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The Chocobo Pet Store
"Pet's dont judge you, they simply love you for who you are"

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The following information can be found on this page:

*Number of adoptions allowed
*Amount of time it takes to get your chocobo
*Your privacy


Please transload/upload your chocobo and the images included with your chocobo. Using the my images steals bandwidth from Angelfire, and most likely your images won't show since they do not allow their images to be used outside of Angelfire sites. Please please save the images as your own!! This will ensure that your chocobo will be yours forever. :)

Number of Adoptions Allowed
Unless I become flooded with Chocobo adoption requests, I will not limit the number of Chocobo's you may adopt.

Amount of Time it Takes to get Your Chocobo

Generally, after you submit your form, you will recieve your chocobo (via e-mail) in about 1-7 days.

Your Privacy

I respect privacy and so I do not share your e-mail addresses with anyone. I do however, place URL's and chocobo names of the people who submit their forms on the "Owner's List" for people to see. If you do not wish to have your URL placed on the list, then simply do not fill in any URL's in the location where you are asked to do so.


While I try to make chocobo adoption very simple, mistakes do happen and so if you have any questions, problems or suggestions please feel free to e-mail me.