::1/6/04:: I know it has been a long time but I am beginning to move out of one computer and into another, please be patient, and I may have a more updated webpage soon. I hope that everyone had a Happy Yule! BTW.. I cleaned out the old moldy links.


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Stuff I have done

Gundam Wing

Weiß Kreuz

Magna Carta


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Disclamer: The characters of Weiss Kreuz, Gundam Wing, DragonballZ, Vampire Chronicles, Final Fantasy, and Ronin Warriors/YST
on this WHOLE site belong to their respective owners. None of the material contained on this site is unsuitable for ppls under 18.
All fan art scattered around is for your viewing pleasure and you must give due credit to their artists.
PL Nunn and JEF I bow to deeply for their talent and their WORK.. not mine. Theirs! Also, I do not upgrade often, but when I do,
it is either very little or alot. Please be patient with me for college with PCs and this being done on a Mac at home
Had many things that do not allow. Thank you.