recognize as an acknowledgment and greeting.

A purring chuckle brings your attention back to Da'erz. "Nel does not saying much, but if you ask him enough he is certain to answer you. Please," she adds motioning to the pelt of a majectic buck, "please sit and relax with us. Ask anything you wish, for we always willing to speak with friends. As you two-legs say, making self at home." You find a smile creep up your lips as the tranquility of the atmosphere imbibes within you. It does not take you long to accustom yourself to sitting crosslegged on the pelt offered.

Once settled, your eyes finally take a moment to glance at the other side of the room. Resting on a pelt across from Da'erz and Nelriad is another female wemic, though much younger and smaller than the other two. This one as well offers you the customary nod of acknowledment and a smile. There is something different about her. Her looks seem to resemble that of Da'erz except for one important feature. After a few moments the light dances as if on command to provide a better look. Amazing! you think to yourself as the realization comes to you. This female wemic, much unlike the others, bears eyes the color emeralds (yes, green). All of the other wemics you have seen so far have had yellow eyes like Da'erz and Nelriad. You find yourself suddenly shaken from your awestricken reverie as this other female purrs her fluid speech to you. "Broshanti, stranger. I am Xhasa, daughter of Chieftain Nelriad and Da'erz." Again she dips her head in acknowledgment with another polite smile.

Before you can speak to this young female wemic further, a small prick catches your ankle and you force yourself to look down at your feet noticing that you do not have to tilt your head too far. How had you managed to overlook this before, your mind grumbles. Before you are two young cubs, much smaller than the other towering creatures in the room, about as large as human children at the age of eight or ten years. Having adjusted yourself to looking up to see the people of this species, it is clear that these two could have easilly been overlooked amongst the enormity of the other wemics. The two tilt their heads from side to side, ears twisting every which way as they examine you. Their mouths open in a jumble of growls, purrs, and hissed words that you cannot understand. A purring chuckle lifts your attention back to Da'erz as she speaks, "Those two are the cubs of my second litter. Meet Meow and Rrowla." Each one perks its ears at the sound of her name. It was not easy to figure out on your own that they were female. Seeing the look on your face, Da'erz was more than happy to inform you. Speaking in that same growling language, Da'erz ushers the two youngsters away from you. They reluctantly leave your side with tails tucked and ears pressed to lounge on the pelt with their older sister.

"Now that we all done meeting each other," Da'erz says to you. "Let us talk to know each other more, yes? There is much for us to learn of each other." Hmm... Who to choose? These creatures are so new to you, and so fascinating at the same time. You pick, stranger. Be at peace and learn a little about each one.

Chieftain Nelriad

Da'erz Vizozo