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The Home of N'rill and Julia LaClerk

Your scratching knock upon the animal hide door flap is responded to by a timid yet friendly feminine voice. "Do come in," the words echo from beyond the safety of the ground hut. Thus greeted, you push aside the entryway's barrier gently and step inside to let it fall closed behind you. It takes a few moments for your eyes to readjust from that of the sunlight to that of the warm soft glow of the firepit in the center of the hut. It is a simple dirt floor that you stand on. The walls of the hut made out of a mixture of animal hide and thatch to produce a cured leather and earthen aroma. Adorning the walls are all manner of decorations. Basic aboriginal type shields, spears, and other hunting accessories. There are also human additions, such as flower pots hanging from posts and decorative portraits. After examining the perimeter of the room a few moments your attention focuses across the way to the main curiosity that had brought you to visit.

Seated Indian style upon a cured animal hide is a delicate yet strong looking human woman. Looking into her violet eyes you see a window to her soul and the pain harbored there. Her ivory skin is in contrast to her raven hair, and her ruby lips are pursed in a smile hiding the pain of her past. She is dressed in a deep purple peasant blouse to set off her eyes,with soft leather pants tucked into doeskin boots. The age of human years shows her to be around twenty-five. Again that sweet melodious voice lifts into the atmosphere of the hut, "Welcome, stranger. I am Julia LaClerk. This," she adds, motioning to the creature behind her, "is my mate, N'rill."

How you had managed to look upon the woman first seemed nearly incredulous as your eyes lifted to stare at the strange wemic male you had seen enter the hut behind her. The light of the fire made its hollow eyes dance eerilly, before you realized they were oddly clear. Where a golden hide should have been was instead one of purest white, the color of snow-capped mountain peaks. The rich black mane that the other males sported was of equal color. Though most of that hide was hidden behind an arrangement of studded armor that appears to have once been designed as horse barding, since changed to suit his form properly. Nearby lay a massive Scottish claymore, a look to his belt around his humanoid torso noted where it belonged when not lounging at home. Next to the sword lay a large shield, also quite massive, yet just the right size for one of such build. Still strapped to his back was a large heavy halberd, worked down and marred a bit to show it was his weapon of choice. A flick of rounded white ears demonstrated his indecision along with the swish of leonine tail. But the woman beside him smirked and nudged him in the side to speak up. So that he did, though hesitantly, "Hello."

Want to know more about the strange union of the human woman and wemic male? Just ask, listen, and learn to the tales they have to speak of themselves.

Julia LaClerk