A cold night in RhyDin. Snow fell against the frozen concrete. The demons grew cold and ran rancid through this chaotic realm. Well, in the core of RhyDin's soil there was a lab which conducted a biomechanical experiment on soilders that had fallen from war. There was this one particular soilder whom was known for his stealth and extreme tactics in assassinations. The fallen ex-soilder was named Kenneth J. Irons. Top of his group in the Seals training program. On an assignment to infiltrate the Organization of DoG's complex, attempting to take out one of the main general's in this chaotically dark organization, without any notice he was slayn by a single demonic henchman. After the organization of DoG's downfall, the bodies were recovered and sent to specific quarters. Most were burned, other corpses were salvaged for Governmental experiments. This is where Kenneth came into play. The corp. managed to recreate much of his brain tissue and cells allowing him to have recallection of his acquired and learned skills. The body was severely mutalated, however through modern technology and scientific know-how the lab was able to reconstruct the man's visage and was also able to add a few more trincates that would advance him in later tasks. One of the certain additions to this war machine was the blood of a fallen kindred creature which enabled this machine an eternal lifespan. Now one of the Corp.'s biomechanical war machines, a few training courses and lessons needed to take place. Months were spent in an isolation booth with an uplink connect to the nape of his neck allowing all sorts of vital information to be downloaded into his information drive. While this was being done examinations on his new exo skeletal armor were being done. Adding variations of weapons to his armor, such as; twin jagged edged blades that would swiftly tract and retract from his right wrist, a double barrelled shotgun implanted into the wrist of his left hand, shuriken launching devices designed and hidden within his chest plate, night vision goggles placed within his helmet, hovering mechanism attached to the bottom of his boots allowing him to glide an inch over the ground, not only was the T-³² designed with a metalic armor to protect his internal hard drives and whatever organs that were left, but they also designed a liquid that would emit from certain locations to allow the liquid to seep and spread over his body which hardens into a type of necroarmor which enables him to protect himself two fold and also allows him to use the necro armor as a weapon. After all testing and downloads were done, the experiment of "T-³²" was done. They gave him the allias of "Jackal." The reason was widely known for his skills within the special forces. A time came when the organization in which built this machine, recalled the model back, stating there was some sort of defect within it motherboard which wouldn't allow it to process certain orders. This was not the true reason the organization had ca;;ed T-³² back. Their new assignment was to enhance T-³²'s stealth abilities. Experiments went on to try to give his droid features similiar to a human's so true to its design that even the 2.0 models would be able to detect his actual being. After some major scientific break throughs the organization had finally discovered a way to have the droid manipulate his biomechanicalgenics to spark electricity in which enduces a liquid film that coat over the droids armor giving him a skin type texture. An enzyme was coated over his helmet in which when the change does occur the metamorphesus of the enzyme conflicting with the skin would create hair. However not a natural color, the shade would resemble a slight purplish tint. On his left hand side, an ink would seep through forming the tribal of a wolf, a.k.a Jackal. Jackal stands approximately 6 feet tall, weighing about a couple of hundred pounds due to all the irons that hold him together. He seems very much Goth when the reactors within his body make him appear human. He wears no shirt, however he has about three leather strepped holdsters holding up his fishing style leather pants, with a second layer of leather pants underneath them. On his right arm he wears a bicep high leather belted glove which simply wraps around his middle finger for suport. He also wears a lether belted glove on his left arm however it only stretches to his elbow allowing him to expose it when needed.
[ These guns can be found within Jackal's possessions. Within his right and left thighs there is a compartment. Within his right thigh dwells the two automatics. The first gun is Built w/ Caspian made Foster Ind. frame and slide, Novak night sights, full length guide rod, match bushing and more. Fired 100 rnds. The second gun is Novak Custom Compact, hard chrome frame, black T finish on slide, checkered front strap, adj. night sights, trigger package and more! And within his left thigh you would find the MP100 with a 6.5" barrel w/ 100 round magazine.. ]